Chapter 20

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~Devin's POV~ Its the middle of August and the weather here in Birmingham England is cold, sweater weather like the song. I'm outside under the big willow tree at the school not caring that I'm missing my last two periods till the day ends. When Harry dropped me off three nights after our tender steamy moment in the car I couldn't stop thinking about how rough and soft his tongue felt against me. My head was spinning like a top and still is, I was dizzy from his sweet affection. We have gone two days with out really speaking, I don't know if its me or him. I'm some what hurt that he hasn't tried to explain himself. But I haven't really tired either. Maybe he thinks the same, maybe he's embarrassed. What came over him to do what he did. I'm not complaining because I enjoyed it as much as he did. Reese still doesn't know the juicy details and I'm not sure if I'll even tell her that the Xanax kicked in once I saw him. But even at work, he would avoid me, he would leave work early and not even offer me a ride, his mother would end up taking me. She did ask how the date went and I blushed so hard just thinking about it. I told her we had dinner, and cake, which was a lie, I had Harry's sweet mouth against mine, in between my legs- "Devin..." a strong accent cuts me from my thoughts. I look up from my book and Harry is towering over me. I forgot I was outside under the tree, but why isn't he in class. "Hi Mr. Styles," I bite my lip tucking my lose strand of hair behind. "Was that to much for your liking the other night..." he sits down in front of me. I wonder why hes doing so, but I look at my phone, the school day had come to an end, the lunch yard is empty, its only him and I. "I thought you were embarrassed or even ashamed...So I avoided you I guess." I admit. "Baby," I melt just from the sweet pet name alone and he hasn't even touched me yet. "I'm not ashamed at all, if I wasn't the respectful man that I am I would have f****d you in that small ass car, I mean really f****d you." My cheeks heat from his words, I try and cross my legs tighter from the warmth forming in my lower stomach. "Devin, I like you a lot, I could give a damn if I am your teacher or not. Yes, we may have to sneak around for the time being, but we can do it, together, if your okay with that." I look up at him through my dark lashes, his eyes filled with seriousness. I nod. Looking around he checks for the clear and leans in taking my chin in his strong right hand kissing me. I feel him grip my other hand and place right over his chest, his takes in a sharp breath. He trusts me. I don't know why but I find my self holding back tears. Harry makes me feel so different, so wanted when I'm with him I'm me, I mean I'm always myself. But when I was with Zaid I had to parade around with his friends who did nothing but cause trouble. Which in result got me in trouble, I wasn't the type to be in the office I may look it but I'm not. I pull back, looking at Harry, his green iris' so bright. I'm consumed by them, this man, my teacher, My Harry. "So does this mean we're...uh dating." the words feel so weird and foreign coming from my mouth. He laughs his beautiful full gut laugh nodding his head, smiling as he looks down at my hands still rested upon his broad chest. "Most certainly Ms. Cavanaugh," my heart skips with joy, my mouth curving into the biggest smile ever. "I want you to stay with me tonight, please." His words shock me I'm surprised even. "I just want you to lay with me, there is something missing from my bed, its you." "That was cheesy Harry," I smile. "But..." he pokes at my stomach causing me to swat at his hand. "I don't know Harry," I tell him honestly and his lips form into a hard line. My face fills with confusion. "It' fine," he rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to force you to do anything, I shouldn't have even f*****g asked." What? He stands to his feet, pulling his jacket over his shoulders zipping just so the top of his red tie shows. "I'll just take you home lets go," what the hell did I do. I stand to my feet gathering up the books from the ground running after Harry grabbing his arm. "Will you enlighten me on what I did because right now your sort of being an ass." "I'm being an ass, well why don't you enlighten me on why your being such a bit-" he stops himself and I don't stay or even bother that he's calling after me. Going into the now empty school I go straight my locker. How is it that one second he can go from kissing me, sweetest guy ever and telling me we're together to getting mad when I say I don't know about staying with him. I did nothing wrong. So much for thinking that this would even work. It's not that I don't want to stay with Harry and be in the comfort of his warm arms, its just the fact that my mother is incoherent and drunk half the time I don't want to leave her, its scare me, it scares when I leave her alone when I'm working or at school afraid that one day I'll come home to her limp cold body, vomit spilled on the