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Jordan's POV Friday, 1:06 pm. "So what's up?" Jake asked me for like the hundredth time that afternoon. He had looked for me and traced me to my last class for the day only to budge my life about the house party Sam is throwing and everyone is talking about. "Not you too please, don't disturb me about this damn party. I'm not in the mood for socializing anytime soon". "But Bianca..." "Bianca will be the death of me, literally", I cut in and sighed. That girl seriously won't get the hint that we are not exclusive and it just pisses me off sometimes. Jake grinned, knowing he was on my nerves and probably wants to ride on it for some time. "Don't even think about it", I told him as I picked my backpack up and slung it over one of my shoulders. Jake pouted, I swear this boy acts like a kid sometimes. "But you are coming with me to the party?" "I can't, I have practice this evening". "You dirty liar, Tyler told me that coach canceled in your trainings this week as a 'welcome back to school' package", he made air quotes. True, coach had canceled on our practices for the rest of the week but I felt kind of annoyed Jake thinks that I can't train on my own. "Well done Sherlock, but I hope you are aware that I don't need coach to hold my own personal trainings?" I asked him as I shot him an annoyed look. His mouth opened in an 'o' shape and he looked sheepish. "my bad, I am sorry". "mhm, whatever". I started walking out of the class fast and he followed after me still talking. "Tyler will be there..." "I know..." "That means Maya will be there", he cut me off and continued. "And if Maya is there that means Emma will surely be there". That caught my attention as I slowed down and waited for him to catch up with me. "Ah ha, I got you!" He whooped happily as he sidled up by my side. "Don't mess with me", I gave him a stern look. Jake laughed at me. “I promise, I am not messing with you. But look at your face!” He continued laughing. “Interested because I said a girl is coming huh?” He used his shoulder to nudge me and I rolled my eyes at him. “She is pretty, so what?” I replied him as we stepped out into the car park of my faculty. If there is one thing about me, I don’t ever deny the fact that I am smitten by girl if I am, I don’t also deny if I am interested in someone too. “So, what are you saying? Should I stop by your room later this evening?” “Yes, sure. I might probably....” I trailed off as I saw Bianca waiting by my car. “Well, f**k your life”, Jake whispered and snickered. “Say that again”, I muttered as I walked towards my car. “Good luck mate, see you later tonight”. Jake saluted as he turned around and walked the opposite way to where he parked his car. Normally, he would have walked me to my car and budge the life out of me before letting me drive away, but Bianca is here and he dislikes her. The feeling is mutual between the both of them actually. Bianca loathes Jake also and really I don’t mind, because nothing serious is going on between me and her, she is just the one that fails to accept that. “Hey baby”, Bianca cooed as I got to my car and where she was. She batted her ridiculously long lashes extensions at me and tried to be all flirty. “Hey Bianca”, I replied curtly and nodded at my car, silently asking her to move so that I could open the car door. “Why were you waiting for me?” I asked her as I opened the door and dropped my backpack at the passenger seat then turned to her while one of my arm was on the car door and one of my legs inside the car. Bianca sniffled and I wondered if she’s got a cold or something. “Are you alright?” “I am fine, just that the way you treat me sometimes makes me really question if you even care about me or not”. I rolled my eyes internally, this again. “Look....” I started but paused. “Why are you here Bianca, I really need to get back to my dorm”. “Oh right, I just wanted to know what time you will be going for the party and if you would pick me up or if I could pick you up so we could go together”. I drew in air between my teeth and made a sorry face at her. “Sorry, my mind is not yet made up on the party thing and Jake is coming over later this evening”. “Jake your brother?” I gave her a ‘you dummy’ look. “Jake my best friend”. Her face fell and she muttered an “oh”. “Yes, I am so sorry B”. “Don’t worry, it is okay. But should in case you come to the party, will you look for me?” I shrugged and she nodded before waving me goodbye. I got into my car properly and fired it up, driving out of the school premises to the dormitories where I can have my peace for a while before Jake comes disturbing. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Emma’s POV I finished my classes for the day and trudged like I was dying to the car park, thank God it’s Friday yay! Sarcasm by the way. I am in no way ready for the party that Maya is all already to drag me to today. I got there and to where Maya parked only for me to not find her. I closed my eyes and sighed, I just really need to get out of this place before my head burst. I started counting to ten in my head and then opened my eyes, right across me was the basketball playing girl. What was that her name again? Jordan, I think. I saw her, talking with the girl Maya Courtney said was her girlfriend yesterday. But just as she was that yesterday, she looked very uninterested in whatever conversation they were having. I turned my attention from them, that is absolutely none of my business. Just then, I saw Maya walking towards me with her arms outstretched, quickly I glanced to see if Jordan was still there. I wouldn’t want Maya to see her, so she will not tease me for the rest of the day with her. “I am so sorry for keeping you out here babe”, she said as she hugged me and then opened her car door. “It’s not a problem, besides I haven’t been waiting out long”. “Uh huh”. Maya simply replied as we both got into the car. “Just drive me home Maya”. “Yes ma’am”, she replied with a grin and zoomed off. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ “I swear these boys will be the death of Courtney”. Maya complained, looking at me through the mirror in front of her as the hair dresser styled her hair. We were at her hair appointment. Yes, hair appointment just for the party. She had also booked a makeup session for me and her. I skipped on the hair with the promise of me doing something to it, there by the twists my hair is in right now. Courtney is the next girl she is close to, aside me in her life. I don’t like Courtney, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hang out with her and listen to Maya rant about her always. “What did she do this time around?” I asked as I casually flipped to the next page of the magazine I was looking at. “She is entangled with a freshman boy”. “That sounds interesting”. “Or weird, very weird”. Maya retorted and squeezed her face in a funny way. “Don’t criticize someone’s source of happiness or where they find love from”, I teasingly cautioned her. I got an eye roll from her in reply and I laughed. “What next?” I asked Maya in tiredness as we came back home from the makeup appointment. Maya had spared no mercy in her face beat. Her makeup was full blown and so perfect, it sculpted her face and she looked more prettier and alluring, exuding this energy just by her makeup and hair. Maya glanced at her wrist watch. “We wait, or find something to eat. It’s just six forty one and Tyler will be here by eight”. I nodded, “I have my hair to do by the way”. Maya looked up at my head and gasped. “You are right! Off you go missy, go and get started in that now young lady! I will order some rice and chicken for us, is that okay by you?” I gave her a thumbs up as I dragged my feet to the bedroom to prep my hair. “I am fine with whatever captain”. “What will I do with you now”, I muttered to myself as I loosened the bandana I had tied in my hair and picked at the twists. My hair is pretty long, okay. Very long, long touching my back, almost at my mid back long. I loosened out the twists and shook my hair, I always thank God for my type of hair as a half black and half white girl. I went into the bedroom and decided to get dressed first before styling my hair so I will not mess up with it when dressing instead later. I wore the bralette top and then a white fishnet before putting on the jeans bum short. I walked over to the full length dressing mirror and looked at myself, I turned around as best as I could while trying to catch a glimpse at my backside in the mirror. Once again, I silently thanked the genes gods for giving me my mom’s chest size and back side. I returned back into the bathroom and just decided to pack my hair in a high bun, letting some hair down by the sides of my face to frame my face. My makeup was very simple and not too loud, just like how I like it. The beautician really knows her work, thank God I got her card for next time. “Food is here!” I heard Maya yell and sighed in relief as I ran out to join Maya, I am so hungry I could eat an elephant right now.
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