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Jordan’s POV Monday evening, 7:19 pm “Dude you won’t believe this”. Was the first statement that came out of my mouth as I slid into the booth in the restaurant where Jake , his girlfriend and I were meeting for dinner. “What am I not believing?” Jake asked as he dipped a fry into ketchup and put into his mouth, I made a disgusted face. I hate ketchup. “Wait, did you both order without me?” “I tried to stop him, he wouldn’t budge”. Lizzy his girlfriend tried to explain to me. “I was hungry and you were late”, Jake whined. I rolled my eyes at him, he is such a baby when he wants to be. “Yeah, sure whatever”. Jake grinned. “So what is this news am I not going to believe?” “My new roommate just moved in”. Jake rolled his eyes like that is the most mundane news I could give to him right now and dipped his fry again into ketchup. “I know, you have been crying about this since Saturday that you found out”. He casually said and ate the fry. “Yeah but the roommate is Emma dude!” Jake choked on what he was chewing and quickly reached for his water. “You are kidding!” I shook my head as I tried to hold in my laugh. “No, I wish I was but I am not”. “How?” I lifted up my both hands at her. “I don’t know too, I just know that I stepped out of the shower into my room. I was preparing to go meet her and return her phone when I just met her trying to unpack there in the room, with Maya!” “Wait hold on hold on, return her phone? You have been hiding a lot from me recently Jordan”. I rolled my eyes at him, “okay I will explain”. “Wait, who is Emma?” Lizzy suddenly cut in and I remembered she was there. “Emma is the girl that sat beside us that night at the party. The girl that Jordan had her tongue down her throat instead of just placing a f*****g cherry and just leaving”. Jake tried to explain to Lizzy and turned to me, eyes hungry for the full details. “I am so hungry, I need to get food in front of me first”, I said and winked at him while raising my hand to call a waiter. Jake looked impatient and I so love having him this way. “You know you could start talking now that you’ve order your food?” “I know, but I want my food here first. Interest your girlfriend, she is looking bored”, I nodded my head towards Lizzy. “Baby”, he drawled and leaned to kiss her, I gagged and took my attention away from them and brought out my phone opening up i********:. I contemplated searching Emma up and following her but paused in that decision. “Here is your order sir”, the waiter placed the tray in front of me bringing out the plates and placing them on the place mat. Jake started laughing almost immediately the waiter made that mistake. “She is a woman”, he said stressing it out. The waiter’s face grew red out of embarrassment and he stuttered, trying to apologize. I gave Jake a warning glare and looked up at the waiter. “It’s fine, I don’t have a problem with that”. He thanked me and quickly walked out of my presence. “You have to stop doing that to people, you know i obviously don’t have an issue with people unknowingly mis-gendering me”. I pointed at him with my fork in a threatening way. “I know, but it’s fun”. “That is bad, stop it”, I told him sternly and he raised his both hands up in surrender. “Okay ma’am, I will stop making fun out of people on your behalf”. I nodded satisfactory and focused on my food. “The food is here now, give me full details”. Jesus Christ! I thought as I opened my bottle of water and poured into a glass cup before lifting it to my mouth. This boy knows how to dig for details. “Where will I start from”, I sighed. “From the part where you had her phone”. I smirked at him, I really had him riled up for the gist. “The night of the party, we left together”. “Yes you both fuvking did. Suddenly she was gone, and then you followed next”. Jake gave a suggestive smirk and I knew what he was insinuating happened. “Sorry to burst your bubble mister, but nothing happened between the both of us”. “Then what did you both leave to do?” He asked confused and I know why. He is so used to me hooking up with girls, not caring s**t about them and he felt Emma will just be like one of them. “She was drunk”, I simply replied him and his confused frown deepened the more. “Don’t try to understand it”. I told him and he snapped back. “Okay okay, just go on”, he said finally stopping in trying to figure out what happened. “I took her to get chips. Sorry Lizzy”, I paused and apologized to Jake’s girlfriend. I always tell him not to bring her along on bros nights, knowing she will just be lost on any discussion we will be having. “It’s fine, go ahead”, she said bringing out her phone and I turned back to Jake. “I took her out to get chips and we talked, then made out”. “That is so sweet of you”. Jake said and I knew he meant that in a sarcastic way, I threw a chip at him and he dodged it. “Well, she then asked if I could drop her off at her place, it Maya’s as the case might be and I did. Before she left the car, she pulled my jacket I had given her and dropped it on the passenger’s seat, she must have dropped her phone then”. “And none of you noticed it”. “Nope, not until I was on my way to my father’s house”. “Well s**t”. “I know, she called later that evening but I was already out of town, there was no way I would have been able to give her back her phone or drive back here. You know how dad is about driving late”. “And the next day?” He asked in a duh tone and I looked at him like he was stupid. “That was yesterday, a Sunday”, I deadpanned at him. “Oh, I get it now”. “Mmhmm”. I replied sarcastically. “And she just showed up today in your room like, ‘hello roommate for the year’”. The way Jake said it was so funny plus the hand gestures and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Something like that”. “Do you like her?” “How many times will I tell you this?” I asked him back. “Well, it’s strange. You don’t like anyone”. “Well, I do now”. “What of Bianca?” “What about her?” “She will kill Emma for sure, that girl is protective of you”. “Thankfully I have times without numbers told her that we are not exclusive”. “Girls don’t know that bro”. “Enough about me, I don’t want us to bore your girlfriend with talks about my love life”. “You don’t have one yet”. “Ouch”, I faked hurt and held my chest. “Dummy”, he said and turned his attention to his girlfriend. I brought out my phone again and contemplated texting Emma to ask her if she had eaten before realizing that I don’t have her number. I opened my contacts and scrolled to Maya’s number and my finger hovered over it. I don’t want to come off as clingy? Fuck this, I will go back to the dormitory now and if she have not eaten, then I will go out to look for something for her to. “I am going back to campus now”. I told Jake as I dropped some bills on the table. “Take your cash, I don’t need it”, he waved my money off and I gave him the middle finger while I stood up. He laughed, “you are so gone my friend”. “Shut up”, I retorted while waving his girl goodbye and leaving them both to enjoy the night, while I go back to my own girl. And for the first time since I moved into the dormitory, I was actually happy going back there after a tedious day.
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