floor, spilled alcohol, no pulse... "Devin, baby I didn't mean that." I ignore his plead, throwing my books in my locker shutting it with a slam. "Devin..." I stop turning on my feet facing him. "WHAT HARRY!" I yell at him. "What did you mean then, one moment you're kissing me saying we're now a couple but look where the f**k that got us Harry! Our first fight, I'm so f*****g sorry my alcoholic mother is drunk all the time, I'm so f*****g sorry I don't want to leave her in the fear of losing the only damn family I have left Harry!" I step closer to him. "Do you see this," I lift the sleeve of my sweater exposing the now healed burn from the pan. "My mother doesn't even remember doing this, why because she was drunk, hell high even. Who the f**k knows, its so sad that my own mother chooses alcohol over her own daughter!" I don't even realize I'm crying until warm salty tears fall over my lips. He just stands there stunned by my outburst, no words are spoken as he walks closer extending his hand to brush under my eyes with his thumb, but I flinch away. He takes this unspoken no, and throws it in the dust grabbing me pulling me against his chest. His body is warm against my cheek. I want to fight him, but my arms tell me otherwise and wrap around his waist. I cry more into the fabric of his jacket thinking about my mother and what I just spilled to him. He knew about my mother doing this but never knew why and I just told him. He holds me there in the middle of the hallway, for anyone to see, but thank god school has let out and everyone has left. My small frame fits into his tall one, I hug him tighter not wanting to let go. I just keep crying. My eyes hurt and I feel so tired. Harry soon scoops me up in his arms carrying me out of the school, walking to his car. Our silence we share has my heart pounding against my chest. I should be mad at him I shouldn't give in this easy but my mind is telling me differently. The door to the passenger side opening and he sits me down in it. When I notice what car I'm placed in the blush creeps onto my cheeks and I have to squeeze my legs together from the ignited burn between them. Harry notices, but kisses my forehead before buckling me up, closing the door he makes his way around the car getting in starting it and leaving the school. I can't help but seem to feel paranoid, what if someone saw us... I shake my head, everyone was gone...I think. I look over at Harry, his eyes are on the road, the stubble on his chin is visible, his jaw is slightly flexed, his hair is in soft curls pushed back and tucked behind his ears. He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen. So tall, so lean, so gentle. I wanna make him stop.this car just so I can kiss him and tell him how much I.... no I'm just being...I don't know. Hahaha someone has the love bug. If you had a damn mute button I'd use it. Harry finally turns down my road parking in front of my house. Pure horror falls over my features when I see the front door to my house wide open. I rush out of the car and into the house with Harry right behind me. The couches, the TV, gone. Pictures from the walls shattered and laying on the floor right below where they were once hung. My mother...I run down the hallway not caring that I'm stepping on broken glass. The door to her room is wide open and she's laying on the ground, motionless...I drop to my knees feeling her cold body and the small layer of sweat against her skin. No, no, no. Please. Don't f*****g say I spoke to soon. "Mommy, please," I cry out. I place my two fingers on her neck, I'm met with nothing. Oh please no! Immediately I start pumping at her chest. 1,2,3,4,5. Tipping her head back slightly and plugging her nose giving her my breath. Her chest fills with air, but still nothing. "Please mommy, te amo, te amo." I repeat. 1,2,3,4,5. Repeat. Nothing.... If she was on a monitor, all you would hear is the beep of the flat line. Harry is at my sides grabbing my hands to stop me from pounding at my dead mothers chest. I thrash away from him pushing him back so he falls back on his butt. I try one last time in hopes that she'll wake up coughing, making noises, something I just want my mommy back. 1 2 3... My mothers mouth soon gasps for air, her lungs filling, couging she tries to sit up, I help her, holding her back. I'm crying, my head is laying on her shoulder and I'm crying. "Where is my whiskey..." she whispers. I pull back looking at her face, she isn't serious is she? She looks past me, at Harry her face falls and she moves from my arms. "He needs to leave, he's not good for you Devin..." what? "He's not going any where, but you are, I'm so sick and f*****g tired of you drinking your damn life away all because dad died. He's been gone for almost 8 years Debbie! You need to f*****g wake up mom and realize that life is more f*****g important than that damn bottle of liquor." Harry is on his feet picking me up from the ground, but I feel weak, so I lean into him. My mother sits there on the floor of her room, looking at her surroundings. She just nods her head. Her