What the hell is wrong with me?

771 Words
Emma’s POV I had barely made it through to the kitchen before I paused and clutched at my chest. My heart was beating crazy like it was about to jump out of my chest. “What the hell is wrong with me?” I whispered at myself while I tried to microwave her food for her, not that it needed to be reheated. I just needed an excuse to get away from her at that time before I would do something crazy like kiss her. The fact that the thought of kissing her with the way she was talking and inching closer to me scared me. I could not just get over the way the butterflies in my stomach erupted when she called me mama. They kept on fluttering their wings and singing their happy songs and I definitely could not breathe at that moment. The microwave timer going off brought me back into reality and I shook my head and took a deep breathe in before serving the lasagna on a chinaware and taking it back into the room to serve her. She was already stripped and in her boxers and t shirt, an old Star Wars t shirt. I smiled and handed the food on a tray to her, before realizing that I hadn’t put a bottled water and fork for her to use to eat. I groaned internally while giving her a sheepish smile and disappeared into the kitchen again. “What is it about this girl that gets me so nervous and flustered all the time. I am not even attracted to girls in that way!” I whispered screamed to myself as I hurriedly grabbed a spoon and bottled water from the fridge and taking it back to her. Just as I was about to turn from her space and head towards mine, she stopped me and held my hand back softly. “Are you sure you are fine?” She asked me softly and I just wanted to throw myself into her arms at that moment. Instead I cleared my throat and raised a brow at her, “why would I not be fine?” I asked her teasingly. She shrugged and let me go and I missed her touch for a second before catching myself. I returned to my space and changed into my sleeping shorts and an old tank top. I settled into my bed and laid back staring at the ceiling and recalling Asher’s call, I thought back to Jordan and the weird attraction I have for her. “I need to get back with him, I think it’s because I miss the attention and affection I feel like I’m attracted to her”, I thought and the theory sounded about right in my head. “I probably just miss Asher”, she thought again. “That is why I am attracted to Jordan”. Deep down, I knew that was not the truth but I just wanted to make myself feel better. My Christian mother would have an heart attack if she knew that her daughter was in the least involved with girls. My phone ringing suddenly brought me out of my train of thoughts and I shook my head slightly. I looked over to Jordan and saw that she was still eating and scrolling on her phone. I picked up my phone to check who was calling and it was my mother. I rolled my eyes, “think of the devil”, I muttered to myself and smiled while standing up and walking to the kitchen to pick up her call. “Hello mama”, I said immediately I picked up the call and my mother literally screamed into my ears. “Emmanuella, this is not what we do!” I winced and smacked my lips, I am really going to be in for it this night with my mother. This is what I get for always being in my head with Jordan and my relationship issues. “Mommy I am so sorry, I have just been swamped with a lot of school work”. I said and crossed my fingers that she bought it but the small voice in my head beat me to it. “Liar”, it screamed out to me and I rolled my eyes and mentally gave the voice a nice bird flipping ad I tried to tune my attention back to what my mother was droning about me not being like this and changing. ‘You don’t want to know how much I’ve changed mom’. I thought.
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