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Emma’s POV “I’m home mom!” I yelled as I entered the house. I had no response, which wasn’t weird. She was probably still at the church. My mother is a very religious woman with position in the church. I went straight to my room and dropped my bag, changed out of my clothes to something else then brought out my laptop. This is something I make sure I run through, checking through the accommodation portal to make sure my dorm room is secured. Yes, the dorm. I stay in the dorm, although Maya have talked my ears out to move in with her, I turned the offer down. Living with Maya would automatically mean the both of us dropping out of school, we’ll be such bad influence to each other and I couldn’t have that. Education is something my mother take very serious and in every way, I hate to be a disappointment to her. After making sure all was in order, I double checked my flight info, then I copied it and sent it to Maya so she’ll know what time she’ll be picking me up from the airport. After I was done, I skipped to the kitchen to see if there was something I could eat, I opened the fridge and saw a plate of lasagna. “Hmm, this will do”. I microwaved it and finally settled down to dig in. While eating I scrolled through my phone texting some friends. I was supposed to meet up with some of my high school friends today and I wanted to make sure that they were still up for the hang out. They all replied with a ‘sure’ and I quickly scarfed down my food. Wearing my sneakers by the door, I snatched my car keys from where it hung besides the door and jogged to my car. Inside the car, I texted my mom that I was going out with friends before connecting my phone to the car and hitting shuffle on my playlist before driving out. “Look who’s walking towards us”, April, one of my high school friends shouted and got the other’s attention as I came down from my car and started walking towards them. We agreed for our favorite park to be the meeting point, so it was very easy for them to all spot me. “Hey guys”, I went round the circle giving our special handshakes to everyone before sliding down and sitting beside Amy. I casually threw my arm around Amy and Kristin gave me a dirty look. I smiled widely back at her and went ahead to bury my face in Amy’s hair making kissing sounds. “Someone should tell Emma to leave my girlfriend’s side before I smack her to the ground”. Kristin finally spoke out after glaring at Emma for what seem like ages. Everybody laughed, because they know how protective Kristin is when it comes to her girl. Oh yes, her girl. Kristin is a lesbian while Amy is a bisexual girl she managed to land towards the end of senior year in school after a terrible heartbreak she had during junior year. “Dude chill”, Emma drawled and left Amy raising her both hands in surrender. “Amy is all yours please”. “Yeah, besides we all know Emma is straight as a rod”, Jake piped and everyone laughed. “That’s what you’ll say about a spaghetti till it gets into the pot”, Kristin retorted and everyone laughed again. “How’s your boyfriend Emma?” Maria asked. “Oouuu, going back to school tomorrow. Someone’s going to be doing the nasty nasty”. Someone else teased. “Shut up”, Emma muttered and reached out for a drink, someone passed it to her and we continued like that. Just sharing stories between ourselves and laughing at past memories. Third person’s POV The door opened and Emma walked in to the house, she met her mother and some other women from church in the sitting room with her mother and greeted all of them before turning towards her room. Her mother called her back. “Yes mom?” “Are you ready, you’ve checked and double checked that everything is okay and you’re ready to leave?” Emma smiled at her mother, “yes ma’am, everything is set”. “Okay then”, her mother then waved her away. Before she left she complimented one of the women sitting there, “that’s such a lovely blouse you have on Mrs Maureen”. She smiled and left the women in the room. Mrs Maureen smiled at Emma’s retreating figure, “I didn’t think anyone would notice. It’s my favorite blouse”. The other women awed. “Emma is such a good girl”. One of the women said. “Yes”, another agreed. “Such a perfect example to young adults”. All Emma’s mom did was to sit down there and beam with proud smiles as positive remarks about her daughter was passed around. Emma’s POV The time on my alarm clock read 3:00 am, I turned around and sighed. I always have anxiety before traveling therefore the inability to sleep. I stood up from the bed and unplugged my phone, then I left my room and quietly walked to the kitchen to drink some milk like I always do when I’m unable to sleep. When I got to the kitchen, I put on the light and met my mom sitting there, I screamed lightly. “Mom! What are you doing up by this time?” “I should ask you the same question darling. Can’t sleep?” “You know the usual”, I replied her while opening the fridge and pouring out a glass of milk for myself. I joined her and sat down at the table. “You never told me what happened with you and your father”. “Oh, Avery is pregnant”, I paused to let it sink in before dropping, “and dad is engaged to her”. “Oh, that’s good for him”. I saw the total surprise on my mother’s face, he hadn’t even told her yet. I scoffed. “That was what happened?” “No, Avery was acting like she didn’t want me there and I went off on her, but dad was more concerned about me apologizing to her than my feelings that was hurt”. “Oh honey”, my mom grabbed my hands. “You already know what I’ll say”. “I know, but it’s already been done, so”, I shrugged off the remaining sentence and drained my cup. “What time is your flight?” “Seven forty five”. “You’d better get back to bed then”. “Sure mom”, I stood up and kissed her forehead and then left her in the kitchen back to my room. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** The next morning my mom drove me to the airport, she went with me through every point till when I was about to leave for the boarding lounge, then she pulled me close and hugged me tight for a very long time and whispered some prayers and advices to me before letting me go. “I’ll miss you mom, take good care of yourself”. “Take care of yourself too”, she blew me a kiss and waved me bye again. I changed the position of my backpack to my other shoulder and then moved through the sea of people, getting lost in them. At exactly 7:45 am my flight was called, which made me very happy because it means less time at the airport and the quicker I’ll get to see my best friend again. I quickly sent a text to Maya that I was about boarding the plane, my flight is just for an hour so she have plenty of time to prepare and get to the airport against when I’ll land. Settling into my seat after buckling up in the plane, I plugged in my earbuds to help with the pressure and relaxed back into the seat closing my eyes. I remained that way until I felt the plane take off, only then did I allow myself to fall into a peaceful nap. I woke up to the sound of the captain welcoming us as the plane lands and I sat upright. Yes! I’m finally back to this city, I missed this place. The plane finished landing and I got up quickly and tried to maneuver my way before people will start milling out. I called Maya. “Hey, where are you?” “I should be asking you that!” She laughed. “You’ve obviously landed”. “Yes and I’m about to get my luggage from baggage claim”. “Okay, meet me out front then, your ride awaits you mi lady”. “Shut up”, I laughed and hung up, waiting patiently for my luggage till I found it. Then I got a trolley and loaded it then pushed my load out towards the arrival gates. When I got out, I scanned around for Maya, it didn’t take me long to find the 5”6 ft girl with a placard that boldly said, “WELCOME EMMA ALLEN”. I laughed and ran towards her to hug her. “I missed you”. “I know, now let’s get your stuff loaded up and moving”. We disengaged and I laughed again with her.
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