Chapter 18

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~Harry's POV~ "So you care to tell me what that was about?" Grace sits across from me at the dining table in the kitchen of their beach house. "What?" I question, but I know what shes talking about. "Harry do not play dumb with your mother. The kiss, a very intense kiss must I add." I sigh sitting back crossing my arms over my chest, looking for any sign of anger in her facial expression, but there is none, only happiness. Which has me confused. "We kissed what else do you want me to say, things like that happen. Why do you have to make a big deal out of it." "I'm not Harry," she shifts in her seat. "I'm just glad your not with that slut..excuse my french but she was nothing but a tramp," she scuffs. "So you aren't upset that I'm risking my life practically, my job and career?" I ask her. "I have no say in your relationships Harry, I mean all I want is for you to be careful. And do what you think is right. How long has this been going on?" she surprises me by asking. "A few weeks I think..." I shrug, biting my lip. "Does it feel right. Does she make you happy." She stands to her feet and walking to the kitchen filling up a glass of wine leaning against the counter. I lean forward resting my elbows on the table laying face in my hands. She does. Its been three weeks of non stop kissing, and tension. "Well, does she?" "Yes mom she does." I stand up walking to the kitchen where Grace is standing and take the glass from her hand and hug her. "You seem happy love, and I'm so glad." she whispers wrapping her small arms around my back. "I'm happy my baby boy is happy," she sniffles into my chest. I pull back looking down at the red headed women with tears falling from her bright blue eyes, wiping them away with my thumb. "No crying please save that for a rainy day okay?" I kiss her forehead and pull her in for another hug. As much as this women frustrates me I love her, I love her more than anything and to see her cry even over my happiness still hurts. "That's the longest you've hugged me in years Harry, what has this women done to you." I smile shaking my head. I pull away leaning against the small island watching Grace clean up her makeup from under her eyes. "Have you asked her on a date yet?" A date? uhhh. Yes Harry a date, consists of dinner, movie, and maybe wine? Women like that you know. Shhh. "I didn't really put much thought to it actually." She gasps shaking her head. "You need to ask her now." "Why? its not like we can go out in public or anything." "And your point is, go call her. We'll think of something now go." She shoos me with her hands pushing me out of the kitchen. Damn for being 5'0 feet and only 100 pounds she sure is strong. I haven't been on a damn date since high school. If you even call them a date. Where you awkwardly sip on your coke and nibble your food, and look around hoping one of you spark conversation. Then end up just leaving and f*****g behind the restaurant. Yeah... I pull my phone from my pocket finding her number I put the phone to my ear it rings once and I'm half way to hanging up because my damn nerves, but she picks up. "Hey," she breaths into the phone. "If I lose you its because I'm running and the service sucks in the woods by my house." I gulp, biting at my bottom lip. Just listening to her breaths as she runs. I'm such a horrible person. "Um, Harry are you there?" "Oh yeah, sorry I didn't mean to bother you this late, wait why are you running in the woods at night? That's not safe." "I happen to love danger Mr. Styles." I can hear the smirk in her voice. I know shes biting her lip. I'm going crazy now. f**k. "I've noticed. Anyways I called to ask you something." She stops running, from what I hear. "Oh...and what would that be." I picture her leaning her back up against the tree her bottom lip taken between her teeth. "A date...with me?" It's quiet. "I'm gonna kill her, did Reese put you up to this?" Huh? "Um no. Why would she?" I'm so confused. "Never mind...Um yeah that sounds nice Harry, tonight?" "Well, actually how about tomorrow night, does 7 sound okay?" I wish I could see her right now. I'm sure she's sweaty, in a sports bra, hair up in a high ponytail. "Of course that's okay...I'm going to finish my run I'll text you later." "Great! Don't hesitate to wear something sexy, love." That's how you get them to squirm. What am I doing? "Goodbye Harry," before she hangs up I hear a girlish squeal before the line clicks and goes dead. "That definitely went better than I though. Good job Harry." I say to my self, stuffing my phone in my pocket heading back inside. I find Grace in the living room reading her Better Homes magazine. Robert is still working, but when isn't he. "So how did it go," Grace speaks up still flipping the pages of her magazine. I can never sneak past her not even when I was younger trying to steal Oreo cookies from the package. "It went well surprisingly...can I ask why your so supportive of this I'm still