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Emma’s POV Maya’s phone ringing woke us both up. “Urrgh”, she grunted and sleepily tapped her hand around the bed looking for it, I handed it over to her when I found it first and she picked her call. “Hello? Mom?” I turned my attention to her quickly, it is very rare for Maya’s mom to call when she is in school. “Like right now? What if we had something doing in school? My interest was peaked now, we’re they asking us back home? Maya ended the call with an “okay, we will be there in maybe two hours at most”. “Oh my God! Look at the time!” Maya exclaimed and I quickly glanced at the alarm clock by my side. It read 5:47 pm. “Well, we slept quite alright then”. Maya chuckled, “and we have not had anything to eat today. I need to call Tyler to send me Jordan’s number for your phone now. We are going home, mom said we should be home tonight”. “Why? Anything special happening?” “Not that I know of”, she replied and lifted her phone to her ear. “Hey Ty, what’s up?” Maya rolled her eyes and I could tell that he was already talking dirty to her. “Hey, I called to ask for Jordan’s number please”. Another eye roll. “No, I think Emma left her phone in her car or something like that”, a pause. “Okay, thank you. Bye”. Maya blew out a breath as she turned and looked at me. “Let’s get dressed so when he sends the number, we’ll call her and maybe drive to her place, get the phone and continue to my parents house”. “Great idea”, I replied her and stood up from the bed going towards the bathroom to shower. “Uh, what are you doing?” “Going to shower duh”. “Please no, we’ll do at when we get home. Just wear something and spray some deodorant”. I shook my head and laughed, Maya with the bad habits. “Yes ma’am”. I saluted her and went to look for something to wear. “Here”, Maya handed her phone over to me as I was in the bathroom washing my mouth. “Jordan, it’s ringing already”. “Oh”, I muttered and collected the phone, lifting it to my ear. “Hello”, her voice drifted into my ear as she picked the call. She kind of sounded off. “Um, hi. It’s Emma”. “Emma”. She said softly, her voice suddenly changed. “Yes, Emma from the party last night”. She chuckled and it sent shivers down my spine, how could be have this effect just through a phone call. Lord I am not into girls right? Right?? “I know, Emma”. She drawled and lord have mercy, her voice sounding like that? I can hardly collect my thoughts. “Ermm, this is not my number though, it’s for Maya”. She laughed out this time around. “Obviously, because your phone is in my car right now”. “Okay, why I called is….” I paused talking as what she said struck me. “You have my phone?” “Yes, that’s what I said”, she replied in an amused voice. “That’s great, please where can we meet up so I can get it. I really need it”. “Oh Emma”, her voice became low. “Sorry I’m out of town at the moment, I got to notice your phone when I was driving out in fact”. My heart sank into my stomach. “When will you be back?” “Probably Sunday night”. “Okay, no problem then”. I forced a smile as if she could see me. “I’m so sorry Em”. “Don’t beat yourself up, when you come back I can always get it”. “Okay! Great! Bye Emma, have a nice weekend”. I smiled at the phone, “you too Jordan”. Then a click, I hung up and nearly screamed out. I can’t imagine how my life will be without my phone this weekend. “What did she say?” Maya yelled from the bedroom. “I have to stay without my phone till probably Monday”, I replied her, slightly raising my voice so she could hear. “Oops”, came the response from her. Yeah, just what I thought too. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV Saturday noon, 12:28 pm I stared down at the letter in my hand in disbelief. How could my dad….? This is the worst punishment ever! Even as a kid growing up stubborn, he had never punished me like this. I looked for my phone to call him, then decided against it. If I call him, he might not take me serious, I’ll drive back home and make him explain why he is doing this to me. For heaven’s sake, I don’t need a roommate! Humans are hard to deal with and I have to face them everyday when I go out to school or court. I don’t have to come back to my room and meet one, when I’m supposed to be resting in solitude. I called Jake my brother instead. “Hey kiddo”, he said immediately he picked up after the first ring. “Hey Jake, what’s good?” “Nothing much? You sound kind of down? Pissed?? I can’t place it. Are you okay?” “Not really? Are you at home? Like back home?” “No, why?” “Dad approved a roommate for me”, I said dejectedly. Jake was silent for a while before he burst into laugh. “Are you serious?” I sighed, “do I sound like I am joking?” “Oh my god, what did you actually do to him? Maybe he might take your car next”. “He wouldn’t”. “Same thing you said about the roommate thing”. “I’m going back home to have a talk with him”. “Good luck to you kiddo, I’m not sure you’ll