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Emma’s POV Friday, 8:36 pm Tyler finally pulled up in front of Sam’s house and to say everywhere was packed full will be an understatement. I had to lean in to the front to ask Tyler, “what time did the party start again?” He laughed a bit. “Surprised the place is already packed full?” “Yes! Like damn! Don’t these college kids have nothing better to do?” “Wait till you see that they are almost all drunk”. I rolled my eyes, “sure thing. So stereotypical of every parties”. Maya finished applying her gloss and smacked her lips. “Are you both done talking about college parties because I so want to jump into this one happening in front of me right now”. She asked impatiently. We got down from the car and Tyler locked the doors and double checked to make sure it was locked really. Then I remembered something and moved closer to Maya. “Maya?” She turned her attention to me, “yes?” “Should in case you get drunk and run away with Tyler, don’t worry about me. Just have fun, if either of us will be too drunk to drive back home I will just look for a room to crash in here or find my way back to the apartment”. Maya grinned and gave me a tight hug. “Do you have cash?” She pulled back and asked me while opening her purse and bringing out some couple of bills. I protested and was telling her I had but she wouldn’t listen. She handed me some bills and asked me to put it in my pockets. Thank God for my shorts, I folded the money and put it in my front pocket, with this I don’t think I would be stranded later. Because I know my best friend is most likely to disappear before midnight. “Okay, we are set to go in babe”, Maya held Tyler by his arm as we began walking towards the house. I saw a couple of people at the front lawn, making out heavily. Obviously drunk already and shook my head while screwing my nose up. Typical college parties. Maya leaned in to me, “did I tell you how great your boobs look in that top?” Just then I froze. I had forgotten to carry my jacket along with me. Not that I was insecure about my body or what, but because the top is backless with just straps holding it in place and it was sure going to be cold later tonight, Maya too! Well, f**k our lives. I ran in after them but could not find them again as they were already lost in the number of people that were packed in the house. Sam’s house is rather big and beautiful, I decided to take a tour around the house. Maybe I would run into Maya once in a while, party and continue the tour. I saw the staircase and started walking up it. Couples were hanging everywhere making out and groping each other. I squeezed my face in distaste as I saw a boy and a girl practically having s*x against the wall at one corner at the top of the staircase. I wondered what will be Sam’s parents reaction if they find out what is going on at their house this weekend. I got to the first floor and began exploring. The house is really big, people with money in this town live in luxury and I love it. I walked into some place that looked like a kitchen and saw a familiar person, I wanted to doubt that was Asher because he was having a girl up on the counter and against the wall making out seriously with his hand under her short skirt. “Asher?!” I couldn’t help myself but call out. He broke the kiss and turned to look at me, not even the slightest trace of regret was on his face and it stabbed me in my heart. I gasped and tried to breathe, he was truly cheating on me. Maya warned me not to be invested in this too much. The girl, in particular, he was kissing, pulled him back to continue kissing him and he willingly followed her lead. She smirked at me as he was kissing her neck and I ran away from there. Catching myself after running down the first set of stairs, I breathe deeply. I won’t cry over a boy and not especially over Asher, I will go down into that party and get drunk, have a good time of my life too. Yes, that is exactly what I am going to do. I determined as I walked down the rest of the stairs casually like I had seen nothing upstairs. "Where were you?" Maya asked as she found me standing like a lost person somewhere in the middle of some people dancing. Without saying anything else, she pulled me into the kitchen. "Where is Tyler?" I asked her, looking around as I did not see the young man around her. "Some place with his basketball buddies", she replied cheerily. " Now, will you tell me why you are looking gloomy". I looked at her and considered telling her, but then decided against it. My best friend is very psychotic and she might go in search of Asher to beat him up. She he been looking forward to this party for a long time and I didn't want to spoil the party mood she was in, so I shook my head. "I was just really lost and upset that I couldn't find you". " Aww", she replied hugging me. "Don't worry, mama is here now". She said, hugging me. " Now, how about we drink and go dance away our life at the dance floor". I nodded, at first I came to the party with the intention of not drinking. Not that I don't drink, but because I needed to be sane and sober for Maya. But after what I had seen this evening? I need to get wasted. "Yes, let's f**k this party up", I cheered. Maya matched my energy and brought out drinks from the fridge. A couple found their way into the kitchen at that moment, with their hands all over each other. Maya made a face at them, " let's get out of here". She said to me. I looked over at the couple too. "Well, I hope they don't six nine here". Maya burst out laughing at my statement and I joined her. Laughing, I joined her and we both left the kitchen with our drinks in our hands. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan's POV The music was loud coming from the house as I looked for a place to park. After finding a spot, I parked and luckily for Jake, the next spot to me was free, so he just zoomed right in and parked. I got down and so did he with his girlfriend. I don't really like his girlfriend because she gives me weird vibes like she was into me or something but I don't want to even imagine that it's true. "Hey Lizzy", I greeted them as they walked up to me. " Hey", she waved to me, rather flirtatiously? I looked and noticed that she was wearing the dress Jake and I had gone shopping for. Jake came up to me and we looked at the direction of the house at the same time. "Let's do this?" "Yes, before I change my mind please". I muttered gravely. " It won't be that bad", Jake teased and bumped my shoulders as we started walking towards the house. "Emma is going to be there", he said as we got up the steps that led to the front door. I ignored him but heard Lizzy asking about who Emma was. I pushed open the doors and entered the house, immediately getting lost in the music. I saw couples everywhere, drunk and getting nasty. Typical college parties, shaking my head, I pushed past people and went straight to the sitting room area. Sam's house is very big, I could give that to him. Immediately I stepped into the sitting room, to the make shift dance floor, my eyes caught something or rather someone. There, Emma was with her best friend. Dancing recklessly with a bottle of some drink in her hand. I watched as she bent down and gyrated on her best friend. I groaned internally. I swear this girl will drive me nuts. " You wish you were behind her right?" I heard Jake's voice in my ear, I averted my gaze from Emma and rolled my eyes at Jake. "I am going to look for one rest of my teammates". I told him, before leaving him and his girlfriend to go in search of my friends.
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