Chapter 21

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~Harry's POV~ Glass is breaking, my hands are over my ears. My mother is screaming and my chest is heaving. Where do I I run...will he hurt me. I move out of the corner I sat in. The bad man is yelling at my mommy. Shes crying, her black makeup smeared down her cheeks. I stand there still the bad man notices me letting go of my mother causing her to fall, her small body hutched over. "Don't touch him Rex, please!" He doesn't listen he never does. The bad man grabs my shirt yanking it up, the cigarette from his mouth is now between his fingers. "Oh why don't we add to the collection shall we." I cry out in pain thrashing in his grip when the buring cherry of the cigarette meets my skin. "Stop!" I scream, "please stop!" I beg. "Harry! Baby wake up!" I'm begin shaken and the man in front of me disappears. My eyes shoot open and meet hers. I'm sweating, my white dress shirt is sticking to me, but I sit up and hug her, breathing hard into her neck. She kisses mine and I instantly relax. Rubbing my back she sooths me. I don't know what exactly triggered this repeated nightmare but I'm glad she was here to save me from it. I pull her into my lap and she hugs me tighter rubbing her small hands in circles on my back. I'm glad she here in..wait. I look around the room and remember we're at her place. The room is much smaller than mine and behind all the photography on the wall you can see that her room was once a light shade of pink. I take a second and replay the incident with her mother through my head and maybe thats what caused this horrible man to reappear in my dreams. Just seeing her mother laying on the floor cold, just brought back horribly disgusting memories of my past and brought them to life in a nightmare. I hate it. I wish they would go away, but I'm not sure they ever will. I glace over at her beside clock we had only been asleep for two hours its only midnight and now I'm wide awake. "I want to ask what that was about but I'm scared to know.." she whispers into my neck. I lay back keeping her small frame on top of me running my fingers up and down her back. "It was scary...they always are." I tell her. "The worst is when I wake up in a cold sweat, almost crying because I feel the pain and burn of the-" I stop myself shaking my head. I don't want to talk about it. It will just anger me more. Her body shifts and she now looking down at me, with both her hands resting on each side of my head, her hair flowing on one side of her shoulder. Shes absolutely breathtaking from this angle. I reach up brushing her hair back cupping her rosey cheek pulling her down for a soft kiss. The contact of her lips sends sparks throw my body, but she pulls back climbing off me laying down cuddling to my side. "Lets try and go back to sleep, we've had a long night." I nod, my eyes closing and I drift of into a nice peaceful sleep. *** The sound of Devin's alarm wakes me up my eyes hurt and my head is pounding from the lack of sleep. Devin's small frame is wrapped around mine. She looks so peaceful and I'm afraid to wake her up. Hitting the button to her alarm she's still asleep on my chest, one of her hands over my scars. Ever so slowly I gently move her sitting up in the bed. My phone vibrates in my pocket, pulling it out my reminder has my eyes bluge from their sockets. I have a f*****g meeting that totally crossed my mind. "Do you have to leave?" I look over my shoulder and she's on her side pushing her long hair from her face. "I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize standing to my feet. "I was up before my alarm went off. I just pretend I was sleeping," she sits up turning the bed side lamp on. Even in this light, her hair matted, and her eyes sleepy, she's perfect. "Were you watching me Mrs. Cavanaugh?" I c**k my brow at her. "I was," she admits biting her lower lip. "You're very cute when you sleep with your mouth open." "I was not sleeping with my mouth open, I was simply tasting the air." Wow Harry. "What," she laughs moving off the bed. "You're something Mr. Styles." "You snore," I throw back her smirking. "I do not," she protests, sending a glare my way, her arms cross over her chest. "Do too." I smile. I'm lying obviously, but it's to see her frustrated. "Whatever Harry I'm going to clean up my mothers mess...You can leave if you want," she rolls her eyes making her way to the door but I stop her spinning her around so she's pressed against my chest. "Say I don't sleep with my mouth open and I'll say you don't snore." I challenge her. "You're impossible Harry,"she rolls her eyes again. "Say it