I love Emma, but she can be a dumbass

776 Words
Maya’s POV Tyler turned and looked at me after Emma and Jordan closed the door behind them. “What’s up with you?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. I feigned to be confused with my forehead creased. “I’m good, why are you asking?” Tyler gave me a look and then smirked. “Okay then, I’m hungry ‘suga’”, he feigned a heavy accent and I laughed before standing up and going into the kitchen with him hot on my heels. Whenever Tyler and I get to be together in privacy, he always wants to be around me. He knows we don’t get to be too touchy feely just because I told him that I was not ready to be exclusive with him. I don’t know what is wrong with me but yes, I actually told him that. “Do you have something not alcoholic in your fridge for me to drink”, I heard him ask and then looked over my shoulders to throw a glare at him. He pursed his lips as though he was holding in his laughter. “I just asked a harmless question”, he said and my frown deepened the more. I turned back to bringing out a plate and serving his lasagna. “Hey”, I heard softly behind me. “Are you sure you are okay?” He said and touched my arm lightly. I released a deep breath and closed my eyes then turned around and threw my arms around his neck. Tyler hugged me back, rubbing his hand up and down my back, instantly calming me down. I broke the hug and handed him his plate of food. He pulled out a stool and gestured at me to do the same, I did and sat beside him as he placed his food on the counter top and began eating. I furrowed my brows and looked at him. “Aren’t you going to ask me ‘what’s wrong’ hm?” I asked and he laughed then shook his head. “You will tell me when you are ready to”, he said with an amused smile on his face. I gave him a dirty look, I finally caught up to what he meant. “Anyways”, I started after simmering down from my temper. “Asher called Emma this evening”. Tyler choked on his food and laughed. “Probably to tell her to tell Jordan to watch her back or something right? Is that why you are pissed?” What Tyler said threw me off balance and then I was invested. I wanted to know what he was talking about. “No, what are you talking about?” Tyler then raised an eyebrow, “oh”. He said before pouring out what had transpired between them or Jordan rather and boys they suspected were from Asher. “Shessh, he is such a kid!” I exclaimed shaking my head. “What did he call to say?” I rolled my eyes, “you wouldn’t believe it”. I started before telling him everything that had happened. “I don’t know how to convince her that Asher is no good”, I sighed after I finished telling him. Tyler’s face was scrunched up in thought. “Asher is going to place a bet or has already placed the bet to get her back”. I looked at him skeptically, “and you know this because?” I drawled. He shrugged, “I’m a boy, I know what boys like him can do”. “Wait, so you are saying he is not really interested in her?” I asked unbelievably. “Sounds like he is more interested in saving his name and ego”. “Well damn! Emma will definitely fall for this, nothing I can say to her will change her mind. She have already made her choice, could see it in her eyes this evening”. “Why do you think so?” I scoffed, “I love Emma with the whole of my heart, but she can be a dumbass”. Emma’s POV ‘I know Maya will think that I am a dumbass if she actually knows that I really want to get back with Asher’, I thought as I buckled up the car seatbelt. “Are you okay?” Jordan asked and I looked at her then smiled. “Yeah, I’m fine”. I replied with a sigh and relaxed into the car seat as she reversed slowly out of Maya’s apartment building.
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