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Jordan’s POV “Dad you can’t be serious about this”. “I am, you’re moving to the dorms, your grades have been so poor lately. You need to focus”. I could only stare at my father in shock, my father is the most understanding person ever, so seeing that his mind was made up already on this decision there was nothing I could say that would make him change his mind, nothing, not even being his favorite child could save me this time. I ran upstairs to my room and carried my basketball, before coming back down with the same energy and out to the backyard where there was a mini basketball court. Using all my energy, I began bouncing the ball around and throwing it into the hoop, continuously with my headset on playing loud hip hop music into my ears. Let me give a little introduction of myself. My name is Jordan, Jordan smith. Yes I’m a girl and yes Jordan is a unisex name. I get that a lot whenever I tell people my name, especially since I like to dress in a masculine way. I’m a girl but I feel more comfortable wearing boy’s clothes. I grew up with two elder brothers, I’m the last child and only daughter. Basketball has also been my thing right from when I was a little girl, I used to follow my dad to my elder brother’s game and the love and passion for the game just grew on me. I turned around to shoot the ball into the hoop again and saw someone staring at me, her name is Bianca. Bianca is someone I see on and off, not really dating. I don’t do dating. I guess I should clear that up for you. I’m gay, gay as in a lesbian. I love the female gender, I’m attracted to women. “The way you were bouncing that ball so hard, one would think that you’re both having an issue”. I threw the ball and missed. She followed the path of the ball as it landed on the hoop and bounced away. “Uh huh, not so good”, she tsked and walked towards me. I might be attracted to this girl but now she’s annoying and right now I don’t need her around me. I removed my headset and hung it around my neck. “What are you doing here Bianca?” She got to me and stood on her tippy toes, bringing my neck down and kissing me on my lips. I pulled back from her. “I’m not in my best mood now”. “You look like you could need some cool off time”, she whispered seductively, trailing her hand down my chest. I caught her hand before she move any further down. “No thank you”, I moved past her and picked up my ball. “What’s wrong with you?” “I’m not just in the mood now Bianca, don’t you understand?” “Is there anything I can do for you?” “God! Girl you are so slow. I said that I am not in the mood”. “Oh”. “Yes. Wait, why did you stop by really?” “The party Brian is throwing, are you coming?” “Oh, that”, I threw the ball again at the hoop and it went through this time. “I might probably stop by, I don’t know”. “I was thinking we should go together”. That stopped me in my tracks. “And why should we?” “Because we’re together duh”. I rolled my eyes at her, the audacity of her to think that way. I walked over to her and held her face in my palm, then bent down to lightly kiss her lips. She threw her arms around me and tried to deepen the kiss but I moved back and broke off her hold. “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t do this relationship thing. You and I, we are not together”. I stood up straight and continued with the routine of what I was doing. “Hey Jordy!” I turned around to see my elder brother, the middle child of my father waving at me. “Jake!” I laughed and jogged over to him. “Hey kid”, he fist bumped me and ruffled my hair, he is taller than me. Standing at 6”5, he always uses that to his advantage. “I’ve warned you to stop calling me that”. He looked behind me. “Hey Bianca”. “Hello Jack, how have you been?” “Good good”. Jake slung his arm over my shoulders, “come here little one, dad told me you got into a fit and you were out taking mercy on your poor ball”. “Dad is just annoying”. “I second that”. We all walked into the house, with Jack’s arm still slung over my shoulders. “What did he do to you, his favorite daughter?” I rolled my eyes, “please, I am his only daughter”. “That’s not the point”. We all walked, including Bianca to the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast table. ‘What is she still doing here?’ My subconscious mind asked me. I sighed, like I know buddy, she just do not know when to leave someone alone and when the conversation does not concern her. “Dad wants me to move to the dorm”. Jake was in the middle of picking an apple from the fruit bowl and biting it, when he replaced the lid and faced me. “Be serious”. “I am”, I told him with a straight face. He looked at me with that same expression for some time before bursting into a full blown laughter. I opened the fruit bowl and took the apple he had wanted to pick and took a big bite. “Hey! I’d wanted to eat that”. “Well you found something else to do with your mouth”, I said between bites as I ate more of the apple. “But why would he want you to move to the dorms?” Bianca asked. Of course she had to ask, couldn’t she just shut up and never for once butt into conversations without being asked to. I had wanted to let the question slide but Jack had to ask also. “Yes, why does he want you to move to the dormitory?” I shrugged, “apparently my grades are too low for his standards. My time living alone is being wasted, if I were to be in school I would be more focused on my game and books”. “Hm, but he doesn’t mean bad you know?” I groaned, “oh come on, not you too”. “Someone have to do it in the absence of Jared”. Jared is our big brother, the eldest and first child. “Well I don’t like you doing it”. “Sorry, you’re stuck”. “I feel it’s going to be strange if you start living in a dorm, visits won’t be as much fun as it used to be”. I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today and snapped at her same time my brother said, “she might beat you up if you continue talking. “When are you moving to the dorm?” “Tomorrow I guess, I have trials and I need to be on campus”. “I trust you’ll do it”. I smiled up to him and let him hug me very tight. “Thank you brother, you’re kind of stupid and amazing”. He laughed and ruffled my hair still again.
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