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Emma’s POV “Where are we going to?” I asked Maya for the umpteenth time but she kept on driving like she hadn’t heard a word of what I said. I sat back into the car seat and pouted, Maya likes doing things like this when she knows I don’t like it. “I told you to calm down”. “I can’t, the way you pulled me from my dorm room and got me dressed up”. “I was just being dramatic”, Maya laughed and turned to glance at me. I gave her a look. “Okay okay, we are going to cheer Tyler up for their opening game today”. Only then did I notice what exactly she was wearing under the jacket she wore. I remember that Jordan had said something about basketball but I was sleeping when she was talking to me. What if she was inviting me to the opening game? “Wait, are you guys like dating now?” “I don’t know, we are just finding and discovering things out”. I looked at her with a smirk. “Oh really?” “Don’t tease me”, she warned. “I think Jordan invited me to the game”. Maya turned briefly to look at me. “You think?!” “Yeahhh, I was sleeping and so I can’t really recall. Why would she wake me up to tell me something like that?” “You are a dummy girl”. “Thank you, I know that already”. Maya arrived at the school’s basketball stadium and from the outside I could see how crazy things already were. “Oh man”. “What is it?” “I hate people”, I sighed. “Well you gotta love them right back up because we are both going into that place now”. “Yes boss”. We both got down from the car and I waited for her to lock the doors. “I don’t think we will get good enough seats with these crowd I am seeing”, I said turning around to see people and cars everywhere and we have not even entered into the basketball stadium yet. “I am sure we will”. “Let me guess, because of the benefits of seeing Tyler?” Maya let out an exasperated breath and groaned in frustration at me. “God Em, how many times will I tell you that Tyler and I are not yet on that level?” “You are wearing his jersey”, I said pointing out the obvious at her. “Oh shut up. Your girlfriend s***h roommate saved us front row seats!” That stopped me in my tracks. “Jordan and I are not even anywhere close to that, we are just roommates Maya”. “Same way Tyler and I are just enjoying each other’s company”, she retorted and snickered. I put out my hand and stopped her from walking away. “Jordan’s girlfriend stopped by the dorm the other day and had some really colorful words to tell me”. Ever since that day, I had increased the distance between Jordan and I. I drew the line between friends and roommates that tolerate each other. I was not about to be caught up between two girls dating issues, I know how terrible it can be. I have two friends that always makes life hard for us anytime they were having problems and that drama is the last thing I want to be caught in. “What did she say to you?” Maya asked and I knew she was getting really defensive. “Nothing much”, I shrugged. “Just the ermm, you know just the usual stay away from my girlfriend type of s**t and blah blah”. “What is her name?” “She said Bianca”. We were walking slowly but immediately I said that, she stopped and bursted out laughing. “Man that girl is desperate and now I see it”. “What do you mean?” “Have you forgotten when Tyler said Bianca pisses the s**t out of Jordan? Jordan doesn’t like that girl honey, so know your stance when next she comes at you”. Maya advices, patting me on my shoulders before throwing her arm over them and pulling me into her as we walked into the court together. “You will be cheering Tyler right?” “Yup”, she replied popping her p. “How about you? Will you throw in some screams for Jordan?” I shook my head, “nah, I’m good like this”. “Suits you”, Maya said before standing up to shout and whistle as the commentator started calling out the teams, starting with my school, Oakwood’s college. People were screaming around me but I just relaxed into my seat and brought out my phone, I have little to zero interests for sports and will definitely need my phone to help me through this. “If you would put your phone down for a minute and actually get to watch the game I swear you will enjoy yourself”, Maya said as she collected my phone from me and put into her pocket. I opened my mouth to complain but stopped as she immediately started screaming, “yayyyyy!!! Go Jordan”, repeatedly. I looked into the court and saw Jordan lifting herself up effortlessly and throwing the ball through the hoop, it passed through and then a loud horning sound rang through the court. Everyone including me stood up to cheer, I was smiling and clapping so hard. Just like a magnetic force, she immediately looked towards our direction and our gaze met, she smiled and waved at me. I waved back enthusiastically and she turned back to the rest of her teammates as they walked to the end of their side of the court where the coach was waiting for them. “What now?” I asked facing Maya who was already looking at me with a mischievous grin. “Oh nothing, it’s half time already so I gotta go pee”. “I’ll come with, I want to buy some snacks too”. Maya led the way out of the bleachers and out of the basketball stadium to the outer grounds where snacks were being sold. “Wait for me here, let me use the bathroom real quick”, she said and ran into the opposite direction. I put my hands into my pocket to bring out my phone and then realized that it was still with Maya, I closed my eyes. Damn! “Out here to cheer your new girlfriend?” I heard a voice I know so well. I opened my eyes to see Asher sneering at me. “Fancy seeing you here Asher”, I said with a tight smile at him, ignoring what he said. “What? Are you like sleeping with her already too?” I sighed, “Asher just because I did not have s*x with you as a boy doesn’t mean that I am with a girl now and having s*x with her”. “I just wasted my time on a dumb b***h like you”. “Oh really?! I am sorry that you cheated on me, that you have been cheating on me and I did not say anything. I am sorry that you emotionally abused me, get the f**k out of my face”. “You are such a lousy b***h, I wonder what I was thinking chasing you for s*x”. “Sorry, not sorry you feel like you wasted your time on me”. Just on time I saw Maya walking towards us, I am sure she must have seen Asher as she quickened her steps. Asher saw her too and stepped back, turned around and began walking away. “Scared of a girl? p***y!” I taunted him. Maya got to where I was and screamed at him. “If I f*****g see you hundred feet around where she is, I swear I will cut your fuvking balls off”. Asher did not turn back but he did stick out his middle finger in the air. “Bastard”, Maya spat and turned to me. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?? What did he say to you???” “I am fine, don’t sweat it Maya”. “Okay, let’s go get your snack and go back in for the game”. Together we walked to a stall and got some hotdogs before returning back into the stadium and to our seats at the bleachers. This time around, when the game started I was invested in it and cheered Jordan and Tyler alongside Maya. The game ended with our s hook leading by twenty one points which was a big win. Everyone was shouting and cheering, Maya ran into the court and hugged Tyler while I followed after her. Immediately I got into the court, Jordan came to me and spun me around. “We won baby!!” She shouted happily as she dropped me down. I laughed, “and you did good out there”. “Really?” “Mmhmm”, I nodded. Tyler and Maya walked towards us, with Tyler’s hand over Maya’s shoulders and one of hers wrapped around his waist. “You both are coming to the party right?” I turned to glare at Maya, a party? No wonder she had made me to dress like this. Maya smiled sheepishly at me, “oops”.
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