Chapter 4 - Meeting the Parents…

1398 Words
Alpha Dominic was leaning on the doorway of the bathroom, smiling down at me, as I lay awkwardly on the bed, covering myself with the sheet. He appeared to be taking in the curves of my body, even through the light layer of the fabric of the sheet laying over me. Looking at me with interest. He made me feel uncomfortable, despite the fact moments earlier he had had his hands all over my body, making me call his name!     I quickly step from the bed and walk across the room to the bathroom wanting to have some space, and not to feel so uncomfortable under his intense gaze. Alpha Dominic held my gaze with a sultry smirk as I closed the bathroom door firmly behind me. Feeling uncomfortable all over now. How can one man have this effect on me? So simply too! Just by a simple look, or a simple touch and he can make me feel such drastic emotions or feelings…      The moment I stood behind the closed bathroom door I could heard his deep voice breaking the silence I had been craving. “Yes, at the suite.”      Who would he be talking to? Parents perhaps? I can only assume he is telling them where we are, referencing the Alpha suite we are currently inside of. He had clearly waited until I had moved from the room before making the call, or taking the call as the case could be, considering his sister had tried calling while I had laid on the bed earlier.     “Okay, I will be back tomorrow. What do you want to eat?” I heard his voice once more, making me wonder if it was indeed his sister he was talking to. I know they were quite close. And I know due to her illness she depended greatly on him and her family.     “Just try to do as you are told yeah?” I heard a deep chuckle, which made me smile slightly. I felt a little strange, I cannot lie. Who would have thought the ruthless Alpha of the neighbouring pack, the one we had always been told to fear was in fact quite the big teddy-bear when it came to his family rather than a big grizzly-bear to be feared like they made him out to be. Alpha Dominic had quite the reputation in the area and beyond for being a brutal, and heartless Alpha – though, are they not the best types? The ones that can run a pack the hardest and toughest way? Make their pack more successful? The Alpha of my pack could certainly have done with lessons in that area. Perhaps if he had my Dad may not have found himself in the mess he did and I may not find myself in this situation I am currently in.    I finish up in the bathroom, walk out doing my best to look confident and pick my clothes up off the floor, quickly putting them on before walking to leave. But Alpha Dominic was there before I got chance to even reach the door.  “Taylor” he says, grabbing my arm as he does. “Tomorrow, come with me to the family home?”     He has to be joking right? I have literally just heard him on the phone with who I can only assume was his sister wanting him home, and now he wants me to follow him running home to her? I don’t think so!      I  give him a cold glare, pushing his hand away as I do, not wanting him touching me. “Wouldn’t want to displease poor Casey would we?” I roll my eyes. I may have signed an agreement with him, but that was to help my mother, I am not being around that irritating nuisance of a sister who clearly clings to Alpha Dominic for dear life!     His eyebrows raise in surprise. “What are you talking about?” Why are you getting so angry, sweetness?” he smirks. Does he like that I am irritated by this?      Before I had chance to respond he wrapped me in his arms once more. Pulling me down to the bed again, and hooking the sheets over us, before taking off all the clothes he had just moments ago put on. He looked at me, a look within his eyes I cannot determine, but a lazy smile on his lips. He pulls me to him before he says “I think it is time we get some sleep my love, don’t you?” and he gently places a kiss on my head.    Early the next morning I simply could not sleep anymore and truly did not want to go to the family house that Alpha Dominic had mentioned to me last night. But he seemed to have a way forgetting what he wanted from me.     I awoke to the sheet being pulled off me, and the curtain was wide open, the sun glaring in through the windows of the Alpha suite we had chosen to spend the night in. I sleepily open my eyes and realise people are likely able to see in through the large bedroom window and I quickly jump up with a hight pitch squeal, desperate to cover my naked body. Jumping straight into the arms of Alpha Dominic. Who is laughing quite joyously.     “Aww you are funny Taylor!” he said, and that moment I realised I have likely been tricked.     I scowl at him. “You are not funny however Alpha!”         He was clearly in a very good mood this morning, and had a big smile on his face as he pulled me close to him, holding my naked body close to his.. “You don’t need to call me that you know. You are my wife. When we are together Dominic, or Dom, or such like is fine you know?” he tells me.  Gently kissing the corner of my mouth with a smile. “Aww you all shy? I am teasing sweetness, they can’t see in. It is tinted glass. But it was funny seeing you move so quickly!” he winks.     “You are an i***t Dominic!” I say, putting emphasis on his name now he has told me not to call him his formal title, as I walk to the bathroom to get away from him. I cannot believe I fell for his childish stunt!      I can hear him laughing again as I close the door but hear him saying “That is better”.  He was definitely in a good mood this morning. But this, this felt so strange, he was acting like we were a real couple. Like he actually wanted me.      Once we were on the way to the family home, I did my best to get away, wanting to leave but Dominic was not for letting me, and seemed to be so addicted to playing with me, teasing me like I was some sort of toy, or a pet! But he was doing this constantly with a smile on his handsome face, so I can’t deny that I think he actually enjoys what he is doing. Which I find truly puzzling.     He pulled me into his arms, and no matter as many times I moved away he would pull me back to him, like he craved the contact, as the car drove along the roads of the pack toward the family home.      “Hmmm, I think perhaps we could have some fun, maybe a little game, what do you say beautiful?” he whispers into my ear.    I look at him, puzzled by what he has said. Before he continues. “You run away once, or even move away I will take off one piece of your clothing. I want to see how many pieces of your clothing you have that I can take off” he whispers with a cheeky twinkle in his eyes, and smile on his face.    I clutched my chest in shock at his suggestion. He has to be joking! “That is not normal! Dominic, we are not a normal couple” I hiss. “You are abnormal”      He sticks his tongue out at me and simply laughs as the car pulls up outside the large family home, within the large gardens of the Pack.
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