eyes move down to her stained gown, and she frowns. "You're father wasn't faithful Devin..." "No mother you weren't, you cheated on him with alcohol, you promised him you would stop going through countless bottles of wine, but you just bought more and more, and then that wasn't going to cut it anymore so you bought something stronger and at times because if I didn't I'd have to go to the liquor store and steal a bottle for you. You would hurt me if I didn't! But you don't remember do you you!!" I scream, she jumps. I grab my phone from the pocket calling the number I've tried dialing many times but was to scared to do so. *** At first my mother resists the two men in blue uniforms. No they aren't cops, they are from the rehab facility in town. She screamed and yelled, kicked and clawed. I hated seeing her like that but its for her own good. I'm sick of having to take care of her, I want my mommy back. The beautiful women, with life in her eyes, they women who would paint and draw, and garden, and sing. I'm standing at the front door looking over the house. Who did this...who came into my home and destroyed my only home, stole my things. Who left my mom there lifeless...The only person I can think of the top of my head is Zaid but why would he take my things... Harry's arms warp around my waist from behind, his warms lips linger on my neck trying to calm me and we still haven't spoke. I shake my head moving his hands from my body walking over to the broken glass, picking out the family photos. The first one I pick out is of my father, he's in uniform and the American flag is behind him. My mother always wanted to take it down but when she did I'd find it and put it back up. I hug it close closing my eyes. Sometimes I dream that he will walk through the front door, unharmed, alive and well. Thats to go to even be remotely true. Walking to my room, I can hear Harry's footsteps follow me. I just want to be left alone, but I know he won't leave. I open my door slowly to find everything untouched, confusion is strung across my face and I look back at Harry, his eyes are scanning the many photographs placed against my walls and ceiling. Harry walks in further running his long fingers against the delicate pictures. "These are really good Devin, did you take them?" He asks turning to look at me. I nod looking away. I loved taking pictures, when my farther sent me a camera for my 8th birthday I did nothing but tale pictures, of everything. I close the door to my room, walking over to my bed still holding my fathers picture. Harry soon joins me sitting down placing his hands on his knees. "When you first showed me that burn I wanted to do something..." "I know you did, but I'm glad you didn't it was my job to handle." "And you handled it well baby, she'll be better in no time." He nudges me with his shoulder. I nod looking down at my father. "You have his nose," Harry points out. Leaning over he kisses the tip of it. I try not to smile, biting my lip. "I want you to come home with me, but I know you'll be stubborn and want to stay here," I turn my head and our lips are inches apart. Closing the small gap between them I kiss him, placing the picture on the night stand. Right now, this kiss is soft, and so passionate, I don't want it to ever end. Harry's hands find my waist snd pick me up putting in his lap so I'm straddling him. "I'm sorry you had to see this." Harry kisses me harder, hes trying to shut me up and its working. My fingers lace through his long hair pulling lightly. The sound I love hearing leaves his mouth and I pull harder. "You keep doing that you'll be very sorry Ms. Cavanaugh." I giggle, pulling back looking at the man in front of me. My heart is pounding like every other time, but there is something different about the pounding of my heart. God, hes so beautiful, I push his hair back more. I want to say what I'm feeling, god I'm feeling so much right now. I can't. "Stay with me," I whisper. I lean down kissing his neck. "Lay with me." I kisses his neck again and he groans. I pull up licking my lips. The green in his eyes have turned dark, the grip of his hands around my waist have tightened. I love the affect I have on this man. "When you do that my whole f*****g body tingles," his jaw flexes, its the sexiest thing ever. I love that hes frustrated. "And what if I kiss you here," leaning down I kiss the other side of his neck slowly. He groans again and I feel his bulge between my legs. Holy s**t! "Stay down boy, we have school tomorrow we should get some sleep." I climb from his lap and laugh. "Tease," he lays back on the bed kicking off his boots. "No I'm just building tension baby," I smirk climbing back onto the bed laying on my side facing him. "You're still a tease." "Whatever." I close my eyes. Harry is my sweet distraction, from this bitter world of destruction. Soon Harry's arm wraps around my waist pulling me close so I'm now against his chest, I place a small kiss on it closing my eyes again. "Goodnight Harry..." "Goodnight Devin..."
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