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Emma’s POV Saturday morning, 11:17 am I heard a knock on the door and instantly knew that Maya was home already. That was quick of her to be honest, when she gets drunk and I miss her in a party like that? She probably gets back late afternoon or probably evening. “Hey”, I said to her as I opened the door. She trudged in with her heels in her hands rather tiredly, looking like she haven’t had enough sleep. “You look tired, why did you come back? You could have just rested enough at Tyler’s before coming back”. I said to her, locking the door and walking back into the sitting room after her. She gave me a stink eye as she slumped into the couch. “Why were you not picking my calls?” I looked at her in confusion, she called? I haven’t heard my phone ring at all. “You called me?” I asked aloud. “Duh, I’d wanted to know if you were home safe. And of course you are but you did not pick my calls to let me know that. How could I rest when you were not picking up?” “I swear I did not hear my phone ring and I promise you it’s not on silence”. Maya just gave me her famous bored look and I sighed. “Okay wait here, let me go bring my phone, so you can see for yourself”. She made a ‘go ahead’ gesture and I stomped into the bedroom to look for my phone. “It have to be here, oh my God”. Maya looked on with a bored look. “Then where did it fly to?” “Oh shut up for once Maya! My phone is missing right now!” Only then did the gravity of what laid on ground hit Maya and she joined me in searching for the phone. “Where last did you remember keeping it?” Maya asked me and I sank into the bed trying to remember. “I have not touched the phone since I came back from the party last night, I literally just even woke up”. Maya looked at me encouragingly, egging me to try to remember. Flashes from last night began flooding my mind and….. “s**t!” I said, jumping from my sitting position. The way I said it made Maya jump. “What is it?” “I think I left my phone in Jordan’s car”. “Jordan Jordan?” I gave her a dirty look. “Which other Jordan do you know that I know?” “I’m sorry, I’m just confused as to what you were doing with her in her car”. “We did not have s*x, rest. She brought me home”. “But I was not not implying that you both had s*x!” Maya retorted. I suddenly started to feel an ache at my temple and rubbed my head. “Could we please not fight? I am stressed already”. Maya came closer to me and bent down hugging me. “Are you fine?” I am such a cry baby sometimes and I hate that, because at this moment, I was already sniffling and Maya knew it was more than the phone that was wrong with me. “What is it? Talk to me Emma”. “Asher, Asher was kissing a girl in the kitchen last night. He did not even acknowledge me”. “What?! Did he see you? He knows you saw him kissing another girl”. I nodded at her. “Now my phone is missing, and I have to be in my head all day till I get it back. I don’t even know how I will get it back! What am I supposed to do now? Everything is going so wrong”. I said already sobbing on Maya’s shoulder. “Ssshh, sorry, you’ll be fine”, Maya consoled rubbing my back. “As for your phone, we could always call it and if she picks up then we’ll get her to return it or I’ll ask Tyler to send her number so I can call her directly instead. Don’t cry okay?” I nodded and wiped my face. “As for Asher, I’ll break his face when I see him. He’d be sorry he ever did that to you”. I laughed, Maya can be scary at times if she wants to be. “There is no need for that”. “You are breaking up with him right?” I nodded. Hell yes! I can’t be with someone who disrespected me like that. Maya stood up and began undressing, before going to her closet and came dressed in pajamas. “So”, she drawled as she sat down crossed legged on the bed besides me. “How was the kiss?” I groaned, how did I know that is what she had in mind to ask me. “It was like a normal kiss Maya”. “No, it wasn’t just a normal kiss. You had the sparks you’ve been missing in Asher’s kiss running through your body to your finger tips, right?” “Oh shut up”, I groaned again and covered my face with a pillow. “Are you into girls Emma?” I turned to her in surprise. “Shut up! I was drunk, I’ve been dating boys all my life”. “Doesn’t matter”, Maya replied me as she laid down and closed her eyes to sleep. “Get some rest too Em, you look deadbeat hungover”. I rolled my eyes at her and changed out of my party clothes. Yes, I did not change out of them from last night don’t judge me. I went into the bathroom to take a quick shower to wash off the sweat from last night. Flashes of what happened from the previous night came coming to me. I have this problem whenever I get drunk. I never fully remember what happened or anything I said, they only keep coming in vague flashes. Like now, I think I made out with Jordan in her car and some where else I can’t figure out. I’m not sure, I groaned as I dried off my body with a towel and changed into my favorite old tee shirt and climbed into bed beside Maya, falling into a sweet sleep and forgetting just once about my missing phone or cheating boyfriend or even a pretty girl that smells so good and kiss so well.
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