slightly confused." She closes the magazine removing her red framed glasses from her face laying them both down on the apple-wood colored coffee table. "Listen Harry, you can't hide your feelings forever, you would have eventually told me even if I didn't catch you. I'm supportive because love is found in different shapes, forms and ages. Shes almost 18 and graduated. I see how you are around her, you may think I didn't notice but I did. I'm also assuming you got that now healing bruise from her ex am I right?" I nod. "Well just be careful like I said before. Treat her right. As she does you. Give her what she deserves, and Harry please don't block her out of your past...I know you hate talking about it but you cant hide it forever. I love you and your father and I want you to be happy with whoever you choose to be with and if that is Devin then so be it." "I'm picking her up tomorrow at 7..." I walk over sitting beside her on the beige couch, she searched months looking for. "Then we have the whole night to plan the perfect date." The smile on her face lights up instantly. This should be fun. ~Devins POV~ "Ha! I told you so!" Reese shouts into the phone. "How did he ask, did you faint, or scream. I bet you did you seem like that kind of girl." I roll my eyes climbing up the stairs after checking on my mother. "You're a girl too Reese, I did squeal a little. I was more shocked than anything. For a second I thought you put him up to it." "And if I did?" "I'll pull your damn hair out don't mess like that..." I groan remembering our deal now I have to go shopping. Which by the way I hate. It takes to damn long. Trying on clothes, taking them off, and trying on again and again. It's irritating. "Well since he asked you so soon, I think I'll have my girl whip up a wardrobe for you at her shop and we'll go first thing in the morning. I need your sizes text them to me." Sighing loudly I lay back on the bed telling Reese goodbye quickly sending her my clothing sizes. I'm seriously going to regret this. I climb under the covers plugging my phone into the charger sending another quick text to Harry telling him goodnight before drifting off to sleep. *** I told Reese I'd meet her at the school, even though it's a Saturday. She insisted she'd come get me, but I told her no. I wasn't going to risk her seeing my drunk mother trot around the house. I woke up to her screaming random names throwing food items from the cabinets across the room, mind you I've been up since 4 am. I finally got her to lay back down once 6 rolled around, but trust me it wasn't that easy. The school looks so different on the weekends, dead and dried up really. Everything is empty, the parking lot is filled with endless cracks and pot holes. I'm sure they have the money to fix it, but I'm sure they are waiting till someone spins out, pops a tire, something who knows...If you couldn't tell I hate this school and almost everyone in it. "You going to sit there like a lump on a log or get in," Reese pulls up in her gold VW Jetta. All the windows are tinted and her hood has two big black vertical stripes going down the middle. I stand up grabbing my bag from the steps opening the door climbing in. "You seemed like you were in deep thought, don't tell me your getting cold feet already." I shake my head as she pulls from the parking lot turning down the road opposite from where Harry normally takes me. "I'm just really tired didn't get much sleep, I guess you could say I'm overly excited, yet nervous." I shrug. "I have something that can help with that," with her eyes still on the road she digs her hand into her center console pulling out a orange see through bottle with a doctor's label on it. "It's xanax take one it will calm you down," she hands the bottle to me. I look over the bottle, the label reads: Reese Nicole Lemming's Take one pill when needed for anxiety Side Effects: Drowsiness, dizziness, increased saliva production, or change in s*x drive/ability may occur. "I don't think I should be taking these," I look over at Reese who has her eyes focused on the road. "Then take half there should be a half in there, you'll be fine it will calm your nerves, there is a water bottle by your feet." She points with her left hand down to the floor. I shake my head opening the bottle finding the cut half of the xanax popping it into my mouth swallowing it dry. Which is not the best idea....eww. I grab the water from the floor almost chugging the whole thing. Reese laughs at my reaction, I turn my body and glare in her direction. She laughs again. "What?! You're the one who wanted to go throat dry and take the pill, those things taste nasty when you do that." "No s**t thank for the warning," I groan. