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Emma’s POV Monday morning, 9:47 am “That guy over there is looking at you”, Maya said nodding towards a direction I could not make sense of. We had decided to stop by a coffee house to get some snacks before I go to the porter’s office to be assigned a new room. “Well he should keep staring”. I replied, not interested in knowing whoever that was. My mind was stuck on moving dorms and getting my phone later on today from Jordan. The weekend without my phone has been hell and I have been in a cranky mood all through. “Come on, he is handsome”. “Not interested”, I replied her, taking a big slurp out of my smoothie. Maya laughed, “chill, you will be getting your phone soon. It’s just for you to move in to your new room and I’ll drive you to go meet her”. “I’ve never stayed this long away from my phone, I am bothered”. “Your phone have a passcode security right?” I looked at her strangely, what is she talking about? “Of course I have a security passcode on my phone”. “What says the time?” She changed the subject as she noticed the irritation in my voice. I instantly felt bad, I need to stop pouring my frustrations on her. “I’m sorry Maya”. She understood what I meant bc she grinned at me, “no problem. Short people are always angry I get it”. I could not help but laugh and she joined me in laughing. “Was it that bad as you laughed now?” “Oh come on”, I rolled my eyes at her. “Mmhmm, come let’s get going please. If you really want to reunite with your phone on time”. I stood up, following her carrying my unfinished smoothie. “So to the porter’s office for your papers and extra keys right?” Maya asked as she opened the car and we got in. “Something like that”. “Okay baby, let’s go get you a place to stay so you will stop being homeless”. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ The time we spent in the porter’s office was limited and I was grateful for that. “Where did you get?” Maya asked as she collected the papers from me and scanned through my new dorm allocation paper. “Holy s**t”, she spluttered. “What?” I asked suddenly curious as to what she saw and tried to peek on the paper too. “You snagged a room at the privileged kids dormitory, it’s co Ed too”. Maya said, stressing on the privileged in relation to what I had said last week and also waggling her brows at me suggestively. I guess maybe because the dorm is co ed. “So what am I supposed to do?” “Snag a rich boyfriend from there duh”, she replied as we got into the car again. “The dormitory is way over at the other side of campus according to the map here”. “Oh jolly good for me that don’t know how to be early on some days and doesn’t have a car”. “Shut up, I am sure that there will be transportation or something to the main campus. Don’t get so uptight now, you will be chilling with them big kids”. I shook my head at Maya. Sometimes she talks like she is also not a very rich kid. “Like I don’t chill with them already”. She gasped, “oh I am so honored to know that you think I am rich”. “Oh shut up”, I laughed and she joined too. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** We finally got to the dormitory and located the supposed block I am supposed to be living now. When I say the dormitory is huge, I mean it’s huge, oh my days! It looked like an apartment building instead of a dormitory in my own opinion. “How am I supposed to take my luggages up, it says in the paper that I am on the first floor”. Maya shrugged, “I’m sure there will be people for that. Come on, let’s go check it out first”. We both walked in to where is supposed to be the lobby of the dorm, I was supposed to hand some papers to a miss Veronica. I saw a lady behind a computer clicking away and decided that she must be the Veronica, so I walked towards her and dragged Maya with me. “Miss Veronica?” The lady looked up from the computer in front of her and smiled, adjusting her eyeglasses. “Hello, good morning. How may I help you?” I quickly brought out the papers. “I got allocated here”, I said handing the papers to her. She took it with a slightly confused look and quickly glanced through them, her confusion immediately gave way and she smiled up brightly at me. “You just need to sign somewhere here darling”, she said as she opened a record book and indicated where I should sign with the tip of her pen before handing it to me. “Sure”, I replied her and collected the pen, signing my signature with flourish. “Okay, I’ll just call for someone to help you with your luggages. How heavy are your luggages?” I smiled at her, “two persons will be okay miss”. “Okay great”, she smiled before turning in her chair to make the call. Few minutes later and two heavily built men came up to us and Maya and I led them out to the car. “Holy s**t”, Maya whispered to me excitedly. “You are in rich kids domain”. I rolled my eyes at her, “shut up Maya”. She grinned. We took out my luggages from the trunk of the car and led them through to my floor, taking the stairs. Out of curiosity, I asked one of the men. “Doesn’t this building own an elevator?” He smiled, “they do, but you took the stairs and we had to follow you”. I smacked my forehead while Maya teased me, “dummy”. “You know you could have also asked too right?” I retorted. “We are here”, they told me as we got to the front of a door. I looked at it, ‘B 106’. Yes, this is my new room from now till the end of the section. “Thank you very much”, I thanked them and searched my purse for some bills to tip them. One of them smiled, “oh no ma’am, we are being paid for our job”. My mouth dropped as I stared at them. “The elevator is down the hallway, why not watch us use it so you’ll know where to find it when you need to”. I smiled at her, “two persons will be okay miss”. “Okay great”, she smiled before turning in her chair to make the call. Few minutes later and two heavily built men came up to us and Maya and I led them out to the car. “Holy s**t”, Maya whispered to me excitedly. “You are in rich kids domain”. I rolled my eyes at her, “shut up Maya”. She grinned. We took out my luggages from the trunk of the car and led them through to my floor, taking the stairs. Out of curiosity, I asked one of the men. “Doesn’t this building own an elevator?” He smiled, “they do, but you took the stairs and we had to follow you”. I smacked my forehead while Maya teased me, “dummy”. “You know you could have also asked too right?” I retorted. “We are here”, they told me as we got to the front of a door. I looked at it, ‘B 106’. Yes, this is my new room from now till the end of the section. “Thank you very much”, I thanked them and searched my purse for some bills to tip them. One of them smiled, “oh no ma’am, we are being paid for our job”. My mouth dropped as I stared at them. “The elevator is down the hallway, why not watch us use it so you’ll know where to find it when you need to”. I nodded and they walked down the hallway, they stopped somewhere and turned giving me a thumbs up which I returned and turned to knock on the door. “Why are you knocking? You have a key”, Maya asked me confused. “What if my roommate is inside?” I said to her. She made a go ahead gesture and I continued knocking. After knocking for a while with no response, I decided to use my key to open the door. This key in question is not a regular lock and key thing. They had freaking key cards for this dormitory, wow! I flashed my key and I heard a click, then I turned the knob of the door and it opened. “Finally”, I heard Maya sighed behind me. We both stepped into the room and I looked around, the room is as big as a living room space. “Maybe my roommate is not in”, I said as we dragged my boxes to the empty bed space which I supposed is my own side of the room. Maya started saying something when I heard a door open and I turned around, right in front of me stood Jordan with just a towel around her waist but my attention was not on that. Is she my roommate?! I had so many things running through my mind but the only thing I could say was, “you?!”
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