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Emma’s POV Immediately I entered the kitchen to join Maya, her mouth fell open and I looked at her funnily. “What is it? Why are you looking at me that way?” She shook her head and just passed me a plate filled with rice and chicken with a spoon. I thanked her as I collected it and dig into the food. Maya all but scarfed her food down and hot down from the kitchen stool. “I have to go dress up and get ready”, she said with her mouth filled with chicken she was chewing and also a chicken piece in her hand. “With the chicken in your hand?” She flipped me off with the other hand and all but ran into the bedroom. I laughed at her and continued eating my food at a leisure pace. Then I heard a notification on my phone and brought it out, sliding it open, I saw that it was just a message from my boyfriend Asher. Asher: see you at the party tonight? I sighed, now he wants me to act like nothing ever happened between the both of us. I hissed and locked my phone, placing it back on the counter. Before opening it and checking the time. Tyler will be here in fifteen minutes I hurried up with my food and dumped my plates in the sink, before leaving the kitchen and slumping into the couch in the sitting room. Maya came out of the bedroom all dressed and dropped my shoes in front of me, I stared up at her in her little dress. “How do I look?” She asked me, turning around for me to see her well when she noticed that she had caught my attention. I nodded at her, her dress is a creamy gold silky shiny material that stopped just at the middle of her thighs and dipped at the chest showing off her cleavage. The back was open except for straps that connected and held the dress in place on her body. Truthfully Maya can pull anything off with her body which is a proud thing I can say. “You look stunningly beautiful Maya”, I finally replied to her. She grinned and was about to answer me when the door bell rang, we both looked over for a confusing moment before Maya gasped. “That must be Tyler”, she rushed to the door to open it for him while I bent down to wear the shoes Maya had brought me. A white retro sneakers with two sky blue stripes running at both sides. I smiled as I remember the shoes and how we got it that year. Maya had wanted a pure white sneakers but these ended up coming instead. She doesn’t like blue even the tiniest bit and threw a fit at the shoes. I think she grudgingly kept them because of me, her best friend. I heard Tyler as he was complimenting her from the doorway and decided to go meet them there, because with the way Tyler’s voice is sounding hoarse now? If they both enter this sitting room, we will absolutely not leave this house on time. Besides I don’t want to be around where two horny young adults will be groping each other. Quickly grabbing Maya’s purse and her phone with my phone, I met them halfway as they were coming in. “Waiting for me right? I am done already. Let’s go already”, I winked at my best friend. Immediately she caught the fact that I already know what was going through their minds and she mouthed “b***h” to me. I grinned happily in response and made flicking hair motions. Tyler on the other hand was not really happy, I could tell by the way his face fell. ‘Sorry love, you can score next time when I am not around’. I said in my head and nearly snickered out loud. We left the house and Maya locked the door and put the keys in her purse. “Are you not going to keep your keys somewhere safe here?” Tyler asked as he turned around looking for some place she could keep her keys. “It is fine with me”, Maya simply said and patted her purse before she started walking off, with us following her behind. That was a detour she normally does whenever someone aside me is with her at the apartment when she locks her door. Maya had her spare keys in a little hole behind the marble table that held flower pots beside her door. She would lock the door that led to her hallway and hand over the Keys to Stevie downstairs, another detour. The elevator leads directly to her hallway, so half the time we forget that door even exists. Maya locked the door just like I knew she would and we took the stairs down. “Hey Stevie”, she cooed as she dropped the keys on the desk of the apartment’s doorman. Stevie smiled at Maya, “going somewhere?” “Yep”, she replied popping the p. This is Maya activating her flirty side, I gave her a side eye to remind her that she is with a boy for god’s sake! She ignored me and continued. “I am going for a party with Emma”. As she called my name, Stevie’s eyes fell on me and I awkwardly waved and smiled at him. Maya would have continued talking but I dragged her by her elbow. “And we are keeping this young man here waiting. Thanks Stevie, bye Stevie”. I called out as I dragged Maya who was several inches taller than me now because of her heels. Tyler laughed behind