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Emma’s POV “Hello?” Came Kristin’s voice after she picked up on the third ring. “Hello Kristin, thank God!” “Emma?” “Yes it’s Emma”. Kristin’s chuckle came next. “Why are you sounding like this? Are you hiding from someone?” I rolled my eyes, trust Kristin to always point out the obvious. “No I’m not, listen I need your help”. “My help? What is going on with you?” Kristin had barely finished asking me the question before I blurted out, “I met a girl!” An awkward pause like I suspected hung between me and her on the phone, I was about telling her that it was stupid and I will just hang up before she spoke again, she was truly confused and I could hear it in her voice. “You meet girls everyday Emma, where is this coming from?” I sighed, she did not get me. “No Kristin, I met a girl like girl. Someone like you, with your personality. She plays basketball, dresses all boyish”. Kristin laughed this time around, getting it. “Oh, you met a masculine presenting girl, how interesting. So how do you need my help? Want to get her a gift or what?” “I wish I just want to get her a gift Kris”, I sighed. “What is it then?” Kristin sounded curious and wanting to know all of the story now. “We kissed”. I heard her choke on something and wondered. “Did you just choke on air?” “You caught me by surprise, jeez Emma what am I supposed to choke on, my plastic d**k?” I laughed, Kristin have a very foul mouth with no filter at all. “Sheessh, I don’t want to know”. “So you were saying something about this masc girl”. “I said we kissed, Ermm we have been kissing and touching”. Kristin laughed for a while this time around instead of choking thankfully. “Wait, are you on the spectrum Emma?” “What is..?” I started asking then remembered when Jordan used that term. It meant the lgbt. “I don’t know, that is why I called you because I don’t know what I am doing at this point. I mean I’m straight aren’t I?” Kristin kept quiet for some time without saying anything. “Do you know why I get upset whenever you get too close to Amy and jokingly flirt or do all those Emma like things with her?” I furrowed my brows, where is she going with this? Everyone knows she is super protective of her girlfriend. “Um, because you are super protective about your girlfriend?” “Yes I am but then again, you are supposedly a straight girl, I am not supposed to react in the way I usually react right?” I bobbed my head up and down even though she could totally not see me. “Yes yes”. “That is because I don’t find you to be straight Emma”, Kristin then said softly. “Oh”, was the only thing I could say. I could not say any other thing because I was confused. “Wait, how can you say that I am not straight when I have been with only boys in my entire life”. Kris sighed, “Emma, we all know your love life with boys is shut and you hardly feel any spark in your relationship. It is usually too mundane, wrong or right?” I could not answer her and she clicked her tongue. “This girl, what is her name?” “Jordan”, I told her. “Is she black?” Kristin asked. “Yes she is”. “A stud that plays basketball, you landed yourself a full spec Emma”. “Yay me”, I j replied her sarcastically. “It’s not my fault you are having girl problems, don’t get smart mouthed with me”, Kristin snickered. “To think I see her face every morning”. Kristin whooped, “you didn’t tell me you are a u-haul girl! How long have you guys met that you already moved in with her?” At first I was confused then realization dawned on me, she thought I moved in with her. “Oh no, she is my roommate in this fancy dorm”. “Ooohhh, this story just got juicer, now I want to know every detail about how you met and got to where you are now”. I prepared myself to start my story telling when I heard someone call her name from the background. “Uh huh, I gotta go now. I will call you later Em for all the full details”. “Okay kris, take care of yourself”. “Good bye Em”, then the phone line went dead. I stared at the phone in my hand and rolled my eyes afterwards at it. That call did nothing to help me, it left me more confused than ever. “But what the hell does she mean by she doesn’t find me straight”, I muttered to myself and scoffed. Jordan opened the door to the kitchen and found me sitting on the floor by the counter, she c****d her head to the side and I quickly opened my mouth to talk before she did. “I was calling my friend back home, this position seemed comfortable for me”. She squeezed her face like she was about to laugh. “Okay, I was just going to tell you that I am headed out for practice. Thought you should know”. “Oh, okay then. Play safe!” I said breathlessly and she looked at me for a moment before stepping fully into the kitchen and kneeling down in front of me. “What’s wrong? Is this about yesterday? I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable”. I shook my head at her, this was not about yesterday and I’m sure she knew that. “No no no, Kristin called me about her girlfriend. Umm you know, to seek advice and all”. “Her girlfriend?” Jordan asked surprised. I looked at her in confusion. “Yes her girlfriend, you understand it right? Because you date girls too”. “Yes yes, I was just surprised to know that you have gay friends too”. I chuckled, “I do. My town is a little bit lgbt friendly”. Jordan stared down at me for a while and then smiled. “That is good. I have to start heading out to practice now”. “Yeah, me too. Not to practice I mean, I want to go see Maya”. “Maybe I could drop you off where you can order a taxi?” “Or I could just order the taxi?” I asked her while lifting up my phone to her face to show her. She raised her brows at me and stood up to her full length, raising both hands in surrender. “Okay princess, have a nice time gossiping with your friend”. “I will be sure to make you ninety five percent of our discussions”. Jordan laughed, “I already know I will be a huge part of your discussion”. She blew me a kiss and turned her back leaving me in the kitchen. I sat there for a while until I heard the door slam shut, before standing up to order my ride and fix myself up while mentally hitting my head for leading Jordan on and being unable to help it.
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