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Emma's POV I was already on my second cup of whatever mixture Maya had been mixing. The feeling I had was freeing and I was dancing recklessly with Maya by my side. We got tired after a while and went to sit on a couch some where in the sitting room. "I want to feel this way forever", Maya said as she hugged me tight. " I promise, we are so drunk", I giggled as I hugged her too. My drink sloshed in my cup and I gasped, giggling awkwardly. Suddenly a shadow fell on us and we looked up, it was Tyler looking down at us amusingly. "Already drunk?" Maya scurried to her feet. "Babbbbbyyyy", she drawled. " No no, we are not drunk. Just tipsy, what's up, I missed you". She stretched even in her heels and kissed him. He kissed her back and then stopped. "Since you are not so drunk, care to join a game of truth and dare?" Maya looked down and turned her questioning gaze at me. "Sure, let's go". I stood up and finished the last of my drink. Maya cheered and we linked hands as we followed Tyler's lead to where the game is holding. We entered a room that looked like a lounge and saw that there were some people there already, sitting down in a circle. I stepped over to some girl wearing a purple gown side and sat down, while Tyler and Maya got comfortable somewhere across from me. Someone from the circle cleared their throats and welcomed everyone to the game, then the rules were stated and made sure everyone understood it. I tried to look around to see if I knew anyone else aside from Tyler and Maya but failed miserably. In my drunk state, I could not figure out anyone else so I gave up. The game started as the bottle was spun and it landed on a girl with a dress on that would shame even Lilith. She was dared to kiss someone and I looked to see who the person was. I gasped, right in front of me, two persons from where Maya was seated was Jordan. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan's POV Someone from the team suggested a game of truth and dare and everyone bought the idea. I had gone down to ask Jake and Lizzy if they were interested and they both jumped into it. We had gone back upstairs and joined the circle that was already forming. Just as I was settling down, Tyler came in with Maya and Emma right behind them. While Maya and Tyler had stopped on my side of the circle, Emma crossed and went over to where Jake was, she sat down beside Lizzy and looked around at the faces in the circle. She unconsciously adjusted and her boobs bounced in her top. My eyes were immediately drawn to them and I suddenly had the urge to bury my face between them. At that moment I noticed what she was wearing and chuckled lightly. We had worn matching outfits without knowing, talk about coincidence. My gaze trailed to Jake's and he motioned "eyes on the face", gesture. I flipped him off and turned my attention to the game. Someone had been droning about the rules and now the bottle was being spun. The bottle stopped somewhere and I looked at where it stopped. Bianca. I was surprised, I had not even noticed her. I took a swig from my water bottle and then saw her walking towards me. I was confused for a moment before realizing that she was dared to kiss me. Looking up at her, I subtly shook my head no and asked for the repercussion of skipping a dare. I was asked to take a shot of tequila which I did. Anything but kissing Bianca in front of Emma. Bianca went back to where she was sitting with a frown on her face. 'sorry sweetie'. She spun the bottle and it landed on some random guy. The dare game continued until the bottle landed on me. I looked at who spun the bottle. Of course, it had to be Jake. He threw me a devilish smirk and rubbed his palms together. My gaze flitted to Emma and I caught her staring at me with a thoughtful look. She turned immediately she noticed me looking at her. " I dare you to pick a cherry", he gestured at the plate of fruits in the center of the room. "And put it in the mouth of the girl you find the hottest here, with your mouth". He finished up with relish. I gave him a half glare and moved to the center of the room and picked the cherry. Placing it in my mouth, I moved across the room and ended up in front of Emma. I heard gasps from everywhere in the room and ignored them, staring down at the pretty girl in front of me, I bent down to her level. Her confused expression cleared to realization as she watched me bending to her level. I pointed to my mouth in a " do you mind?" gesture and she nodded slightly. I gave a half smile as I placed my hand at the back of her head and brought her mouth closer to mine. Parting her mouth, I placed the cherry in her mouth and could not resist teasing her with my tongue. All of a sudden, like I was possessed by something, I began kissing her. She tasted like alcohol, a lot of alcohol but I did not mind, I was kissing Emma and that is all that matters. She moaned slightly and I used the opportunity to drive my tongue further into her mouth. I used my other hand to bring her impossibly closer and sparks flew off in my head. I groaned, this girl will be the death of me. Somewhere I heard someone shout, "go get a room!" I broke the kiss and opened my eyes, I had not even realized that I closed them. I looked at Tessa and smiled at her, "open your mouth and show them", I softly told her. She looked confused. " The cherry, show them", I clarified and she did. Then I went back to where I was sitting down before and spun the bottle with a satisfied smile on my face. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Emma's POV When Jordan stopped in front of me, I knew I was in for trouble. She pointed to her mouth and I nodded in my drunk state, I did not know what was happening. The next thing I knew was her hand at the back of my face, guiding my face towards hers and her tongue opening my mouth to place something inside. Immediately her lips touched mine, I felt sparks flying everywhere. All I could see were stars, then she started kissing me. Her mouth hot against mine, she tasted like mint with a faint trace of alcohol. I gasped at the intensity of the sparks that was flying between us and she took the opportunity to drive her tongue further into my mouth. It was everything in me it took for me not to moan out when her other hand held my body, pulling me closer to her. "Get a room", I heard someone from the circle yell. Jordan did too, I guess because she broke the kiss and grinned at me. "Open your mouth and show them", she said to me. Her voice was very soft and husky at the same time. I was confused and wondered what she was talking about. " The cherry, show them". Then it hit me, I had something in my mouth. I opened my mouth and showed the people sitting in the circle. She went back to her sitting position and my gaze went over to Maya who was looking at me with a smug face. I rolled my eyes and looked away from her, but not before seeing her laugh a little and leaning into Tyler. Jordan spun the bottle and the game continued, but I could not just get the kiss out of my head. I think I need another cup of alcohol, preferably something strong.
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