win this with him”. “Till I impregnate my roommate”. Jake’s sigh was audible, way too loud in my ear. “You are gay Jordie and wait, your roommate is a girl?” “Yes?” “Then I say have some fun!!” He said laughing now. “I say I want my peace of mind”. “Well she could be your peace in different ways”. I could just imagine him waggling his brows right now. “Bye Jake”. I hung up, sometimes I can’t imagine that he is my elder brother. I quickly picked up few things that I would need, into my backpack and locked my door. This man have a lot of explaining to do. Thank God for coach canceling out practice this weekend. “I need to wash my car”, I muttered as I got to the car mentally making a note to take it to the car wash after I am done dealing with what I have at hand. I had just drove out of town when I heard a phone ringing in my car. That is definitely not my ringtone, whose phone is it then? I hit the brakes at a red light and used the opportunity to look for the phone from where I had heard it ringing from. There, under my jacket from last night that Emma had worn was her phone. I instantly knew it was hers because no one else had been in the car aside her since last night and also from her lock screen photo. I chuckled a little bit, such a cute girl. The light turned green and I moved, just then realization hit me. She might be looking for her phone, and I am already way out of town. What will happen now? I shrugged, I will just wait for her to contact me and I knew that she surely will. We have a mutual between us, when she realizes that the phone might be with me she might ask Tyler for my number, that means I get to see her again, a win for me. I grinned. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ “You bring your voice down when talking to me young lady, I am your father and I will do whatever I please to do as long as I am still paying some of your bills”. My father calmly said to me as he continued to work on his computer like I had not come to complain something serious to him. “You know how much I love my personal space and privacy”. I continued to press on, he had been proving to stubborn and not budging. “You will adapt, that’s why we are humans Jordan”. He looked at me from above his glasses. I sighed and decided to use my last card. “What if she is a bad influence on me?” “She won’t be”, he cut me off. “I background checked, Emmanuella is a good girl”. “You went through all that stress just so you can stress me?” I exclaimed. My father can be very hard to understand sometimes. “We are done here Jordan, you are welcomed to spend the weekend. Sunday evening you are going back to your school”. He said with a note of finality and I knew we were done with that conversation. I turned around and sighed before leaving his presence and heading towards the stairs to go up to my room. Had it been my brother Jake was here, he might have considered listening to him. I just got into my room when I heard my phone ringing, I had left it upstairs before going down to speak to my father. I walked to it and picked it up, unknown caller? Who might it be? I picked up, “hello?” “Um, hi. It’s Emma”. Without she saying her name, I already knew it was her and my mood instantly brightened up. “Emma”, I breathe. s**t, she makes me so happy I can’t place why. “Yes Emma from the party last night”. She said and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I know, Emma”. “Errm, this is not my number though..” at this point I could barely hold in my amusement. “Obviously because your phone is in my car right now”. She started talking not realizing what I had said, then she paused. I smiled knowing that it had clicked in her. You have my phone?” “Yes, that’s what I said”, I responded with amusement in my voice. “That’s great, please where can we meet up so I can get it. I really need it”. “Oh Emma”, I started out. “Sorry I’m out of town at the moment, I got to notice your phone when I was driving out in fact”. I felt bad because I know she really can not be without her phone and dad will not let me drive out late and tomorrow is Sunday which means church, it’s a rule in our house. “When will you be back?” “Probably Sunday night”. “Okay, no problem then”. She sounded sad, but I could tell she was forcing to sound alright. “I’m so sorry Em”. “Don’t beat yourself up, when you come back I can always get it”. “Okay! Great! Bye Emma, have a nice weekend”. I hurriedly tried to end the call because hearing her sad was heart breaking. “You too Jordan”, came her reply before I hung up. I laid on my bed and faced the ceiling. What is it about this girl that is drawing me to her. I know I am not a relationship type, I don’t think I want to walk down that path again. But there is something about Emma, I wan to possess her, make her mine, own her. I turned and groaned. At least I get to see her again on Monday or tomorrow night if I’m too impatient.
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