Chapter 24

3300 Words
~Harry's POv~ "Did you hear the rumors going around school," I walk into the teachers’ lounge, for my morning coffee and this is the first thing I am greeted with. "No, and if you have the f*****g right mind you wouldn't listen to them. They are rumors." I snap pouring my black coffee into a mug. "I mean Julie said there is a teacher fooling around with a student," "First names basis with the principal are you sure it isn't two teachers fooling around," The teacher I don't have the time to learn his name is young and blushes. He must be new. "Are you new?" I ask taking a sip of my coffee. "Yeah," he nods sticking his hand out to me. "I'm-" "Save it, what you need to know is that whatever you hear around this school is all a lie, got that Ms. Graves will become your worst enemy by the second week you've been here. So don't suck up to her old ass. She'll just tear you apart and make you miserable." The look on his face flattens. He looks scared out of his mind, like a lost puppy. "T-thanks I guess," he stutters out. "No need to thank me, see you around." I hold up my cup of coffee at him and leave the lounge. I may have been a little harsh on the guy, but I was only telling him the truth. Ms. Graves is nothing but an old hag who needs to retire and or get laid on of the two she's a stuck up wanker. Since that whole incident where Ms. Graves called me into her office Devin today has kept her distance but once school ends I'll have her in my car kissing her plump lips. Speaking of which, last night before I went to sleep I couldn't stop thinking about the way her mouth felt around my c**k. How her lips were swollen, just like I imagined they would be. I wanted to f**k her mouth again, but if we didn't leave we would have really broken in that pinball machine. The day goes by slowly, but I'm so thankful it is Friday. At the end of the day I pack up all my papers and leave. "Hey wait up," I groan stopping my walk to the front doors of the school and turn around seeing the same teacher from this morning. He jogs up to me and stops. "I didn't mean for us to get on the wrong foot this morning,“ he looks down at his watch then back up at me. "I'm Liam by the way...Liam Payne," he says sticking his hand out for the second time today. I sigh deciding I better shake it. "Harry Styles, nice to meet you, but I really have to go," I nod towards the door. "Oh, well you have a nice weekend Mr. Styles." Yeah you too. When I finally reach my car I find Devin sitting in the drivers seat with her head against the wheel. I open the door and her head shoots up and her eyes are blood shot. "Baby what’s wrong," I immediately ask. She shakes her head and climbs over the arm rest into the passenger seat. "Devin," I climb in shutting the door moving the armrest up and move closer to her. "Why are you crying?" "It's nothing Harry let’s just get to my place and go to this dinner okay?" She looks up at me with puffy red eyes. I wish she wouldn't shut me out like this. So what I do is turn in my seat and start the car driving to her house. The ride is quiet and it takes everything in me not to break the silence. I glance over a few times, her knees are tucked against her chest and her head is rested against the window. I reach over grabbing he hand linking our fingers together and bring her hand to my mouth kissing it. Her hand twists from mine and she lays it in her lap. What the hell did I miss? I grit my teeth trying my best not to push it and pull up to the front of her house without a word. "What am I supposed to wear," she asks with a whisper. Her head still against the window. "Just jeans, nothing to fancy, Devin..." "I just don't feel good Harry, you know girl problems." Oh... "Um do you need those....umm cooter plugs." I say trying to lighten the mood. "What, wait what the hell did you just call them?" She stifles a laugh. "Cooter plugs..." I smirk, her head is now turned in my direction. "Please don't ever call them that again and no I have some thank you. You weird man." She shakes her head climbing from my car and I follow her. "So no one hurt you?" I ask walking up her steps to her door. "Only mother nature Harry," she rolls her eyes. "Well you scared me I thought I was going to have to kick someone’s ass." Her front door swings open and the smell of her fills my nostrils, vanilla. I look around and the mess from the other night is cleaned up. The couch is pushed against the wall. The TV stand it still TV-less but filled with pictures. "I'll be back, make yourself comfortable." She closes the door behind us and heads down the small hall to her room. I walk around just as she did at my place and look at her pictures. They are mostly of her father. From the American flag in the background I know he is well, American. He looks intimidating, strong and i bet he was a very headstrong guy. And very protective of his daughter. One picture stands out, it’s her. She looks to be at least ten, her face is dry, emotionless. Not something you normally see in a ten year old. She looks as if her whole life has been taken from her. "How does this look," I turn on my feet, my hands tucked into my work pants. I scan her from head to toe, even in jeans and well fitted tank top and leather jacket she looks stunning, hell she would look good in just sweatpants and a t-shirt. I lick my lips taking a step forward forgetting about ten year old Devin, looking at the now mature, very sexy women standing in front of me. "You'll knock every old geyser on his ass tonight I'm sure, you look beautiful baby," She blushes and pushes at my chest. "I will not." She bites her lip like she always does. "I like this jacket," I run my finger tips up the arm moving the collar back leaning down pressing my lips to her neck. "You still have to get ready Harry." My hand moves down her chest and I cup her breast in my hand and squeeze lightly. The small gasp from her mouth has me smile against her neck, but that doesn't last long. "Harry, we have to go." she laughs pushing me back. "And thank you Reese's girlfriend gave it to me." She half smiles adjusting it on her shoulders. "Don't forget your cooter plugs," I say smiling. I quickly sprint to the door running to my car getting in and starting it. "You are such a child Styles," I hear her yell with a laugh. The passenger door opens and she climbs but not without a playful glare in my direction. "You love it." I say to her. "Just drive.' And I do just that. *** "What if they don't like me...why are there so many police cars here...Harry." I