You like her, you dumbass

1740 Words
Emma’s POV The Uber I ordered came about ten minutes after Jordan had left me and I went downstairs to take the ride to Maya’s house. I really need the distraction from the dormitory and from Jordan, it’s not been up to two weeks since we started living with each other and I already feel like she’s like the oxygen I breathe. “Good evening”, I greeted after I checked the plate number and the car to make sure it matches the description on the app and entering into the vehicle. “Good evening miss”, the driver replied me. “Where to?” He asked and I ranted off Maya’s address to him. He set the car in motion and we were on our way. Maya kept blowing up my phone with pictures of her and her and Tyler. I sent her a quick text. Me: can you stop sending me cringe worthy pictures of you both? I laughed as soon as the text sent and I saw that she read and was replying back immediately. Maya: that is jealousy speaking now dear, you know these pictures are cute as hell. I rolled my eyes and dialed her number instead. “b***h”, was the first thing she said as she picked up on the first ring. “Don’t you have something better to do, like text the man you’ve been seeing these days?” “Who says I am not”. “You picked up my call on the first ring”. Maya laughed, “well, he is washing himself up”. I nearly choked on air because I immediately understood what she meant by him ‘washing up’. “Look, I am about three minutes away from your apartment building, tell me if I have to turn back”. “Oh shut up dummy”, she sighed through the phone. I could literally feel her rolling her eyes at me through the phone right now. “I don’t need to be with him to make him wash himself up”. “Oh gross”, I groaned as I understood what she meant. “You both were sexting?” “You know this babe!” Maya exclaimed and I could imagine how wide her grin is right now. “You need cleansing Maya, you are following me to church this Sunday to ask Jesus for forgiveness”. “Shut up, like you and Jordan are not doing worse”. Just then, the driver pulled up in front of her apartment building. “I am here already b***h, we have a lot to talk about”. “Ooouu, you are not skipping any details girl”. “Shut up”, I said and then hung up. “What’s my bill?” I asked the driver even though I could see it on my phone. He told me and I paid him then I got down from the car and trudged casually through the doors to the reception area and finally to the elevator, punching in Maya’s floor number as I got in. Maya was already waiting for me by the time I stepped out of the elevator, she hopped on my body immediately I got out. “I’ve missed you so much”. I broke the hug and looked at her suspiciously. “We saw like just yesterday, what do you mean?” Maya pouted her lips and batted her eyes at me. “Does that mean I can’t miss my best friend again?” “It is so suspicious Maya, I don’t know. Let’s go in please”. She laughed and pulled me into her apartment. “So what’s up?” She asked as she went into the kitchen and I followed behind her closely. “Nothing”, I shrugged and hopped on a stool. “What is going on between you and Tyler, is it like official now?” I asked her. “We are just enjoying each other’s company Emma, I have told you this over and over again”. “The way the both of you are all over each other, seems like you are exclusive”. Maya shrugged, “well we are not”. “You don’t need to be with someone who is not sure of you, you know?” I asked her. Maya brought out eggs and flour and some other baking stuff. “Yes I know I don’t need to be with someone who is not sure of me”. She said as she rolled her eyes. “What do you want to do?” I asked her, gesturing at what she placed on the counter. “I want to make lasagna from scratch”. I widened my eyes at her. “And you are starting now?” I exclaimed. “Duh, that is why I have you around now”. “That was not the deal, the deal was that we will gossip together and eat pizza”. “Well, I want us to cook while we gossip now”. Maya said as she brought out vegetables and passed me the knife to start chopping them while she mixed the dough. “So back to you and Tyler”, I drawled. Maya rolled her eyes at me. “You won’t drop it right?” “Now I won’t! Because I don’t want to see a guy playing my best friend and acting all fully exclusive while not putting a label on whatever you both have”. Maya shook her head, “you don’t get it, I am the one that don’t want to put a label on whatever we are having now”. My mouth dropped open and I stopped cutting the tomatoes that I was cutting before. “Tell me you are joking please?” “No I’m not”, she said and paused. “I feel like once you put a label on whatever you have with a guy, they start messing up”. I had to blink three times to make sure that it was my best friend talking in front of me. “You are so full of surprises, whatever that is making you think this way? Don’t tell me it’s because of your ex really”. “I just don’t want to get hurt again Emma, I am tired of boys but what I have with Tyler, the connection is something else. I don’t know how to explain it”. I nodded as if I understood what she was trying to say. “I don’t do labels again”, Maya whooped and I laughed along with her. “What about you, what’s up with you?” I shrugged, “I’m okay”. “Shut up, you know what I mean”. I washed my hands and watched as Maya moved gracefully in her kitchen preparing the lasagna. She is a very good cook, just that she is very lazy. “I don’t know Maya, I don’t know what’s happening really”. Maya paused as she was pouring the sauce on the dough in the the baking tray. “What do you mean?” “I’m confused, very very confused Maya. I don’t think I’ve ever been romantically involved with a girl and then she comes and f***s my head up?” Maya gave her signature knowing smile and came to me to hug me. “I understand how you feel, but the confusion is worth it. It means you like her”. She said in a as a matter of fact voice and continued with what she was doing. “I don’t think so, my mother would kill me if she knew about us”. “Then she doesn’t have to. Come on Emma, it’s the 21st century and you’re worried about what your mother would think to know who you love?” I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. “She’s still against me having s*x with Asher”. “Because you don’t find him sexually appealing. To think of it, I think you don’t find all men sexually appealing, yet you’re here questioning your sexuality”. Here comes the logical Maya, I sighed. “No, no it’s not like that. I am not just ready for s*x”. I tried explaining but she just hummed as she wore the oven mittens and put the lasagna into the oven then she turned back to me with a mischievous smile. “Tell me, does the thought or memory of that night don’t have you all hot and slushy and ready to drop your panties for Jordan?” My breath hitched slightly, even sleeping in the same room with her have me all hot and bothered, not to even talk about the thought of making out with her. Not that I was about to let Maya know this. I cleared my throat and shook my head violently. “No Maya”. Maya tsked at me. “Liar”, she simply said but let it drop. “I called Kristin today”, I said out of the blue just because I felt like saying something. “Kristin you gay friend back home?” “Yeah”, I drawled. “You are really considering this, why do you think you don’t like her?” “I don’t know”, I said shrugging. “It might just be infatuation”. “Yeah right”, Maya replied as she opened the fridge and brought out a soda can. “Besides I still love Asher”, I finally said what has been on my mind for some time and was glad I had let it out and told my best friend. I guessed her reaction almost right. She quickly turned and glared at me. “You must be joking?” “No I’m not, I figured that he was cheating because of my resistance to s*x?” Maya glared at me. “You are just giving dirty excuses for his dirty and disgusting cheating habits now, excuse me”. She said as she checked on what she put in the oven, I guess she is a bit angry?
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