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Emma’s POV I woke up before six am and said my morning prayers. It’s a thing that has been drilled into us from childhood. After my prayers, I felt hungry and decided to go downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. It’s Sunday today, but knowing my father he doesn’t go to church, I just hope he’ll be up early enough so I can wrap up what I came here for and head home. I’m already tired of this place and can’t most definitely stand Avery no matter what. I had just finished pouring cereal into a bowl of milk and settling down to eat it when I heard movements at the kitchen door. I sighed and prayed for everything that it’s not Avery coming for an early morning snack like all pregnant women do. The lights suddenly came on and I couldn’t resist rolling my eyes, fortunately it was just my dad. “Emma darling, you’re up?” “Yes, I woke up early and feeling hungry. Good morning”, I greeted him. “Good morning sweetie, hope you slept fine?” He took a bottle of water from the fridge and opened the cap downing it. “My night was okay, I slept okay”, I shrugged in response to him. “Okay, that’s good”, he replaced the cap back on the bottle and dropped it on the table and then he pulled a chair out and sat down at the table. I continued with eating and watching him silently. “I guess we have to talk”, he finally broke the silence after we had silently looked at ourselves for a minute. I shrugged, “I’m still eating dad”. “Oh, okay I’m sorry. Finish up”. “Thank you”. I quickly finished eating and took the bowl to the sink, rinsed it and placed it in the dishwasher. Then I got back to the table and sat down. “Emma”, my dad called me. “Yes?” “I have to be real with you, the way you spoke to Avery yesterday was not called for. I don’t like it”. “How about how she was on my case?” “She was trying to be friendly”. “Doesn’t seem so to me”, I retorted. “You’re in my house, you have to respect her as my partner as long as you’re here”. “Well good thing I’m here after almost a year now and it’s not hard to avoid here for more than that. I think I made the bad decision to come here seeing that you never try to reciprocate our visits”, I was getting really pissed already but I tried to check my emotions in like I always do. “Look, Avery is pregnant”. “Good for her”. “I asked her to marry me and she said yes”, my heart sank at that, but I didn’t let it show. Maintaining my blank expression I answered him. “Good for you”. “That’s it?” He asked incredulously. ‘What does he expect me to say?’ I wondered. “Yes? Can we talk about why I’m here?” His face fell at my immediate change of topic, but truth is I was already tired and all I wanted to do at that moment was make a run from that house. He shrugged and told me to go ahead. I simply explained that I needed more funds for school and he promised to place me in a monthly allowance when I get back to school. I stood up to leave the table but sat down back and looked at him squarely in the face. “You know you’re selfish right?!” I slightly yelled, he was taken aback but I wasn’t backing down. “Ever since you walked out of our lives leaving us, mom with nothing. Did you even bother to know how we were faring?” He looked like he wanted to say something but I raised my hand up to silence him. “You just showed up out of nowhere last year and you think everything will fall back and be normal. Do you know the work I put in to make sure that my mom and siblings don’t fall apart?” “But you’re here worried about how I talk to your girlfriend, oh sorry my bad. Your fiancée”, I added the last part, laced with so much sarcasm. “Isn’t that sweet of you, loving father? You weren’t even bothered to know if what she said affected me in any way. Yeah right, she’s trying to be my friend”. “I’m sorry”. “No you’re not, you’re just saying it because you think that’s what I want to hear”. I stood up from the table. “I’ll be going back now father, congratulations on your engagement”. With that I left the kitchen back to the guest room to freshen up and drive back home. I dialed my mother’s number when I got to the room. “Darling”, she said immediately I picked the call. I sniffed and cleared my throat. “I just wanted to hear your voice”. My voice wavered. “Are you okay darling?” “I’m fine, just had an argument with dad”. “Oh, darling. I’m sorry”. “I’m okay mom, I’ll soon be on my way. Let me just freshen up”. My mom replied and I hung up. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Coming down the stairs from the room after I had taken my bath and prepared. I met my dad and Avery in the sitting room, clinging to my bag tight, I bade them both goodbye and walked out of the house. I got to my car and got in, after settling down and turning on the ignition, I connected my phone to the car’s Bluetooth and called Maya. Calls to her when I’m like this always lifts up my mood. She picked up and I poured everything to her, while driving out into the highway, she listened attentively without interrupting me. Even when I cried and slightly yelled she just kept on listening, that’s one thing she’s good at that I love, ‘listening’. After all my yelling and crying, when I finally calmed down all she said was, “well, I’m glad that you’re coming back tomorrow”. “Yeah I’m glad too”. “That’s great, catch flights and not feelings”. “What?!” I couldn’t stop myself from laughing, I was still even smiling hard even as she hung up and I continued driving back to my mother’s sweet house. My father could be an asshole and Avery his girlfriend could be a major b***h. Hell, my boyfriend too can be a duck but since I have my best friend, everything is perfect.
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