us. “She is handful to contain right?” I sighed and shook my head. “You don’t know what you are getting into, it’s still early to back out”. Tyler just chuckled and led us to where he parked his car. Maya headed straight for the passenger’s seat and sat down buckling herself in, immediately Tyler opened the car. While I opened the back door and got in, immediately bringing my phone and earbuds out to play some music and distract me from the pair in front. I absolutely hate being a third wheel, and till we get to this party. I am going to be third wheeling. “I would sleep with you if you weren’t my best friend”, Maya suddenly said from the front seat and I was confused. Was she talking to me? I took out the ear plugs. “Was that for me?” “Yes dummy, who else is my best friend here?” I could just imagine her rolling her eyes right now, but I can not see her face”. “You will not sleep with me even if I was not your best friend. You are not into girls”. I pointed out for her after confirming that the statement was meant for me. Maya sighed heavily as Tyler started the car and began easing out of the park. “Maybe, or maybe not. But this is me trying to tell you how hot you look tonight dumbass”. I looked down at myself at what I was putting on and gave a little embarrassed laugh. “Thank you”, I replied her making kissing noises. “Shut up”, she said before placing her hand on Tyler’s thighs. And that everyone, is the cue for me to go back into my own serene world of music. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV Friday, 7:06 pm Banging on my dorm door woke me up from the sleep I was in, ever since I came back from school. I sat up with a start and checked the time. My bedside alarm time was blinking back at me, 7:06 pm. The banging started again and I groaned. I swear I will kill this Jake of a person. I got up and went to the door, working out my most deadly glare, I opened the door. “Jesus Christ!” He exclaimed as he pushed me away from the door and helped himself into my room, he had not even noticed my glare. I sighed tiredly as I closed the door and walked back into the room. Just like he had when he first came here, he began looking around the whole place. “Your roommate is not yet here?” He asked, this boy really thinks I am going to have a roommate. “No, I told you dad probably paid for the both bed spaces”. Jake nodded his head not believing. “Or maybe she haven’t just resumed”. I scoffed at him. “My dad knows I don’t like living with people and besides I am gay!” Jake suddenly gasped. “That is it! What if you roommate is a boy? This is a co ed dorm right?” I shot him an annoyed look in reply, as I walked toward the bathroom. I might as well just follow him to this party because I would be bored staying in this dorm alone. Liar, or you just want to see Emma, my subconscious threw at me. “Blue or black?” I asked Jake as I stood before him with two shirts in his face. I had come out from the bathroom but still had my towel tied around my chest. I would have it around my waist that I would have been more comfortable with, but Jake always tells me to remember that he is a guy and not a piece of wood, I laughed in my head as I remembered that. “Why are you grinning?” He asked suspiciously. “Pick a color for me”, I replied him impatiently. “Go with the blue”. “Thanks”, I replied and turned around to get dressed. Changing in front of Jake was something we grew up doing and it was not weird. I wore a pair of ripped washed blue jeans, my sports bra and the blue v neck tee shirt, then I threw a denim jacket over it too. It might get cold and I don’t want to be caught off guard. Jake looked at me from my head to legs, “what about your shoes?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and went into my wardrobe, bringing out a pair of sky blue sneakers that matched with my shirt, I wore them and laced it up. Then I stood up and turned around for my best friend. “Good enough?” He slowly clapped and grinned at me. “You clean up so well, I want to stab you some times”. I shook my head at him and removed an elastic hair band from my wrist to pack my long braided hair into. I packed it into a not too low bun and left few strands of braids in front to frame my face. I went into the mirror to check out myself, “I need to go to the salon soon”. I muttered as I checked my hair. The sides I usually cut low, and the back were growing out. Not too noticeable but I just don’t like it growing out, makes me look rough and unkempt. I smiled at myself in the mirror, I look handsome and pretty at the same time and damn. “Okay, I am done. Let’s go”, I told Jake as I took my keys, phone and wallet. “Finally! I have to puck my girlfriend up”. “Thank God I am going in my own car”. I replied to him as we both walked out of the room and I locked the door. Let’s do this party thing now, shall we?
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