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Emma’s POV 6:45 pm “Hey”, I woke Maya up after checking the time. I need to go to Asher’s house and it’s getting late. “Mmhmm”, she groaned and turned in the bed. After watching the show, we were feeling sleepy and had gone into the room for a quick nap. I picked up my phone and sent Asher a quick ‘wyd’ message. He replied, ‘nothing much, still want to come over?’ I shot him a ‘yes’ and turned to Maya again. “Hey”, I tapped her again. “I have to go to Asher’s”. “Mmhmm, okay. Pick up pizza on your way back”. She sleepily told me. I rolled my eyes, Maya and sleep are like two peas in a pod. I went into the bathroom and freshened up then left the house, taking a cab to Asher’s place. I knocked on his door, when I arrived at his place. Someone answered ‘the door is open’ from inside and I tried the door knob, it opened and I stepped inside. I met Asher’s roommate sprawled on the couch and playing a video game. “Hi Daniel”. He removed his headset that wasn’t even properly on his ears and greeted me with a grin. “Emma bear”, he drawled. That is the name he calls me, he said because I look so cuddly like a teddy bear. Therefore the nickname. “When did you get to this town?” “This morning. Is Asher in?” Immediately I mentioned Asher’s name, something like guilt or pity flashed across his eyes, or was I imagining it? Just as quick as it came, it went away and in its place was Daniel’s smiling eyes. “He is inside his room. Welcome back kiddo”. He turned back to his game, while I found my way to my boyfriend’s room. I knocked once and opened the door to Asher’s room. He was laying face down on his bed, with his hands on the pillow and his face on them. I walked over gently to him and climbed on his back, balancing my weight and kissing the back of his neck. “Hey baby”, I quietly whispered into his ears. I knew he was awake by now, Asher is not a deep sleeper. Sure enough, he flipped me easily and I landed my back on the bed, he used one of his hand to pin my both hands up above my head as he put just half his weight on my body, pinning me down totally. I stared up at his sleepy face and looked into his eyes. His lips soon descended on mine and I got lost in the kiss as quickly as he started kissing me. His hands started traveling along my body, trailing down paths that were supposed to make me shiver but I felt nothing. It has been like this ever since, the kisses and touches girls always scream about that lit up their insides did nothing to me and I often wondered if something was wrong with me. I felt his hands traveling down the joggers I wore, into my panties and I stopped his hand and broke the kiss. “No Asher”. “What?” He asked in a husky voice. “This, no”, I used my eyes to trail to where his hands were in my joggers. He groaned and angrily moved away from me. “You did not even missed me”. “Stop with the blackmail now, did you even ask how my summer break went seeing that we weren’t in contact that much throughout the break. Or even asked how my flight was”. “But we spoke on the phone didn’t we?” “Are you serious now?” I asked him incredulously, because really the way he was talking surprised me. “You know what? Forget this, I’m not about to fight with you now”. “Well you choose to make this hard for the both of us every time”. I knew exactly what he was talking about and I was getting pissed at this point. “Because I am not ready to have s*x yet?! You are impossible Asher”. “You are the impossible one here Emma”. I scoffed, so much for coming to see my boyfriend. “I am just going to go hang out with Daniel in the sitting room. Cool off mister”. I got down from the bed and walked out of the room, joining Daniel and asking if I could join him in his video game. He silently passed me a pad and we played against each other for a while. Like an hour passed and Asher came out of the room, he sat in a chair at a corner and was on his phone throughout. My chest tightened at his behavior but I did not let it show. After few more games, I checked the time and saw it was almost nine thirty. “Shoot”. “What’s wrong?” Daniel looked up at me. “I have to get going now, I’m picking up dinner for both Maya and I”. “Oh, you both stay together now or something?” “Something, it’s complicated actually”. I looked at Asher, “I’ll be on my way now babe”. I called out to him. At least he had the decency to drop his phone and acknowledge me. “Okay, let me know when you get back”. I nodded, but picked up my purse and waved them both goodbye and left the house. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Third person’s POV “Dude you can’t keep treating her like that you know?” Daniel scolded Asher as soon as Emma left. “She is a sweet girl, if you don’t want to be with her again, why not tell her now instead of stringing her along”. “Why are you complaining? You like her or something?” “Not in that way, I am complaining because I also have a sister and I would beat up any guy that would treat her the way you are treating Emma”. “Too bad she is not your sister and you can not beat me up either”. Asher replied to Daniel and stood up from the sitting room and went into his room. Daniel stared after his best friend and shook his head, hoping that Emma saw the bullshit in this boy as soon as possible and end things with him quickly too. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Emma’s POV I got home and met Maya sprawled on the sofa with a bag of chips open and a soda can by her side. “And you ask why the both of us can’t live together?” She turned her head so she was seeing me upside down. I pulled my shoes and her eyes trailed me, or is it the pizza? Till I got to her side and plopped down on the floor, I kept the pizza on the table and crossed my legs looking at Maya. “What do you mean?” She pouted. “Have you done anything productive since I left you in this house?” “There is nothing productive to do, what could I be doing by this time?” “Um let me think”, I pretended to think. “Maybe fix your closet and unpack?” “Oh please”, she stood up and reached for the box of pizza. Dumping the bag of chips on the floor: “You are such a dirty girl”, I scolded her as I stood up and picked the bag of chips on my way to the kitchen to get myself a can of soda too. “That is why I have you around to clean up after me”, she had the nerve to blow a kiss at me. I rolled my eyes and settled back on the floor, taking a slice of pizza. “So how is Asher?” Maya asked just as I had taken my first bite. I shrugged, chewed quietly and then swallowed. “He is being typical Asher”. “What do you mean?” “One minute he is sweet and when I reject him, he becomes so distant and cold I wonder if he even loves me at all”. “Hmm”, Maya grunted and continued chewing what she had in her mouth. “He shouldn’t make you question his love for you”, she pointed at me with all seriousness with a piece of pizza. I sighed, “right?” “Yes”, she nodded vehemently and then continued. “Even though Drey and I had our ups and downs, he never made me doubt his love for a day. Even when I was breaking up with that dude, I knew he loved me with everything he had. But at times love is just not enough”. “It is all so hard, I still feel like I’m in a movie. With all that has happened today and Asher pulling this”, I groaned. “Maybe I should just turn a nun. These boys are making it hard for me”. “Try girls then”. I glared at her, “I am straight girl miss”. “Says the one who doesn’t have a s****l connection with boys”. “I did not say I don’t have”. “So why haven’t you done the deed with Asher yet?” “I am not just ready yet”. “Uh huh”. She teased me. “Stop it!” I almost threw her a piece of pizza but quickly caught myself and ate it instead. “Foodie”. “I accept”. I muttered with a mouthful of pizza. “And gross too”. I flipped her off and focused on my food.
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