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Emma’s POV “Emma, baby, Emma”, I felt someone tapping me and slowly opened my eyes. I sighed, of course it’s Jordan. “Mmhmm?” I groaned. “Time to wake up, we are going out”. “No please, I just want to sleep”. “No no no, you promised and Tyler is already picking Maya up”. I buried my face into the pillow and inhaled it. Smells like Jordan. “Why is this pillow smelling like you?” I looked up at Jordan who was hovering above me, looking at her through my squinted eyes. She gave me a weird look before laughing. “Because you are on my bed dummy”. I looked around and noticed that I was indeed in her bed. I placed my palm on my forehead, I’m actually remembering now. The thing with me is whenever I sleep and wake up, it’s always like I’m suffering from a hangover. It usually takes me a minute or so for me to grasp what is happening around me and what happened before I fell asleep. “We are supposed to go out right?” “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you”. I groaned and sat up in the bed. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry”. I looked at her and saw that she was dressed up already. In ripped black jeans trouser and a grey v neck tee shirt. “You look good”, I tried complimenting her. “Just good? Damn I’m disappointed”. I looked at her confused. “I was aiming for ‘you look hot, I want to jump your bones right now’ kind of look”. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her. “You are impossible Jordan”. I stood up from the bed and walked to me corner of the room. “What do you think I should wear”, I asked her as I stood in front of my own wardrobe for a while. I heard nothing from her, just the sound of something opening and closing so I turned to make sure she heard me. “Jordan? I asked you a question”. “I know”, she said and threw a shirt at me. I caught it and raised a brow at her. “Just look for shorts and pair it with the shirt”. I held the shirt in front of me, a white shirt with “player girl” inscribed on the front part of the shirt. “Really?” I asked her with a deadpanned look and she just grinned at me. I threw the shirt on my bed and brought out black shorts. “What if it gets cold?” I asked her as I brought out my white air force shoes and took out a pair of white socks from my drawer. “Like I would let you catch a cold”, she retorted. I smiled and went into the bathroom to freshen up. After pouring water on my face, I looked at stared at my reflection in the mirror. What was I doing with Jordan? The question nagged me as I looked at myself in the mirror. I frowned, I love spending time with her and talking to her, she has an amazing personality that matches mine and I love that. But do I like her? I feel strangely attracted to her, like the way I was attracted to Kristin in tenth grade but this is more than that. “Are you dying in there?” Jordan called out from the room and I rolled my eyes. “Can you let a girl do what she needs to do without yelling please?” I yelled back but quickly fixed myself. I ran a comb through my hair and packed it into a high bun, before laying my edges. “Took you long enough”. “Shut up”. I replied her and went to the bed to pick up the tee shirt and shorts so that I could get dressed. I finished up, wore my shoes and signaled to Jordan just as I was dabbing perfume on my body that I was done. “Finally, I swear you girls take long time to actually get ready for something”. She complained as she opened the door and held it for me to walk out. “Stop complaining like you are not a girl too”. “At least I don’t take seventy two hours in the bathroom”, she clapped back and I nodded smiling. “Nice one smith”. She saluted me and grinned as we took the elevator down. “Anyone you should warn me about in this clique of friends we are going to meet now?” I asked Jordan as I pulled down the mirror and applied my lipgloss. I took it back up and smacked my lips waiting for Jordan’s reply only to turn to her and see that she has been staring at me. I was not prepared for when she pulled my face towards her with her hand under my chin and kissed me from across the console. A short, sweet kiss before she left me. I slowly opened my eyes and met her smiling in my face. “I guess you will have to find out yourself angel”. She smirked and started the car. I sighed and looked out the window, I think I will make that phone call this night. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan arrived and I arrived at wherever the hangout they said.. “Where is this place?” I asked her. “A games center”. “Wow”, I replied looking around. She found a parking space and parked her car before unlocking the doors, I got down from the car only to meet her glaring at me. “What did I do?” I asked her confused. “I always open the car door for you, remember that”. I paused for a minute and stared at her with my mouth opened before muttering a “yes ma’am”, at her. After I came down from the car, she locked the doors and held out her hand for me to hold too, then we walked into the building together. A group of young adults waved crazily at Jordan and she steered me into their direction, soon enough I saw Maya’s long dark hair and Tyler’s dirty blonde. I relaxed a bit, “thank goodness I know three faces here, at least the rest won’t chew me”. I muttered to myself. Jordan chuckled lowly under her breath and I was sure she heard me, but I didn’t care anyways. “Player girl?” Someone asked from Jordan’s group of friends as we approached them. “Pretty black girl here is wearing the shirt Jordan is supposed to be wearing”. Another one said and they all laughed. “What do you mean?” Jordan asked them in her playful tone. “Come on number seven, everyone knows you are a f*****g player”, Tyler said and everyone laughed again. “So Jordan is the player here?” Maya asked and everyone answered in the affirmative. I slowly looked up at her and made the gang sign at her. “You are such a badass”, I whispered up at her and she laughed, pulling me along as she introduced me to everyone in her cycle. “Great! Now that everyone knows who the f**k everyone here is, what game are we playing?” The question made everyone to start mumbling while I escaped to Maya’s side and carted her off to help me look for where I could buy a f*****g drink. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV I watched as Maya and Emma held hands and walked away. I could tell that she was not really comfortable around these much new people and I wanted to be sure that she was fine. “Hey”, I nudged Tyler. “Hey back”. “What is the deal between you and Emma’s best friend?” “Maya?” “No, King Kong. Of course Maya”. Tyler smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. Nervous? Tyler stone was nervous?! “s**t, you like her! Does she knows yet?” He shrugged at me, “probably, I don’t know for sure”. I clicked my tongue at him. “Boy you are so doomed”. He sighed and looked around, probably trying to find her. “I know”, he muttered distractedly. “She went off with Emma”, I told him to put off his misery. “Come on, let’s go look for our girls”. “Our girls?” He asked laughing. “Yep, Emma is mine”. I stated confidently. Tyler laughed and put his hands in his pockets as we walked around. We found them by a vending machine, sipping soda and talking with themselves. “Babe?” Tyler called Maya and she ran into his opened arm, she waved Emma bye in a bitchy way and we all laughed as she and Tyler walked off. “I swear she likes that boy”, Emma said to me as I stood by her side. I looked down at her and saw how she was grinning at her friend as the walked off, her lips moist with the soda she was drinking. I could not resist looking at them, I needed to kiss her so bad and maybe explore a little. “Take a walk with me?” She agreed and we left the building and into the car park, it was dark now and we walked mindlessly, holding hands and exchanging funny childhood stories. Just as I could not hold it in any longer, I pushed her up against a wall at the far end of the car park, where no body ventured out to and began kissing her. Her mouth hit against mine, hers hit against mine. “I guess and I like kissing you too”, I whispered against her lips in reply to what she said about her best friend and Tyler. Then continued kissing her, making out with her right there in the car park.
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