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Emma’s POV Tuesday noon, 12:12 pm “How is your new life with Jordan going?” Maya asked after I had collected my food and sat down on the same table as she had. We were in the cafeteria as usual. “Oh my gosh, this salad tastes awful”, Maya muttered as she spit what she had in her mouth into the napkin and placed it back on the tray. I snickered at her, funny how we always do complain about how shitty school food was but we always end up there during our lunch time. “Don’t you think it’s funny how we always complain like this but still end up here every time?” “Yeah”, Maya drawled. “But nice try, you haven’t still answered my question”. “About?” “Your new life without me, your new life with the love of your life Jordan”. “Shut up. She is so cool, so far”, I shrugged. “Uh huh”, Maya nodded and sipped on her Diet Coke. “Like we went out for pizza and milkshakes last night”. “Last night after I dropped you off?” “Uhh, let’s say like two hours later”. Maya grinned. “She knows how to spend her money!” She exclaimed. I just shrugged, “or she was being welcoming since it’s my first day with her”. “Shut up and stop lying to yourself”, Maya said. I took a forkful of my spaghetti and spit it out immediately. “What the hell is wrong with them today?” I frowned. “I don’t know, come let’s go look for a decent restaurant to eat”. Maya said packing up her bag. “Don’t you have classes after now?” “Yeah, but I don’t want to starve to death all in the name of college”. I stood up and followed her with a smile. “I swear if you order a chicken salad I might kill you”. “I want tacos now. Come on, I know a good tacos place”. Maya pulled my hand and we walked faster to where she parked. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ “This place is surreal, how did you find it?!” I exclaimed to Maya as we found a place to sit down. “I know places”. “Sure you do”. She winked at me and turned looking around. “Ooh”, she suddenly said and I looked in the direction where she was looking. “What?” “Look at that fine ass man over there”. I blinked at her, “thought you are with Tyler”. “Tyler and I are not exclusive yet”. “But….” “Girl I’m not even talking about him for me”. Uh huh. “What do you mean?” “Shhh, f**k he is looking at you now”. I turned quickly and sure he was looking at me. Our gaze met and I turned away quickly. Maya looked at me with a devilish smile. “He is cute isn’t he?” “Ummm, yeah?” That was a lie, I’m not really feeling the guy. He doesn’t look like someone that is compatible with me. Maya gave me a look. “Are you into Jordan instead? You said you don’t like girls”. I was startled, I suddenly felt the need to be defensive and wondered where that came from. Maya was obviously kidding with me. “No no no that’s not..” She raised her hand and cut me off, “He is coming, he is coming towards this table. s**t Emma”. “Really?” “Yes, don’t turn..” it was too late, I already turned to look and sure enough Mr cool nice guy was already walking towards us. “My best bet is that he is coming for you, I don’t look like his type”. I turned back to Maya and whispered. “And what will his type be like?” She whispered back right before I felt a presence by my side. “Hello ladies”, the voice said and I worked up my fake smile and turned to smile up at him. “Hello”. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Third person (Maya’s) POV I looked between Emma and the new guy as he took a seat besides her. I love messing with Emma but this time around, I am doing it to figure out something. She always complains about not having a connection with Asher her boyfriend, for a long time I have been trying to attribute it to the fact that maybe it’s because he is a d**k. But after seeing her with Jordan that night and the other day in the dormitory, I felt she must be into girls and I needed to be sure. I needed to be sure that she also doesn’t share a deep connection with other guys too, I wanted to be sure so when she finally figure it out by herself, I would have known and prepared myself for her. “My name is Drew”, the guy said and I looked away laughing silently. Time to go order some tacos for us I guess. I stood up and announced that I was going to order tacos, Emma looked up trying to tell me to take her along with her eyes. Instead I grinned and told them both to have fun and waited for me. If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now with the glares that she was throwing at me. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Emma’s POV Maya came back with tacos in paper bags, thank God! That means we are not eating here which also means that we will be ditching Larry here. Thank God, because he is getting on my nerves really hard right now. “Hey, we gotta go now”. She said immediately she came to the table. “We we’re just getting to know each other”, Larry protested. “I am so sorry sir, but we have to be in school right now. Come on Emma”, she said grabbing my hand. I quickly grabbed my bag and hurriedly waved goodbye to the guy and Maya and I walked out of the restaurant laughing. “What was that? Don’t ever do it again to me”. Maya was howling by the time we got to the car. “I was just trying to hook you up and make you forget about Asher”. “I don’t need to forget about him”. “That’s right”. “Don’t get sarcastic with me now Maya”. “Shut up and get into the car”, she said and opened the car doors. “Here, have some tacos”. I buckled up my seatbelt before collecting the paper bag and bringing out a taco. “Looks delicious”. “Wait till you try it”. I quickly unwrapped it and took a bite. The delicious juices from the tacos hit my tongue and I moaned. “That good huh?” Maya laughed. “Shut up and drive”. “Yes ma’am”, she saluted. “Do you have to go to his practice?” I asked Maya. I really did not want to take the bus back to the dorm and she is saying something about being at Tyler’s basketball practice which I am so not interested in because Tyler’s basketball practice also means Jordan’s basketball practice and I don’t want to keep seeing her everywhere if we already share a room. “Yes, I promised him I’d be there and we get to go out for ice cream together”. “Man you are in deep with this boy”. “I don’t know what you are talking about Emma, we are just enjoying each other’s company”. “That’s right, tell me when the s*x starts getting good”, I teased her. “Who said it isn’t already?” She winked at me. Nasty girl, I rolled my eyes. “Well I guess I have to start going then”. “See you later mi chica”. “Probably tomorrow”. Maya pulled me in for a hug, “I am so sorry”. I pulled back, “Hey, you are allowed to have a life that is not centered around me too”. “Oh shut up, who said my life was centered around you?” “I love you too Maya”, I said blowing her a kiss and turned around, walking away. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV “Who is Bianca?” Was the first question that greeted me immediately I opened the door and stepped into the room. For a moment I was confused because I didn’t know if she was actually referring to me. “Sorry what?” I laughed a little and kept my things away. “Bianca, like Bianca your girlfriend”. Shit, I thought. How did this girl even know my dorm room. “She was here?” “Duh, why would I be asking you if she wasn’t here”. Emma replied with her voice dripping with sarcasm. I then knew Bianca must have said nasty stuff to her, I closed my eyes momentarily and opened them before walking towards Emma where she sat on her chair by her own dresser table. I blew out a breathe and squatted in front of her. “What did she say to you?” Emma rolled her eyes, it kind of looked sexy on her but it also posed me off in a way. She is not supposed to roll her eyes at me, why would she do that?! “Look”, her voice cut me off my thoughts. “I don’t have a problem with your girlfriends visiting you but I do have a problem with them insulting me. I am not taking you away from any girl so please pick up your girlfriend’s calls so she will not harass me again”. All through as she was ranting, I was just smiling up at her. She looks so hot when angry and I liked it, she is fierce. “Are you sure about that?” “About what?” She asked confused and I chuckled a little bit. “About the taking me away part”. She rolled her eyes again at me. “Don’t do that”. “Don’t do what?” “Don’t roll your eyes at me again”. “Okay daddy, I won’t roll my eyes again at you”. Then she did it, she rolled her eyes again and looked at me with a little smirk. “Oops”. Feisty, I’m into this girl so much already. “That is not the case, what I am saying is that you call your girlfriend and tell her not to call me a w***e and b***h next time or else she will see a crazy side of me”. A w***e and b***h?! Oh no Emma, she will be getting a piece of my crazy self before she gets yours. Wouldn’t appreciate anyone talking about you in a disrespectful way. “Have you eaten dinner yet?” She nodded at me. “What?” I asked her softly. “The left over pizza”. I nodded, “and you are good?” She frowned a little bit. “Yes. You do realize that I am not squatting with you and this is my room too right? You don’t have a right to feed me”. I have a right, an obligation to take care of you because I want to have you as mine. Screamed in my head but instead I smiled at her and nodded, standing up from my kneeling position. “I will be going out tonight, I am not sleeping in. The team, we have stuff to do together for our big day on Friday”. “Alright Jordan, just take care of yourself”. She stood up from the chair and laid down on her bed instead, I smiled at her turned back and grabbed the necessary things I need before leaving the room. The team, we had planned to practice late into the night. We have to bring this win to our school and we sure bring it home.
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