Chapter 19

1522 Words
~ Harry's POV~ "Don't worry about where I'm taking you or the cake, worry about what I'm going to do to you." The breath she has catches and her hand is jell-o in mine. My words have affected her. Good, this has gone on way to f*****g long. My d**k is so f*****g hard, the way she pulled me and climbed on my lap definitely had my zipper breaking. As soon as we are out of the restaurant I turn to her picking her up by her ass wrapping her thighs around my waist. I waste no time kissing her. I can taste the wine on her lips as I swallow her moans from squeezing her ass in my hands. What got into us I'll never know. But Devin sure had plans to make me the hardest man on the planet tonight. Why did I agree to take the sports car. It's small and I wont be able to move or be between her legs like I planned. f**k! screw it we'll make this work. My back is against the door, I use one arm holding her and the other to open the door. I turn us around trying not to hut her head as I duck her under placing her in the passenger seat. My knees are rested on the edge of the car and her legs are still positioned around my waist. "Harry," she looks at me her eyes so dark, so ready. I lean in my lips brushing against her neck. I lift the arm rest up to give her more space to lean back on the drivers side seat. "Lay back," I demand, she hesitates, but soon she slowly lays back, her curled hair laying spread out behind her head. I imagine her naked, me seeing every inch of her body below mine, each curve, each sweat bead rolling between her breasts after we have made countless love to each other. Instantly I'm hard again, I'm hovering over her, the passenger door still wide open. I could care less if we were in the parking lot or not. I lift her laced top just below the curve of her breast. I notice on the left hand corner right on her hip bone, the tiniest little monarch butterfly tattoo, inked in black, I run my index finger over it slowly. She is on her elbows now watching me. "We match," I grab the hem of my shirt lifting it showing my large butterfly tattoo in the center of my stomach. I move back, slightly hitting the top of my head on this small ass car. "I don't even acknowledge that its there, I got it when I was with Zaid..." She bites her lower lip. I move back down, my face inches from hers. "Well know your not with him, you're with me," leaning down I kiss the small delicate tattoo. "Harry..."she lets out quietly. I just continue to kiss up her soft skin, leading up to where her shirt is. I look up and her head is back and her eyes are closed. I move so I can use my hands to cup her face and kiss her again. My fingers move through her thick hair pulling lightly to get that beautiful sound of her moaning into my mouth. God, she loves this I love this. Finally I pull back closing the door trapping us in the small car. ~Devin's POV~ My intentions of this date was to eat and get to know each other, but that Xanax kicked in and the inferno inside me has erupted. My heart is racing and my skin is on fire. Harry is back to leaving wet hot kissing across my stomach, his lips make contact again with the small tattoo. When he lifted his shirt my mouth went completely dry. The butterfly tattoo along with the leaves covering his lick-able v-line had my insides doing backflips. Harry isn't waisting anymore time and I don't blame him my jeans are now undone being tugged down my legs. How harry tall body can manage this is a small car is unbelieveable...fuck! "Oh shit...Harry." Harry's mouth sucks at the soft skin on the inside of my thighs catching me of guard. "Shh, baby, let me make you feel good, we've waited to long." his mouth moves up further, his long hair brushing against my skin making me squirm. I'm spinning, falling, wanting him close wanting his warm lips tasting me, eating me. I'm biting my lip so hard, the taste of metallic is at the tip of my tongue, my breathing is heavy, my heart is moving so fast. Harry's so close, his long fingers loop around my lace panties, his mouth is hovering over my most sensitive spot taking it in, panties still in tack. My back lifts off the seat from the warm contact of his mouth, even through my thin material I can feel his tongue pressing against my clit. My head is spinning, this is happening and f**k it feels so good. Harry's hands grip my hips pushing me back down. "Stay still baby, you're so soaking through your panties Ms. Cavanaugh." the way he uses my last name sends my insides into knots, my fists clench the edges of the seat. I want him close, so close, please. Long fingers curl around, lopping the inside of my panties. I look up and Harry's green, dark eyes pore into my hazel, his lips curl into a devilish, mind-f*****g smirk. The tip of his fingers circle around my hips, his nails now dig into that skin causing me to yelp, but in pleasure. I'm burning, my skin is hot and flushed, I'm in need of his mouth, his tongue, his callused long fingers. "Harry please," I beg. Leaning down he kisses me quickly, pulling my lace panties down my legs, this is it no going back. My panties are now on the car floor with my jeans. "Can you stay quiet for me Ms. Cavanaugh?" "Yes Mr. Styles..." I breath out biting my lip. He nods and his strong hands prop my legs up spreading them wide, opening me up for him to see. His tongue darts out gliding across his lips wetting them. His green eyes now dark, filled with want, lust. Taking one of my legs he leaves small kiss with his now wet lips, up my calf, my thigh, he's so close, my breath is in my throat. Laying my leg on his shoulder his head is now between my legs. Hot, very hot breath running over the slits of my dripping core, I moan arching my head back closing my eyes. I cry out when is tongue pushes between them, no warning, eating, sucking at my clit. My hands lace through his curls, my eyes screwed shut. I pull just slightly, causing a low beautiful noise to leave his mouth and vibrate against me. Harry Style my teacher, is making me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster of pleasure as his wet long tongue moves in and out of me. My nails dig into his scalp pulling the roots of his hair. This time a low growl leaves his lips. I want him closer. He seems to answer my unspoken thought, grabbing my other leg putting it over his right shoulder, his hands hold me up from underneath and instantly the sensation of my high hits me. So hard I scream out, slapping my hand over my mouth. So much for being quiet. He doesn't stop when I come, his tongue keeps flicking, his lips still sucking. Neither of us has spoke a word since he started his rather pleasurable assault. I tug harder, but that just makes him do more with his magic mouth. I feel the warmth of his tongue slip inside me cleaning up the come I'm sure is there. My legs tighten around his neck and my hips move with the motion of his mouth. I'm so close to jumping of the edge again. So, so f*****g close. With one arm Harry holds me close to his mouth, I can't see but I know by the moans he is releasing against me he's touching himself. Soon enough I'm there flying into the unknown, all thats there is Harry and I. Moaning out his name one last time, Harry finally pulls away, my eyes open just slightly to see him lick his lips clean his hand still rubbing at his hard erection that's clear as day, pushing against the fabric of his jeans. "That was way better than any chocolate cake," he smirks my legs limply falling from his shoulders. "So much sweeter, so much softer. God Devin I've thought about this." I catch my breath trying to regain my composure as I come down from pleasure mountain. "Devin, you will always be my favorite dessert." His words have me wanting him more than just between my legs. f*****g hell, Harry Styles, my teacher, the only person I can say I trust with mostly everything will and most likely be the death of me.
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