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Emma’s POV I watched as Jordan’s mood switched up and her shoulders became rigid as she saw the girl that had called her name. “Tiffany”. Jordan finally said and I put the name to the girl. Okay this is Tiffany and there must be something between this two. “Yes it’s me, man it’s been too long. Can’t you even give me a hug?” I heard Jordan scoffed and walked over to the Tiffany, pulling her by her hand. “Cut through this bullshit Tiffany”. Jordan said between clenched teeth as she dragged Tiffany outside the supermarket. Only then did I turn around and noticed that they had pulled quite the crowd to themselves. “Oh well”, I muttered and continued with the shopping Jordan have left me to handle on my own. As I walked down the aisle of different food items, I wondered what the two had between them. From the look of things, I’m not sure it’s something good. Jordan really seemed upset and I was worried about her in a way. Could Tiffany be her ex or something? I understand firsthand how meeting exes could be. You just need want to bash them up against a wall especially if they hurt you really bad. I just hope Jordan will be fine and not come back moody, I don’t plan on dealing with a moody female adult today. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Jordan’s POV “What do you think you are doing?” I whispered yelled as I dragged Tiffany outside. She had the audacity to smirk at me. “What? You don’t want your little girlfriend to know about me? Ouch”. I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Emma is not my girlfriend, just my roommate and I am not scared of you. Don’t you get it? Stay away from me”. “Mmhmm, I miss you too”. I scoffed, I just can’t believe this girl right in front of me now. “You should have thought about that when you were cheating on me”. The amount of hurt I felt while saying those words were overwhelming. I did not even know I still felt for her to the point of getting upset again seeing her. “You know what? I don’t know why I am standing here having this conversation with you. I don’t want you close to me again”. I said and left her without giving her the chance to say any more words to me. I’m going back in to my girl. s**t! I should have just told Tiffany that Emma is my girlfriend just to see the reaction she would have in seeing that I moved on with a better person. Yes, I am that petty or toxic, whatever you choose to call it. I met Emma standing on the queue to checkout what she had shopped for. That was fast, how long was I outside with Tiffany for? “An old friend or foe?” She asked in a teasing tone and I released a breath of relief. I thought she would be mad that o left her all alone to do the shopping but here she was joking around. “A mix of both I guess”, I replied her and stood by her side as we moved on the line. She fake gasped. “I hope you are emotionally fine, because I don’t want to hang around someone with mood swings today”. I rolled my eyes and put my arm around her shoulders as we moved up the line to the sales person now. “I don’t know if I am fine, seeing her was actually disturbing”. “I get it”, she replied as she placed everything on the counter in front of the cashier, then she turned. “Uh huh, if seeing her is disturbing for you then don’t turn, she is like behind us”. “I don’t give a care about her anyways”, I shrugged and Emma gave me a look that screams “I don’t believe you!” “Who is she? An ex?” I just nodded and her mouth opened in an ‘oh’. “Sorry about that”. I laughed, “I am not hurt”. “But you were, and probably still healing right?” I just stared straight ahead till the cashier finished ringing up everything and told us the total. Emma pulled out her card and I used my hand to gently push it down, handing the cashier my card instead. She looked at me and I matched her gaze. “What? You think I’ll let you pay for groceries for my room?” Emma rubbed her forehead obviously frustrated at me and I gave a cute smile at her. “Stop smiling at me like that and second, the dorm is for the both of us”. I raised my eyebrows at her as she said that. “Third..” “Here is you card and receipt, thanks for shopping with us”, the cashier cut through what Emma was trying to say, obviously dismissing us as she was done with us and Emma started packing up the plastic bags as I put back my card in my wallet and then helped her with the remaining she couldn’t carry, then we walked out of the store together. “What is the third thing?” I asked her as we got to the car and dropped everything at the backseat. “Huh?” She asked confused and I tried not to laugh at her short memory. “You said I should stop smiling at you, second we are roommates and then third before the cashier cut you through, what was it?” “Oh. I did not actually say that you should not smile at me, I said ‘don’t smile at me that way’ understand?” She said making air quotes. “What is the third?” I asked again and she opened the passenger door and sat down buckling in. I got in after her in the driver’s seat. “The third is I was going to get my money back actually. Can’t possibly but free groceries for you”. I threw my head back and laughed as I turned in the ignition and put the car in motion. “So much for me feeling special back there that a girl was offering to pay for my s**t”. “Sorry to hurt your feelings”. She patted my hand that was on the gear and I turned to look at her briefly. How do I tell her that I am so into her.
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