1914 Words
Third person’s (Maya) POV Uh huh, was the first thing that came to my mind as I saw Jordan step out from where I suppose is the bathroom. Emma was shocked and so many emotions passed through her face, I am not sure she had realized that Jordan was half naked at that. The tension between these two is so strong that it’s choking me, I don’t know what happened after at that party but right now I know they would need their privacy, with the way Jordan was looking at Emma right now. Welps, I guess we don’t have to go look for her for Emma’s phone again. “I am just going to step outside for a while, call me when you guys have settled this mix up”. Emma barely nodded at me as I stepped out. I laughed immediately I shut the door behind me, the irony of life. How did these two end up to be roommates now? ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV I had just stepped into the bathroom to quickly shower and prepare to go meet Emma, she might call anytime soon and I want to be prepared so I don’t keep her waiting, when I heard knocking on the door. I sighed, the roommate is here now and she is already annoying me, was she not given a key? I ignored the knocking and continued with my bath. I heard voices inside and knew she had finally used her key to get in, she shouldn’t have. I finished up bathing quickly and dried my body off with my towel and tied it around my waist, I don’t care how the roommate will react to this but I guess we are both females so she should not be surprised, we both have the same anatomy. I opened the bathroom door, working out my annoyed face but I was in for the surprise of my life. There was Maya and Emma trying to unpack!! Emma turned around and saw me, my confusion and surprised look turned into a smirk as she stared at me. “You!” The pretty girl before me opened her mouth and yelled, I nearly threw my head back to laugh but stopped myself. It’s not everyday you run into someone you nearly went nasty with and they turn out to be your roommate. “I am just going to step outside for a bit, call me when you have settled this mix up”, I heard Maya said and then the sound of the door opening and closing. I had not even looked at her for once, I was fixated on just Emma. Thank heavens for her, because what I really want to do now is kiss this girl in front of me. “Yes me”, I replied her amusingly. Suddenly she glanced away looking at everywhere except me, I was confused. Why is she.. “Please put on some clothes”, she finally said bringing my attention to my towel that was wrapped around my waist. I laughed and replied her okay before picking up a shirt and shirt that was on my bed. “I’m dressed now”. She turned to me, “thank you”. “I was preparing to come meet you”. “But I am here now instead, how..?” I knew what she was trying to ask, and all I could answer with is the universe. I shrugged instead. “I was not happy at first when I was sent a letter that I will be having a roommate”. She raised a brow, “why?” “I love my personal space”. “Then why don’t you just get an apartment off the campus?” My face darkened. “I was, my father took all my rights away”. I smiled at her and went to sit on my bed. “I guess we are roommates now?” “Yup, and I am thrilled”. “That makes one of us”, she said and turned her face away. Emma opened her box and I watched her, as she brought out her beddings and dressed the bed. “My phone, can I have it now?” I then remembered the reason why I was dressing up to go see her before. Damn! I really wanted to spend some time with her. “Yeah sure”. I pulled out my bed side drawer and brought out her phone. “Here”. She came forward and collected it, brushing my hand a little bit. I felt her stiffen a bit and then pulled away from me sharply. “I want to call Maya back in, is that okay with you?” I shrugged, “it’s your room as much as it’s mine”. “Okay”, she gave me a small smile and I stared at her as she made the call. The urge to kiss her kept on growing in me and I could not hold myself back any longer. “Just one more thing”, I said as I stood up and walked towards her. “What?” She said turning to me. I moved closer to her till I was a hairline away from her, I could her her breaths quickening. “I don’t know how to share”, I whispered against her lips as my gaze flickered to them. “Well, I won’t be touching any of your stuff”, she replied. I laughed, “baby, that is not what I meant”, I said before swooping and capturing her lips with me. I groaned as my tongue finally slipped into her mouth and got tangled with hers. Kissing her feels so intoxicating every time, like my new high. She is like I drug I want to get addicted to. Her hands found their way around my neck as she kissed me back. I smiled through the kiss, there is no way this girl is not into girls. She just might not know it yet in her conscious state. A knock suddenly brought us to reality and she broke the kiss. “We shouldn’t be doing this”, she whispered and took a step backwards from me. I was confused. “Why?” “First off, I am straight. I am not sexually attracted to women”. I laughed, “tell that to the sizzling chemistry between us”. “I was drunk that day!” “Well are you still drunk?” She opened and closed her mouth wordlessly. “I just might be”, she finally retorted and I tsked. “Maya is waiting for you to open the door and I have to get to school now”. She went to open the door while I opened my wardrobe and took out clothes, going into the bathroom to change. I stepped back into the room to see her and Maya in a ‘gossiping stance’. I smirked at them both then gathered up my basketball gear. “I will be out late, basketball practice and all”. Emma barely nodded looking at everywhere except me. I smiled and walked to her, kissing her forehead, I whispered “take care of yourself baby”, then stepped back. “What? No ‘take care of yourself Maya?” Her best friend asked, making air quotes. I shook my head smiling. “No, it’s ‘take care of my baby’ for me”, I responded making the same air quotation mark with my fingers as she had. She rolled her eyes at me and I waved both girls bye while grabbing my car keys and leaving the room. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV I groaned and fell back on my already made bed as soon as Jordan left the room. “Please tell me I am dreaming, I’m in a dream. Please tell me anything”. “Anything”, Maya replied and I gave her a dirty look. “This is not funny”. “I don’t know, she seems funny”. “I will not be able to handle it”. “Why do you think so?” “She thinks I like girls”. “Well, do you?” “No!” I answered sharply, way too sharply and Maya raised an eyebrow at me. As if to say then why are you defensive? But I know myself, I know I am not attracted to women. I just feel a weird connection to her, sparks go off when she touches me. But I can end that, it will be no problem. “Look Maya”, I sighed. “I don’t like girls, you know I can’t like girls”. Maya c****d her head to the side. “And why is that?” “What?!” I laughed a bit. “My mother will kill me, I can’t even go there. Having lesbian friends is bad enough”. Maya suddenly looked interested. “You never told me you had lesbian friends”. “Back home, from high school. But that is not what we are talking about now”. “Yes, we are talking about you and Jordan”. “And there is nothing between us”. “Okay babyyyyyy”, Maya drawled as she laid down on Jordan’s bed. “Are you going to help me unpack or what?” “Or what”. She simply replied. “Asshole”, I muttered and continued with arranging my stuff. I wanted to make sure everything was arranged before Jordan comes back to the room. After transferring my already folded clothes into the wardrobe and hanging the ones that needed to be hung, I looked over to Maya and saw that she was deeply asleep. I decided to use the opportunity to check out the room. I walked over to where Jordan had come out from earlier and walked through the door. I found a little hallway and two doors facing each other, I opened the first one and saw that it was a kitchen. Not too big but also not small, it also had a fridge inside. ‘Wow’. The other door will obviously be the bathroom but I still opened the door anyways. The bathroom was bigger than my expectations thankfully and I closed the door carefully. Going back into the room, I woke Maya up. “Hey, let’s go out and get something to eat. I’m hungry”. It was almost evening and with the work I had done, I was definitely very hungry. “s**t, I failed in my duties of taking care of you”. I rolled my eyes at her and gestured at her to stand up while I picked up necessary things I need. “Is my hair okay?” I nodded in affirmative. It wasn’t, but I was not about to tell her that to waste our time further. Let her find out by herself when we get to the car. I snickered behind my hand.
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