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask. Her car makes a sharp turn down an alley causing me to grab onto the 'oh s**t' bar. "I told you last night my girlfriend has her own clothing shop," her car soon pulls up behind an old brick building right next to a black Audi R8. "Is that her car?" I raise my eyebrow looking over at her. "Yeah, it was a birthday gift from her parents, shes a little spoiled." Well s**t. "I see that," I climb from the car trying not to scratch the expensive car next to me. "Baby, you made it!" Out of the back door walks the most beautiful women I've ever seen, she looks maybe to be at least in her twenties. Her hair is short and a pastel purple. Her clothes cling to her fit body and her shoes are the brightest red I'd ever seen. She makes her way over to Reese, Reese takes her cheeks in her hands kissing her. This isn't awkward at all. I turn away giving them their privacy, trying not to be rude. "Tiff, save that for later okay," I hear the other women giggle. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude. I'm Tiffany Hansen. I'm sure you've heard of me before. My father is a huge business man here in Birmingham." I look up at her, her skin is fair and her face has two piercings, an eyebrow ring and a lip ring. "I don't really stay up to date with those things so no I don't but nice to meet you." I'm surprised when she wraps her arms arms me hugging me tightly. I stand there awkwardly as the smell of perfume envelopes me. I thank Reese for being there as she pulls her girlfriend from me. She smells like a bath of yummy flowers but its a little over powering. It was a sweet gesture but a little weird since we just met. "Well lets get started shall we," she grabs my hand pulling me into the back of the shop, its small and bright every color and style you could put in clothing its here. "Don't look so happy love." Reese jokes sitting in the white leather chair. "I'll get tou back for this." I glare standing in front of a wall of mirrors. "No Devin you'll thank me for this. Now babe work your magic." she nods to Tiffany. I roll my eyes looking back at myself in the mirror. I haven't taken much time to actually look at myself, since I've been working and taking care of my mom. The bags under my eyes are so dark, my shirt is clung to my body and my jeans are ripped at the knees. I love what I wear, but now that I'm actually taking time to look at myself, I think how an the hell does Harry find any of me slightly attractive. I mean the first day of school I had to look some what good since that's normally how it goes right. The first day you look drop dead hot then the next you just don't care. Hair up baggy shirts and sweats, well skinny jeans for me. I still ask myself this why does he think this almost 18 year old band shirt, skinny jean wearing girl is attractive. When he can have a makeup wearing, high healed, blonde beauty by the snap of his fingers. "Devin, love there are clothes hung up in the dressing room, they won't bite I swear." I nod moving the curtain back going into the dressing room closing the curtain behind me. The first article of clothing I see is a dress and I nearly gag at the sight, its olive green with black lace around the edges. Next. The next dress is log sleeve and all lace comes up to about mid thigh. This is much better than that puke colored rag. So I go with this one first. Checking first to make sure its my size. I remove my clothes leaving me in just my bra and panties. I'm not the skinniest person I'd like to say my body is normal. I have curves, and thick thighs, that I am self conscious about, but what girl isn't. I slip the smooth fabric over my body adjusting it. Just putting this on shows so much of my curves. Honestly, I like it but its to short and really not my type. "Come on Dev let's see." I wanna say no but I don't I slide the curtain over stepping out looking down at the dress. "Holy....if I was single man..." "Reese really." I look up at her my face scowling her. "Your girlfriend is right here." "Sweetie shes fine I'm on the same page as her damn you really have a beautiful body." My cheek burn slightly, shaking my head I go back in the dressing room removing the dress placing it in the maybe pile. Next is a pair of dark wash jeans and a corset lace top. Its seem a bit revealing but I guess it may help. I slide the top on my breast surprisingly look f*****g fantastic. There are ties in the back I'll have Tiffany tie them. Sliding the jeans on I look into the mirror, I find myself pulling my hair loose from its bun. I nearly faint from how good I look. I look alive, hot, and so sexy. I'm now looking at Devin Cavanaugh the women. The curtain to the dressing room slides open, both Tiffany and Reese's jaws are at their feet along with mine. I turn around slowly tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'm speechless Devin...God Mr. S better pop a chubby seeing you. I know if I had a d**k I would." "Jesus Reese," I roll my eyes looking i've at Tiff whose grin is wider than before. "Come on Devin we're giving you the full make over." her manicured hand wraps around my wrist pulling me to another room with a salon chair and a large wall length mirror. "Eeek we're going to make you look so sexy." She says pushing me