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Third person’s (writer’s) POV Maya watched as Jordan moved gracefully from the center of the circle towards Emma. From the moment the date left that pretty boy’s mouth, Maya had known Jordan will pick Emma. No doubt, Jordan seemed attracted to her best friend. Maya settled down and waited for drama to unfold, she wanted to see if Emma will let her do the dare or not. Maya’s gaze trailed and she saw the devilish look on the pretty boy who had given the dare, face. Maybe these two know each other and he knows Jordan have a thing for Emma. She thought while flirting her gaze around faces in the circle. She met the face of the girl Jordan had turned down and saw that she was literally fuming, if smoke could really come out of human ears, she would be puffing out fumes by now. Maya looked into the direction of what she was looking at and saw that Jordan and Emma were full on making out in the room with careless abandon. She heard a sound come from Emma and her mouth dropped open. Was that a moan? The chemistry and tension growing between these two was too thick, too much and she couldn’t help but feel hot herself. Damn! Emma is so into girls and she haven’t realized it herself. “Go get a room”, someone from the circle yelled and that broke the kiss up. Jordan whispered something to Emma, more like it from the angle she was watching and Emma opened her mouth showing the cherry Jordan had been dared to place in her mouth. Maya used her hand to fan herself as Jordan walked back to her sitting position while Maya tried to catch Emma’s gaze. “You never told me your best friend is into girls too, I would have introduced them a long while ago”. Maya was still dazed as she replied, “I think I am just realizing that she is so gay but I also don’t think she knows that yet”. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Emma’s POV After Jordan had sat down, I trailed my gaze to Maya and instantly regretted. She was waggling her brows at me suggestively. I immediately averted my gaze from her and focused on the game. It got boring too quickly for me and I decided to go and get another drink. “So you go around now shoving your tongue down girls throat huh?” I heard Asher’s voice while pouring myself a drink. To say I was disgusted and suck with him saying that to me is an understatement, the guts of him to even say that! After all he was the one caught cheating. “Leave me alone Asher, I am not in the mood to answer you”, I replied instead and finished pouring my cup out. “Since when did you start kissing girls?” He asked and I realized that he must have seen the player girl when she was kissing me. “Since when did you start making out with girls on kitchen counters? Oh my bad, I know the answer to that. Since forever”, I gave him a stink eye. “Please get out of my way”, I said. Pushing him as I walked or rather staggered out with my drink in my hand out of the kitchen. I entered into the living room and pushed through the crowd of people all over each other. I need some air. Few minutes later and I was outside sitting down on a bench facing the car park and staring into the night. I swear, right now I hate Asher and I don’t want to ever see him. Such a jerk! I brought out my phone and logged on my social media account and began scrolling. Updates from the party going on inside filled my screen and I scrolled past them. “Why are you out here by yourself?” I heard a voice next to me and turned round to see who it was. There the player girl, Jordan stood with an amused look on her face. “I needed to breathe”. She took a seat beside me and I got a whiff of how she smells. Jesus Christ! It must be a crime for anyone to smell this good. How did she manage to look this good and still smell so great too?! That is the alcohol speaking right now. My subconscious mind said to me but I ignored her. “I know right? College parties can be suffocating”. I turned to her and smiled, lifting my solo cup to my mouth and drinking more of the cold but hot amber liquid in the cup. I brought down the cup and noticed that she was staring at me. I looked at her and noticed a bottled water in her hand instead. “You don’t drink?” I gestured at her hand. “Not really”. I nodded my head like her vague answer made a lot of sense and brought the cup to my mouth again. “Hey hey hey, slow down on the alcohol. You are drunk already”. Jordan said as she collected the cup from me and dumped the remaining contents of the cup on the floor. “Hey, I was drinking that”. “And it’s enough now”. I looked at her and wondered why she had to look this good, have a nice voice and smell so nice too! “I need it”, I said instead soberly. Jordan shifted closer to me and put an arm around my shoulders. God!! That scent again, it’s messing with my head. “Why?” I heard her voice ask me softly, almost like a whisper and I became teary at that. “My boyfriend is cheating on me and he had the guts to accuse me of going about kissing girls”. