I might just wife her up or something

618 Words
Jordan’s POV I looked over at Emma, she looked fidgety and I was worried if she was okay at all. After a short drive back to the dorm, we both came down from the car and I locked the car then walked to her side with my duffel bag containing my sporting gear slung over my shoulder, then I held her left hand with my tight and intertwined our fingers together. I felt shivers up my arm, just like I feel whenever I touch her. I noticed that she shivered a little bit and I smiled. We walked into the lobby together and walked past the porter out front, some students that were in the lobby let their gazes linger at us for a bit, some noticed our intertwined hands and turned to whisper words within each other. Emma came closer to me as we waited for the elevator. “You know you are some kind of big shot around here on campus”. She whispered as she stealthy looked around. I chuckled, “you are worried that they are looking at us right?” Emma rolled her eyes and I got my answer. “Don’t worry princess, nobody cares about me that much”, I said amusedly as the elevators doors opened and we stepped in. Emma detached her hand from mine and I instantly began missing her touch. “Why did you let go?” I asked as I raised a brow at her. “You also need help standing in the elevator?” She asked sarcastically with a smug look and I laughed lowly. “Burn”, I whispered softly and she smiled briefly at me before reaching into her purse and bringing out her phone, pretending to be engrossed in it. I raised an eyebrow at her but she ignored me, we stayed in silence till the elevator bell dinged and we stepped out of the elevator. I opened the door and she stepped into the room first, slightly brushing me. I inhaled her scent as she brushed pass me and I held her back with one hand while I gently shut the door with my other hand. I tilted her chin up to look at me and I could hear the sound of her breathing changing, then I cupped her face with my right hand and let my fingers trace patterns on her face, gently down her chin as I brushed her lips. At this point, I so badly wanted to kiss her. “Don’t do that to me next time mama”, I whispered hoarsely. I watched her swallow hard as she looked for what to say frantically. Sometimes she could be an open book and I loved that. “Aren’t you hungry again?” She whispered against my face and I realized that I was inching close to her lips. I turned my lips into a cryptic smile. “I am hungry for so many things baby”, I said then added a teasing waggling of eyebrows. Emma broke free from me and slapped my hand away from her sides before marching into the kitchen with the lasagna, probably to microwave it or something for me. I smiled to myself, “God! She’s is so cute in so many ways”, I whispered to myself as I watched her sway into the kitchen. “I might just wife her up or something”, I said to myself in a joke and proceeded to change out of my clothes into my sleeping clothes. Luckily I had taken my bath before leaving the court today, because I right now I am deadass tired to even shower.
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