woman," I chuckle, moving my hand down to her ass squeezing it. "Will you stop's to early for touchy feely," she pushes at my chest, but I keep hold of her ass squeezing it more. "Say it," I lick my lips, I can feel her heart beat fast, just from my touch and I love that I can affect her like this. "You don't sleep with your mouth open and for that no kisses let me go." "Not even fair," she slips from my hold, shaking her head. "Not everything is fair Harry." "Yeah yeah, I have a meeting I can just wear this again and take you to school, drop you off a block away?" I offer but she shakes her head bending down cleaning up the broken glass. "Why are you always denying me..." "Because I'm scared," it comes out in a whisper, but I hear her loud and clear. I walk over to her stopping her from cutting her self on accident with the glass lifting her up to look at me. "Of what?" I ask her. "You," she pauses and my chest tightens. "But mainly the fact of getting caught, I don't want to risk it Harry and Zaid already assuming...and Reese she knew from the start Harry people will eventually catch on," she looks down at her feet. "I'll just take the bus, there is a bus stop right at the end of my road it come around 7 I'll take that to school, you go home and shower." "Uhh you're not riding the bus." No way in hell thats happening. "Why harry,"she annoyed now. Great. "Um lets see men here in England are skeezy and like to get there hands on young women like you so no I'm taking you weather you like it b'day or not." I fight back. "I've road the bus plenty of times...I can handle myself Harry I'm riding the bus end of story." I can already feel my anxiety boiling in the pit of my stomach. I groan kissing her forehead. "Fine you stubborn woman, but if you don't show up to school I'll become a mad man and search the universe for you." I joke making crazy motions with my hands. "You're already a mad man Styles." Giggling she gets on her tip toes kissing me quickly. "Now go I'll see you in class I- I'll bring um you coffee." She turns away quickly returning to the broken glass on the floor. ~Devin's POV~ What the heck was that. Coffee. You were not going to say that. Eek you love him. No I don't. How could I we just started dating, I just got out of relationship not to long ago. It's 2014 Devin things have changed since way back when. I don't love him. I just have strong feelings. I think. I mean he's sweet and hot and lean and so gentle yet so rough and ugh I'm lying to myself but I won't admit it out loud. Nope, no I won't. Harry left ten minutes ago and I'm just sitting here on the floor next to the broken glass. Did he notice or did he buy the coffee fix up. God, I'm not, I'm not. Get it together Devin. He stayed with me over night, even after I rejected his offer to stay with him. Which was a good choice, but either way I would have found my mother. I need to call the rehab place to see if they got her checked in but I'll wait till after school. I was so worried about losing my mother and now she probably hates me, but thats better than her being six feet under. Cleaning up the mess the unknow robber left behind didn't take much time, it left me with enough time to shower and catch the bus. Today I actually did something with myself, my hair is pulled up and my makeup is light, more natural than anything. My jeans are new and tight and my shirt fits my curvy torso just right. You'd think I'd be stressed and worried since my mother almost died, but actually I'm relieved and glad shes on her way to recovery. The bus ride was fine no touchy skeezy men as Harry put it bothered me. I haf the bus drop me off at the small convenient store just by my school to grab Harry a coffee I'm not sure how he likes it but I like mine black so thats what I got. I'm 20 minutes early since I made the early bus ride, the hallways are empty thank god. I head straight to Harry's room. He's writing on the board once I enter the room, hes changed and I can smell his sweet aftershave from the door. It makes me dizzy in a good way. "Is that coffee for me," he asks walking.his lean body towards me. I just stare. His dress pants are black and hang low on his hips, his dress shirt is tucked into them its also black, then the o-so famous red tie completes his mouth watering look. My knees want to buck and break under me. He is a god, a glorious god send. I want him. But the coffee in my hand is stopping me and the students piling in behind me stops me from launching myself at him. " it's mine sorry maybe next time." I take a sip making a noise of refreshment walking to my desk. I don't want to make anything look