I like you

804 Words
Jordan’s POV Emma walked pass me with her phone ringing and I c****d my head as I watched her go into the kitchen. She always does this, maybe she is not yet comfortable with me being around to pick her phone calls. Or maybe it might probably be just Maya calling her for girl gossips she does not want me to hear. I laughed as I remembered the one time I had overheard her talking to her mother, maybe she might be talking to her mother too. My phone dinged and I looked at it, I saw that it was a message from Bianca. Bianca has been texting me all week, asking to meet up with me and fix things. I never wanted it to be this way, she knew what she was getting from me. I wonder what she saw in me that made her to fall in love with me like she claims she did. I gave her enough reasons to not like me in that way but she ended up going against everything I told her. I sighed as I quickly typed a text to her. I told you not to fall in love with me, loving me is the worst thing you can ever do. I am not the person for you Bianca and you are also not the girl for me. Immediately I sent it, she read it and soon enough the three bubbling dots showing that she was typing popped up and I sighed. Soon the message popped up. Bianca: so the girl is the one for you? Does she know that loving you is bad for her? Only I know you Jordan. You can’t keep swinging your ex relationship over ours, I know you feel something for me. I rolled my eyes as I finished reading the message and locked my phone. Emma is not even attracted to me now, I am not sure she is but I will surely make her. I want her, she makes me feel something I haven’t felt since the last girl I was in love with. I felt even more than that, like she is my soulmate. ‘You wish’, the small voice in my head laughed at me and I opened my phone to block Bianca on every platform I had her on. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Emma’s POV I groaned as I kept listening to my mother go on with her usual sermons about me being a good girl and also to keep in touch with my father. “When was the last time you spoke to your father?” She asked me and I groaned again. “Mom”, I drawled. “Don’t asks me that, you already know the answer to that”. “You need to stop that, your father’s and I fight is not for you. I don’t want you fighting our fight, your duty is to be his daughter and my daughter”. ‘And to be the sister to the child he has coming from another woman’ I thought sarcastically. “Sure mother, I will try calling him”. I said so she would just drop the talk. “Alright, I’ve got to go now”, she said and I literally released a sigh of relief. At least she hadn’t asked about Asher. “Alright mom, take care of yourself and do call me when you go to visit my siblings, I miss them”. My younger siblings attend a boarding school, my father had sent them to an expensive private boarding school when he had started the separation process with my mother before her finally divorced her and she had moved out with us. “I will baby”, she promised and we said goodbyes then she hung up. Immediately, Jordan entered the kitchen and went straight to the trash bin and disposed the paper plate I had served her lasagna. “Girl talk?” She teased as she washed her hands and then came to me, standing so closely in front of me for the second time that night. I could feel her breath on me and my heart had started beating crazily again, like it wants to leap out of my chest. “No, I was talking to my mother”, I barely said out in a hoarse whisper and then cleared my throat. Jordan laughed lowly, like in her throat and it was the most sexiest sound I had heard ever. She tucked my hair that was peeping out of my hair bonnet back into the hair bonnet. “I like you”, she suddenly said and froze. It didn’t matter, because I was frozen too.
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