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Emma’s POV “So what’s the tea?” Maya asked me as we were both buckled in the car and she was driving slowly out of the airport. I sighed, “lots of it. First off Avery is pregnant and my father is getting married, then I think Asher is cheating on me”. “Woah, wait wait. Hold up on that”, Maya turned sideways to look at me removing her focus from the road for a split second. “Eyes on the road”, I slapped her thigh. “Ouch! Okay, let’s skip your daddy’s talk first. What is it about Asher cheating on you?” “I said I think”. “Girl if you think so, if he gives you the reason to think so. Then he’s most likely cheating on you”. “I don’t know”. “Why do you think he’s cheating on you?” I launched into the story of how I logged in to my social media account and how I viewed his story, the picture of him and the girl with the caption. “When was this?” Maya cut me mid way through rants. “The day I went to my father’s house?” “Two days ago, when you joined my live?” “Absolutely”. “The bastard”, she suddenly swore. “What?” “He blocked me from viewing the story, knowing obviously well that you’re not a social media person and might never see it”. I sank further into the car seat as Maya said the words which I dreaded to acknowledge out loud. “Asher is cheating on you girl, sorry to break it to you”. “You are not sorry”. “I know, I just said for courtesy sake”. “Shut up”, I muttered and looked out the window, staying quiet for the rest of the drive. So I thought until Maya broke the silence again. “So your dad huh?” I groaned deeply, “I wish Avery would disappear and never come back”. “If she does, your father will simply just get another woman, you are aware of that right?” I huffed, it doesn’t feel better still. “She was acting the whole time like she doesn’t want me there. Like I was invading their privacy or something”. “Well you were”, Maya said as a matter of fact. There again, this girl is never afraid to put things out to me the way it really is. “That doesn’t still call for her to talk me down in my father’s house”. “Girl shut up”, Maya muttered. She actually had sense in what she said in few words but what had happened is in the past now. I kept quiet throughout the ride back to town. As per our routine, she would drive me to her house, I mean her family house and then we would then get her things and go to her apartment together before she will drop me in my dormitory. So her house we first got to. “Finally home, mom have been waiting to see you. I think she would go crazy if she stayed another week without seeing you”. Maya told me as she pulled up through the gates of her house. I laughed, I love her mother so much and I missed her. “I would have gone crazy too so yeah?” I shrugged. Maya shook her head at me. “Just know you have only about ninety minutes for us to leave this house. I’m tired of this place already”. She added the last part under her breath. “I caught that”. “I know you did. Come on”. She properly parked and put off the ignition then she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car doors. I followed her and we both came down from the vehicle. Maya walked over to my side and threw her arm over my shoulders like she always does, that is the advantage of her being taller than me. Although I always pretend like I hate it, just like how I’m trying to shrug her off now. But in truth I love it. “Emma my darling”, Maya’s mom came rushing to us as we entered the sitting room. “Sweetest mom ever”, I responded opening my arms for a hug and rushing towards her too. We met midway and she embraced me tightly, peppering cute little kisses all over my face. Maya rolled her eyes and walked away. “Remember we have just ninety minutes in this house, I can’t stay here any longer than that again”. “And you better don’t come back after you leave this time around”, her mother yelled after her as she raced up the stairs, I just laughed as they bant at each other. She turned to me and held my hand. “Come darling, how have you been? You look so tired”. We both moved towards a couch in the sitting room and sat down, I sighed. “Maybe I am”. “How was your flight?” “It was okay, my flight was fine”. “I would ask you to tell me about your whole summer but I’m sure that will take the whole day and I need to feed you first”. I laughed genuinely at that. “My summer wasn’t eventful sadly Mrs Lee”. “I wanted you to fly over here to spend a month with us and probably join on the boat cruise, but Maya said you wouldn’t come”. My best friend knows me so well, bless her soul. I just smiled in response and shrugged. Maya’s father then came into the sitting room, I stood up to greet him. “Hello Emma”, he just waved and smiled before picking something up and heading back to the stairs. “How about that food now Mrs Lee? Can I get it now?” Maya’s mom laughed and muttered something along the line of silly, before leading me to the kitchen to get food ready. “My dad is getting remarried”, I just blurted out of the blue. Mrs Lee paused with what she was trying to put in the microwave for a split second before completing her task and turning to face me. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry. How are you feeling with that information?” I shrugged again, I’ve been doing that a lot of time lately. “I don’t know, I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel or if I’m supposed to feel something”. She sighed and placed her hand in my shoulder, “I know it must be hard for you. My parents were separated too when I was a teenager, you can talk to me at anytime”. “I talk to you Mrs Lee”, I teasingly said. That was my way of reducing the seriousness in the kitchen. She smiled nodded then Maya came bustling into the kitchen. “What’s up”, she rounded up and came to our side. Her mother turned just as the microwave dinged and brought out the food from it. “Nothing, Emma was just catching me up on her summer break”. “I’m surprised you aren’t sleeping yet then. Food for us?” “Obviously”, I sarcastically replied her while setting out plates for us. “We’d better be fast then, there is still a lot to do”. We both sat down in the kitchen to eat and Mrs Lee left us alone. “So you still want to stay in the dorm this year again?” “Oh shut up, like you don’t know what will happen if we both live together”. I replied her and continued eating, she laughed and also focused on her food too. