Chapter 25

1978 Words
Our hearts connected as one without thought of the consequences" Being in love wasn't something she wanted to get caught in again. Nor did she ever think it would happen again. But, beginning the school year with a new understanding of the word "love" made it seem possible. It was possible for her to find the right person. Someone to confine in and lay in bed at night and confess your darkest fears, and hopes. Little did she know that person would be...Her teacher. ~Devin's POV~ I went into my last year of high school not wanting to fall in love again. After being cheated on by douche d**k. I didn't want the feeling of being hurt again. It sucks. Someone who tells you they love you then goes behind your back and f***s some other girl. It hurts so much. That fire you had that burnt in a good way soon became a forest fire and destroyed every feeling you have had for that person. It kills you, once the fire reaches your heart that once would skip a beat every time he kissed you or touched you. Then there is that person who finally comes and puts the fire out reigniting it to make it burn in a good way. To make you feel happy and loved. To make you feel like maybe just, maybe you can fall in love again and you won't hurt anymore. That person is Harry. He is my match, my lighter. He lit the fire that is called love. It may sound cheesy to you but it's true. "What does love to you mean Daddy?" I ask swinging my little pink -tight legs back and forth in the airport chair. "Well sweetie," his strong arms lift me from my seat and set me on his lap. "Love, is when I first saw that women sitting at the bar. Her hair was as dark as yours and god Dev her eyes were something. A golden brown with a hint of green." "Mommy," I smiles clapping my hands in my lap. "Yes baby girl your mommy. When I first saw her the whole world around me shut off, she was the only one in it." His eyes fell slightly but shortly they returned to mine. "My heart hammered so hard against my chest, I was nervous but I'm not supposed to be nervous right?" "Right daddy, you're a tough guy," I lightly punch his shoulder with my little fist. He laughs lightly holding me close. "Yes, that's right. But back to your question. Love has many definitions, many ways of being told. Anyone you ask will tell you something different. And here's mine. Love to me is being with that person you can be yourself around, you can walk around the house acting goofy, and just be able to be comfortable with each other. You know your mom use to do kart-wheels around the house before she found out she was pregnant with you...and I would join her. We'd move all the furniture back and put the mattresses in the middle of the living room and jump on them till we eventually got tired and fell asleep." "Matthew what crazy story are you telling her now." I laugh hiding my face in my father grey cotton t-shirt. "Just how happy we were and still are. We're too old now to be doing the things we did before we had Dev. But I still love you as much as I did the day I laid eyes on you baby." If I wasn't young and so interested in the word love then, then I would have made a puking noise. "Back to what I was saying, then you came along you were born, I fell in love all over again with the most beautiful baby girl, a head full of brown hair, your eye color was still developing, but I knew you'd have your mother's eyes." He pokes my nose and I giggle. "I was so happy to have a perfect family, two beautiful women I could call mine." 'FLIGHT 210 IS NOW BORADING PLEASE SHOW TENDENT YOUR TICKET AT THE TIRMINAL.' "Well that's me, but before I go I want to tell you something," my father moves me from his lap and stands me up next to my mother who is sat beside him. Kneeling down from his seat to be at my level. My father says "We are all a little weird and, life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join them in mutual weirdness and call it love." My mother is in full on tears. "I can't believe you used that cheesy line on your daughter, but this is why I married you. You dork." There was happiness, but a hint of distance...something I ignored at the time...but being older now and looking back at it. Something wasn't right... That was the last time we both saw him. A month later the men came to our door and both our worlds were torn apart to shreds. The drinking, bingeing, and crying started every night. I did learn the night he left and he told me he quoted Dr. Seuss...and second that not matter what, you should find love in someone who is equally as weird, stubborn, and crazy as you. Find someone you can share your deepest darkest secrets with. I think I may have found that person but how long until he actually admits it himself... Will he ever? *** "Mr. Sexy lips has been eyeing you this whole period. Can you tell him to stop making it so obvious?" Reese nags at me. But I know he has, I've been teasing him. I don't know what's gotten into me today, maybe the sudden urge of love I have for this man, or just my crazed hormones. I'm going to go with both. That night at the restaurant...actually