into the chair. *** "Are you ready Devin." Tiff cheers. This whole time my back has been to the mirror. My hair and makeup are done and now it's time to reveal my inner goddess. "Ready as I'll ever be," she smiles turning the chair, I nearly lose all the air in my lungs once I gain focus and see myself. Is this even me under all this make up. Band shirt, skinny jean wearing, converse kicking Devin is long gone for tonight. Harry is for sure not going to recognize me. My hair is curled in loose ringlets, my makeup is smooth yet edgy. My eyeliner is think but not to thick, just enough to make my bitten eyes pop. My lip ate painted a satin red, they are glossy and full. The old Devin is long gone and I don't know weather I should be excited, nervous, scared our all the above. "Thank you," I turn to Tiffany, who looks as if she's about to cry. "Out of all the people I've done make overs for your the first I've actually shed a tear for. Good tears though love. You're beautiful Devin, absolutely stunning and tonight you'll be the one everyone looks at." She walks over to a shelf of different shoes pulling out black high heeled stilettos, walking back handing them to me. "To complete your look, also all of this is on me, anything else you want you may have." "I couldn't Tiffany, this is all so much are you sure?" I place the heels on the floor stepping into them making me just a few inches taller than I was before. "I'm positive Devin, go head look around anything you want it's yours trust me it won't leave a dent in my pay." The door to the salon opens abs if course it's Reese. "Holy holy f*****g s**t,"she sighs walking over to her girlfriend kissing her hard might I add. I turn away again giving them privacy. "Devin you look so f*****g sexy Harry will for sure be putty in your hands tonight." I look at the clock on the wall its only noon. The xanax I took didn't really help much my nerves are still out of whack. I just want seven to hurry up. *** 6:59pm my phone reads I've been sitting on my porch for about an hour now. When Harry sees me he better not faint it whatever guys do. I've never actually been on a real date Zaid never had the money or time apparently another reason why I left him. I had Reese drop me off at my house because her girlfriend gave me an ass load of clothes so I couldn't walk home with that and in heels. She asked if she could come in an help but I said no because my mom. Which thankfully she was still sleeping when I got inside. I put all the clothes away re-applied the red lip stick Tiffany showed me how to use. And now I'm here waiting for Harry. "Excuse me have you seen," I look up and Harry's mouth stops moving. His eyes are wide as he scans my crunched body. I stand up brushing my butt off, pushing my hair behind my shoulder. I want to bite my lip but I don't want the lipstick on my teeth. "Devin...You" Harry stutters running his hand over his hair. "I could say the same about you Mr. Styles." I smile moving closer to him grabbing the black fabric of his shirt pulling him down kissing him, but quickly. I hate the sound when people kiss but when Harry and I do it its quiet, perfect, simple even, only sometimes. I pull away wiping my thumb across his lips to take of the red stain from my lip stick wiping it on the inside of his shirt. "Shall we skip dinner then," he jokes. "Hmm, that's tempting, but I'm starving I haven't ate all day I was with Reese all morning." I walk down the steps of my house seeing not Harry's car but a red BMW two door. "So you two are close then," he brushes past me opening the door. I decide to play with him a little just to see how jealous he is. "Very close actually, we slept in the same bed you know." I watch his mouth twitch and he just nods. "I see. So you bat for both teams or are you just using me." I laugh shaking my head. "Calm down tiger," I mock him. "We are just friends, she has a girlfriend. Who happens to be the one who made me look like this and made," I trail my fingers down his torso running my index finger down the out line of his tight jeans. "Mmm, this wake up a little." Whoa...chill a little on the sexiness Devin. He chuckles grabbing my hand kissing the back of it. "Someone is very confident tonight." I shrug climbing into the car buckling my seat belt. "When I see something I want Mr. Styles I'll get it one way or another." Where ever these words are coming from I have no idea but I know Devin the girl with problems is gone and Devin the wild, sexy women has now taken over and I know I'm going to love every minute of this. *** "The restaurant?" I question looking over at Harry. "Don't worry you'll see." he opens is door climbing out walking to my side opening the door. I take his hand when he offers is as he pulls me from my seat. My heels hit the cemented ground. The restaurant's parking lot is empty which is weird for a Saturday night. Harry's large hand takes mine, leading me to the entrance of the restaurant. "Hold on I need to put this on you first," From his