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Emma’s POV Maya dropped me off after we had eaten and I went back up to the room. It felt strange coming back to the room, I still can not believe that Jordan will be my roommate for the year. A whole long year! I got to the room and found out that Jordan was not yet back. I remembered her talking about practice and wondered if she had anything to eat yet. “Well that should not be my problem”. I said to myself and started undressing to take a night shower. I really craved one, after the long day. Thankfully the bathroom had a tub, I will just soak myself while I play music and try to relax before she comes back. Taking my favorite pair of loose shorts and a cotton t shirt, I tied my towel around my chest, gathering up my shower gel and bath scents then I entered the bathroom. I first ran the tap, filling the tub with warm water and then pouring in my vanilla scented bath gel in it with my shower gel. Then I entered my music , playing my favorite playlist before entering the tub, sitting down and sliding till the whole of my body except my head was submerged in the warm water. I sighed and picked up my soft bath sponge and began washing myself while singing along to the music that was playing from my phone. I was doing all these while silently praying Jordan doesn’t come back anytime soon. I want to be in bed by the time she comes back so she will assume that I am sleeping. I just want to be avoiding her till whenever she gets tired of me and do same to me too. My phone rang, interrupting my little karaoke session and I frowned before reaching out to pick it up. Drying my hand in the towel I placed close to me, I picked the phone and answered the call seeing that it was my mom calling me. “Hello mom”. “Darling, how are you?” “I am fine mother, how are you?” I asked her while I tried to blow bubbles that I scooped in my palm. “I’m fine, are you settled in already?” She asked in concern. I had called her to tell her that I was given a rich kid’s dormitory and she was worried that I won’t get bullied by my new roommate because of my social status. “Yes mom, I am fine and settled in already”. “Your roommate?” She finally asked the question I knew was on her mind to ask. “We have a history together mom, my roommate is cool with me”. I replied her in my most reassuring tone. “That’s good to hear”. “Yes mother. Now if you would let me, you interrupted a karaoke and shower session!” My mother laughed, knowing exactly what I mean and she hung up after saying Goodnight. I sighed, God I love my mother. But now, I have to continue with my karaoke session and get out of this water before it gets cold. “That’s good to hear”. “Yes mother. Now if you would let me, you interrupted a karaoke and shower session!” My mother laughed, knowing exactly what I mean and she hung up after saying Goodnight. I sighed, God I love my mother. But now, I have to continue with my karaoke session and get out of this water before it gets cold. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV I got to the dormitory, to my room and did not find Emma. I frowned, so she is not here then she should be with Maya. I shook my head and opened the door leading to the toilet and kitchen areas when I heard a voice. She was in the toilet! I heaved a sigh of relief. “We have a history mom, my roommate is cool with me”, I heard her say and smiled. I dropped my stuff into the laundry basket close to the washing machine at the end of the hallway there and went back into the room. I will wait out till she is done with her bathe so we can go get her something to eat, not that I was hungry but I felt the urge to feed her. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. After some time, I heard her singing in there and I couldn’t hold back my laughter. After a while, the singing stopped and I figured she must be rounding up with her bath. “Hey, I didn’t know you were back”. I heard her say and opened my eyes, there she was standing by the door wearing loose shorts and a t shirt. The urge to give her my shirt instead to wear gripped me but instead I cleared my throat. “Yeah, I came in just a while ago. Couldn’t miss out on your karaoke first night here, could I?” I teased her and she face palmed. “You heard all that singing?” I smiled because she looked all cute being shy. “Don’t be shy, I think you have a great voice”. She rolled her eyes at me. “Oh please don’t flatter me”. I opened my mouth, about to tease her with what she told her mom with me and her having a history together but decided against it. That was a private moment with her mother I shouldn’t have eavesdropped. “No seriously, your voice is something you should take out of showers”, I told her in a more serious tone. “Well thank you”, she smiled and walked towards her bed. “Hey”, I stopped her, sitting up from my bed. “Do you care for pizza and shakes? We could go get a box or something”. “Why? Are you hungry?” She teased. I smiled, if that will make her follow me out then yes I am. “Yes and I need the company too”, I replied making my most perfect puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes again at me. “Okay, let’s go”. I stared at her t shirt up down and rushed to my wardrobe. Pulling out a white shirt, I threw it at her and gestured at her to change her shirt. “Why?” She whined. “I love the shorts babe, but the shirt looks like you’ve had it for twenty years”. “Okay fine”. She changed into the shirt and gestured at me that we should get going. I need to kiss her, I really need to. She opened the door and stepped out and I followed. Linking my hands with her, we walked downstairs to the garage and my car. “I thought there was an elevator, why did you make me use the stairs Jordan?” “I am a sports girl baby”, I replied her, winking as I fixed my seatbelt. Emma sighed, “that reminds me. I saw a fridge in the kitchen, an empty fridge”. “So?” She raised her both brows at me. “So?? So we need groceries!” She exclaimed and I laughed as I turned on the ignition. I couldn’t help it, I leaned in and kiss her softly on her lips. “Okay babe, we will go grocery shopping then”. With that, I stepped on the gas and started driving to my favorite pizza place.
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