come to think of it both times we've done something it been at the restaurant. We need to change that. Its only Monday, tonight Mama G's is holding a banquet for the 'elderly folk' as Grace calls them. She only needs me for a few hours. I guess Harry has a meeting, he's been preparing for since Saturday. I didn't ask him what is was about, but maybe he'll tell me. "Okay he's like drooling, what are you...?" Reese's eyes travel down under my desk and I snap my legs shut and my cheeks flush the deepest red. What has gotten into me? "Oh my god," she whisper yells, her eyes wide. You can hear the clearing of Harry's throat when he realizes we've been caught. No I was not touching myself, get your damn heads out of the gutter please. Wearing a skirt has its advantages, but I was only opening my legs and crossing them back just to get a reaction from Harry. It worked till our cover was blown. Thank you Reese. "You two need to get a damn room," she laughs. "We will," chimes in an unwanted voice. "Could you kindly shove your fist down your throat and choke on it." Reese spit at Zaid. "You're a nuisance, a f*****g nasty ass fart in the wind. Goodbye with you." "And you're a nasty ass dike." He whispers so only we can hear. Reese's dark knuckles grip the desk and turn white. She wants to punch him and I would let her lounge at his pretty boy face. "That's what I thought your all talk and no play." "Zaid office now!" The booming voice of Harry is beside us. I hadn't even realized he moved from his desk. "Oh look, big bad teacher here to save the day again." Zaid stands from the desk him and Harry are almost the same height, but Harry is much stronger and lean then Zaid. "You have two seconds to leave this room-" "Or what you'll hit me again." "If I have too." Harry stands firm, not a single hesitant bone in his body. The bell rings, again the class stands still waiting to see who will make the first move. "You're lucky, now leave!" Harry points to the door. Noticing, the class has gathered around Harry's face turns red but not in embarrassment, but anger. "If you all want to detention today, I suggest you get to your next class. Now!" Zaid just rolls his eyes am pushes past him. The weight on my shoulder lifts. I'm glad nothing happened. "Not you..." Harry's long fingers wrap around my elbow pulling me back into the class. I watch Reese smirk on her way out and I flip her my middle finger. "I have to get to class Harry." The door closes mad I hear the click of the lock. "I can write you a late pass." His hot is distinct on my neck. My brown hair is placed over my left shoulder to expose the soft skin in my right side. "You know teasing me like that will only get you in trouble." The warm wetness of his lips are pressed against my shoulder. "What like detention...good more time with you?" I smirk even though he can't see me. "Do you know how hard it is to hide a hard on when you're a teacher?" He whispers against my neck, sucking in the sensitive skin. I moan. Biting my lip to keep quite. "How hard." "f*****g hard Devin." I feel him press himself closer to my back side and sure enough he's as hard as stone. "Not here," he groans. As soon as I say that he pulls away and moves over to his desk. Great I've done it again. "To fast I know...I'm sorry. It's just so hard." He messes with the papers on his desk. He takes a deep breath as if he'll say something but he doesn't. He's done that three times so far. What does he want to say! "It's okay...I'll just see you tomorrow." "You don't want me to-" "Grace will..." I could just f*****g yell it to the roof tops but I'm scared he doesn't feel the same. Does he? Ugh, why are men so hard to read? Maybe you need to reevaluate your decision... Shut up! School went by quickly thank god, Reese ended up taking me to work, and she stayed for a little bit. Talking to our newest waitress Julian, she's a lesbian as well. I'm not even going to ask. Finally my shift ended and Grace drove me home. Come over, I send Harry a quick text. Laying back on my bed I'm fighting with myself should I bring it up or just wait. I want to know how he feels but men are so stubborn sometimes... On my way. He sends back. I decided to wait. I don't want him storming of and becoming angry at me. *** "Your heart is beating really fast." I trace my index finger over his exposed skin on his chest. Harry and I have been laying in my bed for over an hour talking about the pictures spread across my wall and how his meeting went. "It's just I'm not use to people touching me there..." He means his chest. "Why did he do this to you Harry?" I ask quietly. "I don't know." He answers shortly. "Okay." I continue to trace the line of scars on his collar bone. "Can you at least tell me about your biological parents...although you look so much like Roberts it's uncanny?" His eyes shift to the ceiling as he lets out a dragged out sigh. "Not right now okay..." His eyes now shut. "Okay." I don't argue. I want too, but it will only cause a scene. So I just lay here with the man I secretly love, in silence.
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