Chapter 8 – Changes?

1272 Words
  Seeing Dominic on the screen the young boy was excited, happily laughing, stretching out to the screen with their chubby hands, trying to hug him. His dark hair had curls, framing his face and his dark eyes twinkled with happiness at the sight of Dominic now in front of him on the screen.        Sitting himself down on the sofa in the lounge, Dominic could not help but smile. A soft smile that filled his eyes, one that could not be removed. The effect a young child so often can have. One this young boy so often had on him.   “Aww you wanting me to hug you Austin?” Dominic asks.          The little guy grinned in response, his dark eyes twinkling once more. “Yeah”.         Dominic chuckled at him. “I want a kiss then, you going to give me a kiss?” he asks, touching his cheek smiling.  Like he was requesting a kiss from the little boy.         The little boy was frowning, tilting his head to the side, confused as to how he was able to do that through a computer screen. Clicking on the screen unwillingly. Dominic chuckled again, before stretching out his arms in a hugging motion around his phone he was making the call through, so it would look like he was giving the young boy a hug. Making the little boy giggle in delight. A big smile of satisfaction on his face. He had got the cuddle he had been wanting. He was happy now.         The room was filled with the crisp laughter of the young child, and Dominic could not help but smile at the sound. He loved seeing Austin smile and being happy. It brightened his day. He was gld he could make the boy happy. That was all he wanted.       “Are you being a good boy Austin?” Dominic asked him.         Austin looked at him with a cheeky smile before nodding enthusiastically.       “I hope so!” Dominic smiled back at the young boy. “trying hard with your learning and doing as you are told?”          “Dominic, speaking of his learning, his teacher is here now” the elderly lady spoke up from behind the young boy, coming into view on the screen.      “Ok. If his teacher is there, I guess I have to let him go. ” Dominic agrees reluctantly, as he waves to Austin. “I think it is time for your lessons to start Austin. You must go and do some good learning, ok?”          Austin looks back at the elderly lady, before looking at Dominic again and he nods, though there is a sad expression on his face now it is time to say goodbye. It is evident he doesn’t like saying goodbye.        Dominic smiles sadly at Austin as he waves at him. “Good boy, go show them how clever you are”        Austin now too waving on the screen as they say their goodbyes, knowing they would be speaking again later. Like they always did.  A part of their day to day routine.        When Taylor woke up she was puzzled to find the bedroom dark, the curtains drawn, blocking out the sunshine outside, and Dominic was no longer laid with her. She felt oddly disappointed by this fact, and the lack of his body heat next to her was equally disappointing. Perhaps she enjoyed certain benefits of this arrangement more than she should…      With Dominic not by her side to distract her like he had done on previous mornings, she got herself up, and showered and dressed. Not that she should complain at that, she told herself. She should rather not wake to him by her side. That was not good for the business arrangement. That is all this was. She reminded herself. A simple business arrangement. The sleeping together was of his choice. For his benefit. His request. She told herself. I could stop it if I wanted…         She walked herself down to the kitchen, desperate for a coffee, and assumed, or at least hoped there would at least be some basics in the cupboards for her. So she was surprised to find an omega wolf cleaning up, preparing food for her. She didn’t doubt that as Alpha Dominic had omega wolves cleaning and doing jobs around pack for him, maybe even like house staff, cooks etc, so many Alphas do that, to save them the role of having to maintain their home, to focus on their pack, so their Luna can rest and look after their children, for purposes such as those. But she did not expect them. Not here for her.      “What are you doing here?” she asked, maybe a little bluntly.       “I am here because Alpha asked me to make sure there was some food ready for when you woke Miss Meadows. Would you like some food? A coffee?” the omega asks.      Taylor sighed. But nodded. She was hungry, and definitely wanted a coffee, so was not going to turn down the things offered to her, despite the fact having this omega unexpectedly in her now new home made her feel uncomfortable.  “Thank you. Where is Dominic?”         “Oh, Alpha goes away on business every Friday” the omega informs her, while placing breakfast food onto a plate and making a mug of coffee.     Taylor had sat herself down on the sofa in the lounge and had curled her feet up under her as she waited for the omega, though she did not like having somebody else running around after her, even if Dominic had arranged it. She was handed a tray with some breakfast and a coffee. Plus a folded piece of paper. She lifted this up as she began to eat the toast the Omega had made for her. A hand written note from Dominic.   Tay,     As much as I did not want to leave you my love, business calls as always at this time of the week, as you will soon come to realise the longer our marriage continues and blossoms. I will be home before you know it and you will be back in my arms… until then I shall be thinking of you and missing you with a passion I do not think you realise I possess. Take care beautiful. Dom.       Taylor found herself smiling somewhat at the note, but the over affection made her roll her eyes. What was it with this man? Though laying in his arms had not been as bad as she had expected. Feeling almost natural. Quite bizarre in fact. But Taylor knew this was nothing more than a business arrangement, yet that did not explain why was he acting this way? Was this all part of his game?     But, none the less, it seemed she would be alone for the next few days. Taylor was more than happy with that set up and was glad to think that it meant she would be able to get to the hospital to visit her mother. She was definitely due a visit. She needed an update.      Time alone seemed like a perfect solution in her mind. Let her come up with a solution to this situation she found herself in, see if there would be a way to make the money to pay back Alpha Dominic. Buy back her freedom so she no longer belonged to him. That would be her plan. Her goal. It had to be. Hopefully, before he mother would find out what she had done, because she would be truly disappointed in what she had lowered herself to do…
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