suspicious. Harry's face is flat once all the stufents are seated and he looks as if hes seen a ghost. "So I guess I'm not teaching you guys right according to this s**t so called principal thats run this hell hole." "Got that right." Reese says, I didn't even see he come in. "Thank you ms. Lemmings for your agreement. Anyways, do any of you have a problem with the way I teach." Harry looks around as do I and no one speaks. "Thats what I thought, so who ever decided to tell her I was slacking off you can kindly drop this class, or continue and keep your mouth shut because honestly I'm not in the mood." Uhhh maybe he needs this coffee more than me. "Somebody didnt get any last night." Reese whispers kicking the leg of my desk. I glare at her and she snickers. "Today I want you to write in your journals, write whatever comes to mind, it can be anything, a poem, a short story, even a love letter." Harry's eyes meet mine for a split second and I nearly fly out of my seat. He continues to pace the fun of his desk, his hand runs through his hair pushing it back in frustration. What happened after he left...and why did he look at me like that. I shake my head I'm just over thinking. Stop. "Turn in your journals at the end of class and I'll grade your work tonight." Without looking at the class he walks over to his desk and pulls out a boom from his desk and reads. I decided to go with a poem. I'm not the best at writing and I have no clue why I even signed up for this class but if I didn't I wouldn't have Harry. Little and young, I wait by the door. The bear I hold, was a gift. He's coming home today mommy says. I wait. Black car, two men, none are him. One letter, two hats taken off in honor. Mommy is crying. I wait but hes never comes. Mommy said he was coming home today. I finish my horrible poem in tears, I shut the journal and head straight out the class room and into the womens restroom to the last stall. I slide down next to the toilet hiding my face in my knees. I miss my dad so much. Everyday I'm reminded that he won't come marching through the front door with gifts, or warms hugs and kisses. He's gone and I chose today's assignment to write about his death. The door to the stall is pushed open and I expect Reese to be kneeling down beside me, but when I'm lifted with strong arms into a lap I soon know that its Harry. "What are you doing Harry," I say through my sobs wiping the ears from my eyes. The warm sensation of his lips melt over mine and our breathless kiss mixes with my tears. My hands pull on his tie bringing him closer. I soon forget we're in the bathroom when none other than Reese chimes in and says. "Ha I knew it, ha ha I knew it," her feet tap the floor as she dances in circles. Way to ruin a f*****g moment, I'm going to kill her. Harry's face pales, he lifts me up standing us both to our feet and leaves with out a word. I'm really going to kill her. "What the f**k Reese!" I slap her arm and she laughs. Why is she lauging! "This isn't f*****g funny you bitch." I roll my eyes. "Whoa chill its not like I didn't already know, I was just excited can you blame me you two are the it couple in secrecy." I look at her, I want to slap her again but I don't. "If it counts at all I came to check on you...that Zaid guy was being a d**k saying your pregnant...wait you're not-" "f**k him and no," I cut her off. "Not happening for a while or maybe even never." "Ahh don't say that love, the road you're heading down with Mr. H seems pretty good, laid a nice one on Zaid. " "He did what?" I look over a her and her face is nothing but serious. I'm half way down the hall and entering the class room Zaid gripping his jaw and Harry is huffing a puffing like just got back from a jog. "Are you two done," I say looking between them both. "Because if your not I'm leaving you two to fight out whatever the hell you're fighting about." The rest of the class has gone silent and gathered closer. I look between both Harry and Zaid again, Harry grips one fist in the other. I honestly am about done. "Zaid, whatever you have going through that tiny f*****g brain of yours isn't true. So get over the fact that we are done and move on man." I turn to Harry. The classes full attention on us. "And punching a student Mr. S gets you fired..." "No shit...if I was a p***y I would go tell the dean of the school. But fortunately I fight my own fights" Zaid hits his fist again his chin warning Harry. The bell rings but the class sits still. This is f*****g stupid. I grab my bag from the desk and leave blending in with the other students in the hall.
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