back pocket Harry pulls out his red tie that he always wears, thinking he's going to put it around my neck he places it over my eyes so all i see it nothing. "Um what kind of kinky s**t are you into Mr.Styles." I giggle. "Wouldn't you like to know Mrs. Cavanaugh." I feel his warm breath against my neck and his lips brush over my skin. Goosebumps have sure began to rise all over my body the electricity in my skin is going crazy. The little touches, the brushing of our skin drives me crazy! I feel Harry guide me into the restaurant and the hear the screeching of the door close behind us. It's so quiet. "Step down," Harry say and i do. My body is now stopped. "Are you ready?" He whispers into my ear. I nod. Harry finally removes the tie from my eyes and there in front of me is the most beautiful candle lit dinner. The table cloth is white the candles are lit and the flame is burning just like my insides. I look around and there are candles lit everywhere. The air smells of stake and my stomach grumbles. I'm starving for both food and Harry. This is the sweetest most thoughtful thing any guy has ever done for me. Who knew that guy would be Harry, my teacher to do this for me. I want to attack him push all the food off the table and have him as my main course. "This is beautiful Harry." When i look up at him he's looking down at me his eyes are dark and his skin is glowing from the ungodly amount of candle light. He is beautiful, his hair, his eyes, his body everything about this man standing before me is beautiful. "I was nervous it was to much," he takes my hand leading me over to the table. The gentleman that he is, pulls my chair out for me, me taking the seat and he pushes it in walking his long sculpted body to the chair across from me. Before taking a seat he grabs the bottle of wine from the ice bucket, it opens with a pop and sizzle. He pours us both a glass. I guess one won't hurt. "Thank you," I thank him quietly. "Your'e welcome, its red wine it goes good with the stake."He finally takes his seat. "Did you make all this?" I look around my plate is filled with smothered onion stake and some sauce that smell delicious,there are green beans and carrots. Oh i'm so hungry. "I did, the perks of having a mother who can cook." "It looks so good," I lick my lips grabbing the fork and I don't waste anytime grabbing the knife cutting into the thick juicy stake. The taste is unbelievable, way better than microwave food. The sauce and the onion mix perfectly and the stake its so juicy. I moan from how good it is. I hear Harry chuckle under his breath I look up and hes smirking. "What?" I say slowly putting my utensils down. "Is it good?" he laughs again cutting up a piece for him taking a bite, I nod watching his jaw flex with every chew and his tongue dart out to lick up the sauce on his lips. Wow, everything he does makes my mouth water for him. Even eating his damn food and smirking the way he does makes me want to just....ugh I need to slow down. Ten minutes roll past and we haven't really said much, just a few smirks and glances at each other. It's that silence we have, i love it, its not awkward, its not bad or filled with unwanted tension. It's calm, relaxing, oh and there is tension, but its wanted for sure. Harry's fork falls on his plate and he leans back stretching his arms out. "Mmm, that really hit the spot." I just nod. "Are you ready for dessert?" he raises an eyebrow. Dessert I can't even finish this yummy stake. I'm so full. But I nod. Will you speak up. I want to, i want to talk but i want to watch him. So i do, he moves from his chair disappearing into the back, when he walks back out he has a round silver plate and its covered. Before he sits down he moves his chair so its right beside me and I send him a sweet smile biting my lip. "How does chocolate cake sound?" Don't you dare nod. "It sounds wonderful." I lean over kissing his warm cheek. "Thank you for all this Harry." I sit back looking at him as he turns to me. For a minute i think he's going to say something back, but instead he kisses me. Hard. So much harder than before. My hands make contact with his chest, he almost pulls away but I don't let him. You don'yt kiss me like this then want to pull away not happening. My tiny fist strech the material of his shirt, moving from my chair climbing on to his. I'm so sick of waiting this tension is to f*****g much. My knees straddle over his legs and i feel his hands make contact with my ass. God, this is the greatest feeling in the world. I feel bad for kissing my teacher but at the same time so good. I'm soon being lifted from his lap and we are both on our feet, with out any words harry grabs my hand and turns so his back is to me leading me out of the restaurant. "Harry where are you taking me what about the cake?" I bite my lip trying to keep up with his fast pace. "Don't worry about where I'm taking you or the cake, worry about what I'm going to do to you."
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