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Emma’s POV “I would make a meal for you but I am so tired right now”, I grumbled as I hung upside down from Jordan’s bed, watching her as she arranged whatever the hell she was arranging. “You need to rest then”. “I know, but I don’t want to”. I sighed. I didn’t want to be quiet and left alone with my thoughts, I’ve had enough ‘near encounters’ with Jordan today to just overthink about. I am still trying to figure out why I am feeling this way about this girl, I mean since when I’ve I been this strongly attracted to a woman? Okay, I appreciate women, I love admiring women but she was different. At this point I know I really need to call Kristin because this girl. I just want to keep touching her and never leave her side, just like how I slightly felt pissed when she left me to go talk to her ex. “Tell me about your ex”, I suddenly said and she paused. “Why?” She said and continued folding the shirt she was folding. “Because I want to know about her duh”. “We met when I was in freshman year. We were in freshman year actually”. “She is a..” I tried asking but could not complete the question. I remember Kristin telling the group one day that it’s not right to label someone, you get to know the person first and then actually ask instead of just assuming. “What?” Jordan stopped and turned to laugh at me. “You can’t say lesbian or gay?” I picked up a pillow and covered my face in shame groaning into it, then removed it and looked at her with a straight expression. “I can, my friend once said it’s not actually acceptable to label someone when you don’t really know them. You might be getting it wrong”. Jordan nodded her head. “Your friend was correct about that”. I gave her a ‘I know right’ look. “Don’t get smug with me, your friend falls on the spectrum too?” I gave her a confused look and she sighed looking up then back to me. “I forget you are not familiar with our terms. I meant that, is your friend part of the l***q too?” I nodded, “yes. Kristin is full on gay gay. Like lesbian gay”. “Cool”. She just replied and continued with her clothes. I squinted when I realized what she was trying to do. “You are deflecting”, I accused. “How?” “We were talking about your ex and I asked you something”. “Oops, you caught me. Tiffany is bisexual actually”. “Ohhh, so she like dates both girls and boys?” “Yes she does”. “What happened?” I asked her in a small voice. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ Jordan’s POV “What happened?” Emma asked and so many things rushed through my mind, reminding me of how Tiffany broke my heart without even thinking of the effect it would have on me, the emotional turmoil. I shook my head. “She was cheating, cheating on me with a boy. A ‘once upon a time’ friend of mine”. “Damn! You got it worse than me, at least I don’t know the b***h”. I laughed, trust Emma to make light of something that is serious. I admire her sense of humor and it just makes me more attracted to her. “Yeah, I guess cheating exes is our thing”, I said in a joke and brought out a backpack that laid at the back of my wardrobe. “Cheers to cheating shitty exes”, she faked toast and laughed and I raised my imaginary cup at her too and laughed also. “What is in that backpack?” She asked as she saw that I opened it and dropped it aside. It contains my strap and other things I used to use with Tiffany when we were in a relationship. I never just used them again, I hate sharing s*x toys on different girls. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had s*x plenty of times. In fact, countless times after Tiffany but I have not strap any girl down. Nope, I just can’t yet. But now I have to throw these away and get a new strap or something. “You don’t want to know Em, trust me”. I gave her a flirty wink. My phone beeped and Emma passed it to me. I looked at it and, “Will you go out with me later this evening?” Emma made a face like she was thinking then brightened up and frowned again. “I would, but Maya asked me to follow her to some sort of hangout”. I laughed, “that is where I am headed to”. “She is driving there, Maya hates driving alone at times”. “Well, I will just ask her boyfriend to pick her up”. “Tyler?” “Who else?” Emma laughed, “don’t let Maya hear you call him her boyfriend. She would give you a lecture on how they are just comfortable with each other and enjoying their time together”. She finished up with an eye roll. “And probably f*****g?” I added and Emma nodded vigorously. “And that too”. I finished what I was doing, closed my wardrobe doors and went to my dresser to sit on the chair. “Let him know that he is picking Maya up. You and I, we will go to wherever you guys are hanging out together”. I smiled, “sure thing babe”. “Great, I think I will take that nap now. Wake me up when you are ready to go”. I gave her thumbs up and watched as she rolled in my bed, hugging my pillows and closing her eyes to fall asleep. “Stop watching me, it’s making me hard to fall asleep”, she mumbled after a while. “It’s hard not to”, I replied. She did not respond and minutes later her breath even out, she was sleeping already. I picked up my phone and went to her side of the room, Emma is a very neat girl and I love that about her too. Just so many things about this girl, jeez!! I checked my Wi-Fi connection and opened up my phone, time to scroll through social media till I’m tired too. Jus my then I got an iMessage from Bianca. Bianca: can we talk? I stared at it for some time, what does she want to talk about with me? I wondered. Me: yeah, sure. What’s up? I sent it and she read and started replying immediately. Bianca: I’m good, you? Me: I’m good too, so what do you want to talk about. Bianca: why are you avoiding me? You act like you don’t care about me and don’t give a s**t. You have always been like this, but recently it got worse and I don’t know what to make of it. Immediately I read it, I sighed and rolled my eyes, not this again. How many times will I have to tell this girl that me and her can’t work out as something more, she just doesn’t get. Me: I don’t know what you are talking about. Bianca: of course you don’t, of course you also don’t know that I am in love with you and have been for a while now. I read it and frowned, God I hate doing this. How could she let herself fall in love with me after all the warning I gave to her. She agreed to a no strings attached friends with benefits stuff, what is she talking about here now? I stood up and decided to go into the kitchen to call her instead. She picked up immediately on the first ring. “What are you saying Bianca, I don’t get you”. She laughed a low laugh. “Of course, you always don’t get me when it comes to discussing feelings”. “We had an agreement from the start”, I reminded her. “We had an agreement, okay but now that I am in love with you, what do you want me to do?!” “I don’t know, fall out of it?” “Are you even listening to yourself? I should fall out of love because I made the decision to love you?” I shrugged even though I knew she could not see me. “You decided fall in love, you can decide to fall out”. “Do you know that you are an arrogant jerk?” Her tone was rising and I hated it, one thing I hate the most is someone raising their voice at me. “Don’t talk to me in that tone”, I warned her. “Sorry”, she mumbled. “Whatever. Look Bianca, we both are not good for each other and we cannot deny that fact. I warned you because I knew that I was going to break your heart. I don’t love you or have feelings for you, I’m sorry if this hurts but it’s the truth”. I heard her sniffled and wondered if she was crying. “Then I’m sorry I can’t keep on seeing you Jordan, if I can’t have you then I don’t want to keep being friends with benefits”. Her voice broke at the end and I knew she was definitely crying. “I was good by the way, if you really need to end this”. “It’s because of her isn’t it?” She asked accusingly and I was confused for a second, because of who? “Oh, Emma?” “I don’t care what her name is”. “You know, she told me about your visit. Thank God you won’t have to do that again because I am still pissed as hell for you pulling that stunt”. “Okay, have fun with your life”. “Oh I will. Sorry Bianca, you did this to yourself”. I hung up and held the counter top, bending and closing my eyes for some time. I hate the feeling of hurt, I hate it when someone is hurt because of me. That is why I always make sure we are clear on our terms before I get engaged in anything with any girl. I stood up straight and walked back to the room, I really need to rest too. Thank God I am not a cheating ex at least.
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