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** “Why do I feel like I am forgetting something?” Maya asked me as she reversed, we were both in the car now trying to leave the house and go to our first stop. Her house. “You always feel like that Maya, I am sure you are not forgetting anything. Besides you can always come back if it’s very important. Unlike me that will have to fly back”. “That was not necessary to add”, she replied turning sideways to look at me. By now she was already joining the highway traffic. “Eyes on the road”, I yelled. “And yes, I know it was not necessary, at least it felt nice to say. I school far away from my prying parents”. “Oh really?” She used one hand to try to pull my ears and I dodged her successfully, not until she landed a very hot slap on my thigh. “Ouch, you are very mean”. She smiled, “I know that and thank you very much. By the way run by the time we arrive and I park this car”. “Do not try me with my 5”4 ft height miss, I will beat you”. “Oh really?” I laughed at her and the rest of the journey was filled with bants and laughs. Thirty minutes later and Maya was pulling up in the car park of her apartment. Where she lives is a luxury apartment, where rich kids like her stay. The apartment reeked of money and class that I wonder how I normally fit in there some times. “Come on, let’s go. You are helping me with the smaller bag please”. “Okay, sure”. I replied her while unbuckling my seatbelt and stepping out. We both headed to the trunk of the cat and she opened it and brought out two boxes, two big boxes. I turned to look at her in surprise, “I thought you said I was helping with the smaller one”. “That is the smaller one”, she pouted and pointed to one of the boxes. I shook my head, “girl! What did you even shop like this”. “Don’t blame me, blame my mom”. “As if you didn’t enjoy it”. I retorted as we both pulled the boxes into the reception lounge. “Hello Maya, welcome back”. The man behind the desk greeted her, as he brought out a log book for her to sign in that she is currently in the apartment now. They do this every year, I don’t know why too. “Hey Stevie”, she responded as she signed the book. I waved at Stevie and he smiled and waved back too, then Maya and I headed for the elevator. “We are dropping off the things and heading to my dorm because that is where most of the work is right?” “Mhm”, the stupid girl answered me and I smacked her head from behind as hard as I could, luckily for me the elevator doors opened at her floor that same moment. I rushed out dragging the box awkwardly behind me before she could get the chance to retaliate. “Well I’ll get back at you”. She opened her doors and we both pulled in the boxes and left them at the entrance before turning back and entering the elevator again to go back down. “What do you mean by I am not supposed to be in this room!” I screamed at the portal. Right now, I was not understanding the situation in the dormitory. Maya and I had arrived at the dormitory and instead of me heading straight to the porter’s office for my room key, I had decided to check if my roommate was around, this was the exchange that happened between us. “Hey, I am Emma. Your roommate for this year”. I said with full enthusiasm as soon as the door opened after I had knocked several times. “Sorry you are at the wrong room, I don’t have a roommate this year”. She said and slammed the door at my face. I stepped back and checked the room number then brought out my accommodation slip because I was very sure this is the room. I confirmed and knocked hard again, purposefully this time around. The girl opened the door again. “Look you can’t say this is not my room when I paid for it”, I shoved my slip into her face. She rolled her eyes and sighed as if she was about to talk to a kid. ‘Oh no she didn’t’. “Look, just go to the porter and sort whatever is this you have going on”. Then she slammed the door again into my face. Maya came rolling one of my boxes behind her, she met me standing and staring at the door visibly angry and embarrassed. “What is the problem?” “That is what I am trying to go find out now, come on let’s go to the porter’s office”. Which brings us to why I’m screaming now. The porter then calmed me down and explained everything to me, apparently she had paid first for the room and had applied to the right sources that she did not want a roommate, thereby paying twice the amount. So me getting the room was a total mistake and fault on their part, and that I would be given another room instead. I just need to be patient. Now one thing with me is that I’m a very understanding person which was a good thing and a bad thing to me. “So what will you do now?” Maya asked me. “I don’t know, maybe crash at your place for this week till it’s sorted out”, I shrugged. “Yes!” Maya screamed and happily turned around pulling my box again out the exit, she paused when she noticed that I wasn’t following her. “What? Come on let’s get back home already”. I shook my head and followed her, hoping I wouldn’t regret this my decision. ** Emma’s POV “So what’s the tea?” Maya asked me as we were both buckled in the car and she was driving slowly out of the airport. I sighed, “lots of it. First off Avery is pregnant and my father is getting married, then I think Asher is cheating on me”. “Woah, wait wait. Hold up on that”, Maya turned sideways to look at me removing her focus from the road for a split second. “Eyes on the road”, I slapped her thigh. “Ouch! Okay, let’s skip your daddy’s talk first. What is it about Asher cheating on you?” “I said I think”. “Girl if you think so, if he gives you the reason to think so. Then he’s most likely cheating on you”. “I don’t know”. “Why do you think he’s cheating on you?” I launched into the story of how I logged in to my social media account and how I viewed his story, the picture of him and the girl with the caption. “When was this?” Maya cut me mid way through rants. “The day I went to my father’s house?” “Two days ago, when you joined my live?” “Absolutely”. “The bastard”, she suddenly swore. “What?” “He blocked me from viewing the story, knowing obviously well that you’re not a social media person and might never see it”. I sank further into the car seat as Maya said the words which I dreaded to acknowledge out loud. “Asher is cheating on you girl, sorry to break it to you”. “You are not sorry”. “I know, I just said for courtesy sake”. “Shut up”, I muttered and looked out the window, staying quiet for the rest of the drive.
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