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Emma’s POV “You know you have to stop mopping over all these and be happy you get to have a week of pampering from me”, Maya broke into my thoughts as usual again. I rolled my eyes at her, “please let me wallow in my thoughts”, I sighed. “That dorm was a very good one I chose, I was very happy that I landed it”. “Aww”, Maya sat down by my side and rubbed my head. “I feel like I’m in a movie”, I groaned again. “But who in this world can be this selfish and say she doesn’t want to share a room? Is that even allowed in the school’s rules?” “I am sure it is not but she might have actually pulled some strings to make sure she got her way”. “Damn privileged kids”. Maya faked puppy dog eyes at me and poured her bottom lips out making it quiver. “I am a rich kid too, don’t be cruel and stop saying hurtful things”. “Oh shut up”, I shushed her and lightly slapped her cheeks. She stood up with full energy like she got an idea. “Come on, stand up. I have an idea, I know what might cheer you up”. Yeah, I was scared of that. “Let’s go drinking”. I looked up at her with a frown to make sure she was joking. “Are you serious now? It’s about two o’clock noon”. “I was not kidding, but since you pointed out the time gracefully to me, how about we just unpack and then head to the store to get some groceries for the house?” “Okay, that sounds better. But I have to call my mom first”. “Hey baby”, my mother picked up on the first ring. “Got there safe?” “Yes mom, although I have a little issue with my accommodations”. “Why? What is wrong?” I inhaled deeply then launched into the story from when I went to the dorm to the porter’s office and what I was told there. “Now I am just going to crash with Maya till everything is been sorted out. A week at most he told me”. “Okay darling, whatever just stay safe. And say hi to Maya sweetheart for me”. “Sure mother, will do”. We said goodbyes and she hung up the phone. “So can we go now?” Maya asked me, she was hovering over me the whole time. “Yes, sure we can”. Few minutes later and they were I. The car, headed out for the second time that day. “I hate it at the mall”, I groaned just as Maya pulled out a trolley and pushed it towards me. “What?!” “You push and I pick out what we need”, she replied me in a as a matter of fact tone. “Why are you this mean?” I complained but still went ahead to push the trolley after her. “Some of these things you are putting here are not necessary, you know right?” I commented after seeing Maya putting like the hundredth box of chocolates into the trolley. Okay that might have been exaggerated but you get it. “I don’t care, I need it”. “Okay ma’am”. I silently pushed the trolley after her. “Have you and Asher spoken since that day?” She suddenly asked out of the blue. To be honest, I haven’t thought about Asher for once ever since I came back. Except when I was complaining about his cheating on me to Maya. “Nope, I haven’t called him yet”. “He knows you’re supposed to be in town today?” “Yes?” “What stops him from calling you?” Honestly, I had no answer to that again. “I think that should be about what we need”, Maya said looking at the trolley. I looked down and saw that it was filled out, well she is loaded. “I am not splitting any bill with you”. “I did not ask you to”. She flicked her hair and went to stand on the check out line, I pushed the trolley and left it beside her. “I’m just going to go out, to call Asher probably”. “Okay girl”, she blew me a kiss and I walked out of the supermarket. I called Asher, he didn’t pick up at first. I was tempted to not call back but I decided to just call, just to fulfill all righteousness. “Hey”, his sleepy voice floated into my ears as he picked up. Butterflies danced in my stomach, I love his sleepy voice. “Hey babe, sleeping at noon?” I teased him. “I’m just tired and feeling a little bit sick, how are you?” “I’m good, I got to town few hours ago. I’m at a grocery store with Maya right now”. “Oh that’s good, I will come by your dorm later. Just text me the name of your dormitory and your room number”. “Oh no, I am not staying in the dorm for now”. “You got an apartment or something?” “No, I have issues with my accommodation and I have to wait at most a week to get it resolved”. “Sorry about that”. “Mhmm”, I replied him. I waited for some time, thinking he would ask me about where I’m staying now or what I’ll do for the next few days, maybe ask me to come stay in his apartment for those days but he didn’t. “I’ll come by your apartment later tonight?” “Sure, I’ll let you know when I will be available”. “Okay, I’ll see you later”. “Sure thing”. I turned around and saw Maya coming out of the grocery store with plastic bags and two other guys trailing behind her with plastic bags as well. “Alright babe, I have to go. I love you”. “Love you too”. Then the phone line went dead on me, I stared at my phone for some seconds and imagined if the lack of feeling in what he told me was real or I was overthinking it. I shrugged and half jogged to my best friend. “Boys are s**t”, Maya complained bitterly. She handed me her car keys, I took it confused. “Drive”. What? Drive her car! She is clearly upset about something and I want to cheer her up, like she always does for me. “Hey what’s the problem?” She shook her head and entered the passenger’s seat. If there is something I’ve learnt from being friends with Maya is to let her be when she doesn’t want to talk. Don’t press on what is wrong with her, try involving her in other conversations that are not centered on her, if she doesn’t respond also then stop talking at all. She is really really upset then. I drive back home in silence and she also did not say much to me. When we got home, we both changed into our PJs and packed away all the groceries we had bought into the kitchen, then she went into the living room and settled into the couch putting in our favorite show. After some time, I joined her and we cuddled up with each other watching the show in silence, after some time I decided to just break the silence between us. I needed to be talking even if it's about myself so she doesn't think much about whatever is pissing her off. “I’m going over to Asher’s place tonight”. That caught her attention, she turned her head to look at me. “He asked you to come over?” “Well no, he was like he would stop by my dorm later on today then I explained the accommodation issue to him and told him I’ll come by his place later instead”. “What did he say?” “He said okay and that he would call me when he is available so I could come over”. Maya scoffed and relaxed into her car seat again, closing her eyes. “One advice for you”, she started and paused like what she wants to say is very crucial. “Start detaching yourself from this relationship as soon as you can. The hurt wouldn’t be that much if you were not so invested in it”. I knew what she was talking about, Maya had broken up with her boyfriend a month before we went on the summer break. Even though I know she is fine, I know the breakup was bad on her and she was deeply hurt. I kept quiet and focused on driving instead, we both were that way till we got back home and packed away everything and settled on the couch in the sitting room, watching one of our favorite shows. “Brad called me after you left the store”. That is Maya, she speaks when she is comfortable and have sorted through her feelings. Brad is a friend to her ex, like a very close friend and Brad is who usually use to rely Drey’s messages to Maya. “What did he say?” “You know the usual stuff they say. But it really got me pissed this time around, because it’s been months now. Grow up and move on already!” I shifted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her, rubbing her other arm and comforting her. Although Maya initiated the breakup, she was as heartbroken as a girl who was dumped. The relationship was not working out and they had both become very toxic to each other, she had to let go. “Drey needs to learn what self growth is”, she said between sobs. “All the hate and hurtful words being thrown at me or his friends are not helping at all, I did that for him to grow up and learn”. “Do you need me to run them down?” Maya turned in my arms to look at me. “You are 5”4 ft tall Emma, you’ll be run into the ground”. We both laughed at that and settled in each other’s arms, watching our favorite show quietly.
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