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV ‘What a jerk!’ Was the first thing that came to my mind as Emma said those words. No wonder she had been off all through the night. I had not noticed when she left the circle, I was too focused on the game because of Jake. When I noticed that she was no longer there in the room, I left in search of her. I did not find her and was coming to get something from my car when I recognized her by her hair sitting all out by herself and drinking. “He is a jerk”, I said to her while drawing little circles on the back of her neck. She shivered against my body and nodded, I had not even noticed that she had moved closer to me. “Are you cold?” She nodded and I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. “What is his name?” “Mmm?” “Your boyfriend, what’s his name?” “Asher”. She replied. The name did not exactly ring a bell in my head so I waved it off. “I feel lightheaded”, I heard her say as she tried to lay down. ‘Oh no’. “Come on, did you eat before drinking?” She nodded bleakly, “yes. I ate rice, Maya ordered rice and chicken breast before we left for the party”. Thank God for that at least, I just need to sober her up a little, make her throw up and give her some food. “Here, drink some water”, I said offering my water bottle to her. She drank almost all the bottle and I was relieved by that. “Hey, do you want to go somewhere?” “Where?” She slurred. “Come on, you’ll see”. I stood up and stretched my hand out to her, she took it and I helped her up. My plan is to drive her around for a while, probably go to a store and get some snacks for after she will throw up. The driving might make her feel nauseous. “Where are we going to?” “Don’t ask questions, just enter the car”. “Sounds like something a kidnapper will say”. I laughed and gently helped her into the car, then I rounded the hood and went to the driver’s seat. “Where are we going to again?” She asked for the umpteenth time in five minutes since we got into the car and I started driving around. “Ssshhh”. She folded her arms under her breasts pushing it up unknowingly and poured. My attention was drawn to it, then to her mouth. She looked cute with the pout and the urge to kiss her increased. “Stop doing that”, I told her and cleared my throat. “Doing what?” She asked innocently and it hit me in all places it should not be hitting right now. “Stop doing that with your mouth, stop pouting”. “Oh”, she replied and relaxed into the car seat. I continued driving around in silence, wondering when she will start feeling sick. “Am I attracted to girls?” She suddenly asked out of the blue and I almost hit the break pad. “How?” I asked her back. “I don’t know”, she shrugged. “Because I really want to kiss you right now and I don’t know if I should feel this way, because I have never felt this way with my boyfriend before and…” She was still talking or rather, rambling when I pulled over and unbuckled my seatbelt and bent over the console to her, taking her face between my palms and kissing the hell out of her. I groaned as my lips touched her soft lips and almost moan when I heard her little gasp with her hand going around my neck and into my hair, pulling it. “What are you doing to me?” I whispered against her lips as I broke the kiss. “f**k Emma, I want you so much you don’t how much”. I said, still holding her face between my palms. She looked into my eyes with her beautiful hazel eyes and right there, I knew that I wanted to know more about this girl. I wanted to know what is her favorite thing to do, I wanted to keep her possibly forever. “I’m hungry”. She said in a small voice, breaking through my thoughts. “Right, I’m sorry”. I returned back into my seat and drove, this time to a store. “Can we just chill here and stuff instead of driving around?” I shook my head at her, “no. I need to drive around so you could feel sick and throw up the alcohol in your system”. She looked at me in a weird way, with her drunk eyes. “I won’t get sick, I just gag myself if I want to throw up”. “Oh really?” “Yes, really”. “You need to gag yourself then, to lose the alcohol in your system”. “I don’t want to”. “Why?” “I will get sober, I don’t want to remember anything about tonight”. I knew she was referring to her boyfriend now and it pissed me off that someone could have the heart to hurt her. I leaned over and kissed her forehead, then we sat in the car for a long period of time, before she asked me if I could drive her home. Of course! No need to ask princess. “I will drive you home, but first I have somewhere I want to show you”. Emma stuffed her mouth with a handful of chips and shrugged at me, I took that as a ‘go ahead’ and drove once more, into the night.
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