have never seen her so nervous. I mean yes this is technically the first time she meets the "family". Maybe this was a bad idea. Is it too fast is she going to back out. I don't blame her. Will you calm the f**k down? You're freaking out now. "Devin they will love you, and my father works for the Government so most of his buddies are police officers. We'll be okay, you will be okay I promise.” I climb out of the car and walk around the front, her eyes follow me until I reach her door and open it. Kissing her to calm her nerves and it does, she relaxes instantly. "Thank you," her forehead rests against mine. "I needed that." I offer her my hand and she takes it climbing from the car. Alexander's Bar n' Grill is a nice small family owned restaurant much like Mama G's. The outside is a white brick and the entrance is a half oval shape. When the door swings open Devin and I are greeted by the warming smile of Grace. "I was starting to wonder where you two were, Devin, honey I'm so glad you were able to come. I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to since your-" "Okay Grace that’s enough," I cut in. Grace noticed Devin has been a little off since her mother was taken to the rehab center. And Grace being the pusher she is egged me on until I told her. "Well, being home alone isn't fun so why not," Devin shrugs. "Well then, come on and meet the gang." I swear Grace tries so hard to be hip. Devin giggles taking Graces hand moving inside as I follow behind them. When you step inside it totally different from the simple brick on the outside. The walls are painted a grey with black trimming, the ceilings are high and are covered in old stage lights. The bar on the left is long and shined. Tables are lined up and people I know and some I don't mingle with each other. I suddenly feel threatened when the older men, friends of Robert's, eyes start to scan Devin's petite body. Before I can get to her I am stopped, "Harry wow you've grown into your big boy pants, so handsome. Tommy get over here." Great. My "grandparents". Etna and Tommy. "Wow Harry is that you," Tommy looks me up and down. His old squared framed glasses hang at the end of his nose. "Why aren't you working for us we could use a guy like you on the force?" "It's just not my thing," I shrug looking around not seeing Devin anywhere. "Who you got your eyes on this time mate," Tommy laughs following my gaze. "Ahhh, is this the girl your mother has told us so much about?" Of course Grace told them. I bet she had this planned. No I'm sure she set this up. I nod excusing myself walking over to where Grace is standing. "Where did-" "Bathroom, she'll be right back, have a sit at the bar. She'll be okay Harry all these men are married." Sadly Grace can read me like an open book, it’s a little scary, but she's also my mother. "Can I get a water?" I tell the bartender. I sit down turning around leaning my elbows against the bar. My mom is talking to Ken and Dave and my father is across the room shooting pool. I always hated coming to these get togethers. They always consisted of awkward conversations. But I came for one reason to make my father Happy on his birthday. ~Devin's POV~ The bathroom is dark, but once I step inside the lights turn on. Well isn’t this fancy. The walls are a shimmery black with specks of grey. The trimming is gold. There are four stalls and I'm scared to even step in one because I'm afraid I'll break something. It so nice. No doubt Harry probably freaked out when he couldn’t find me, but I hope Grace told him where I was. I choose the last stall the biggest one. The damn toilets are even shinny and so clean. Where am I? I sit down relieve myself and changing my I'm not even going to repeat Harry's words he is so ridiculous. I shake my head and giggle at how he called my tampons cooter plugs. What? Once I’ve washed my hands I step out of the restroom into the main dining hall full of people. A man about Harry's height walks over to me and sticks out saying, "hello love I'm Tommy Harry's granddad." His accent is thick yet slow much like Harry's. "I figured Harry wouldn’t introduced us, he's a little stubborn sometimes." You don't have to say that again. I take his hand shaking it. Its strong just like Roberts, I see where he gets it. "I'm Devin." I offer him a smile and he returns it. I'm a little nervous, but it’s not as bad as I thought. "Nice to meet you." "It’s a pleasure really, Harry never really was the dating type. He never brought anyone around. For a while we thought he was a gay." Harry is far from gay, I want to say. "Really?" I ask tilting my head to the side slightly. He nods. "Expect one time when we had an annual auction, he brought some blonde wanker. She was wearing strings. Literally." He scuffs. "But enough about Harry. What about you, what do you do?" How do I answer that? Umm... "I do photography," I sort of lie. "Wow you'll have to show Etna and me your work sometime maybe we can put some in the auction this year?" "Uhh, yeah sure." I look around and a lady maybe about a few inches taller than me stands next to Tommy. This must be Etna. “Is tommy bothering sweetie,” she sounds much like Grace. I shake my head an smile. “Hey…I’ve been looking for you.” All of our eyes move straight to Harry who is now beside me. His arm is now around my waist and I’m hugged to his side. “I was just meeting your grandparents.” I look up at him, his hair is pushed back as if he had been running his hand through it. “Harry it’s rude for you not to introduce us to your girlfriend.” Etna says. Her curly grey hair sways as she shakes her head at her grandson. “I would have eventually. Devin this is Etna and Tommy Styles, my grandparents.” “Thank you caption obvious,” Both Etna and Tommy laugh. Harry just shakes his head at me. “Well, it’s time to order,” Harry informs us. “I saved us a seat.” I nod as he leads me to our seats. Thankfully we both have seats next to each other or I would feel uncomfortable and a bit out of place. It’s weird that Harry and I have only been together a few days and I’ve already met his family. Let alone the fact that I got the job at Mama G’s without even knowing that the owner would be his mom. It’s called fate honey. I don’t even know if I believe in that. He just happened to be there the night I got hired. That doesn’t mean it was fate. “What are you hungry for,” Harry interrupts my thoughts. “Oh um,” I pick up the menu looking over it. “Maybe chicken strips and fries.” “Out of this whole menu you choose that? What about the stake or the yummy burgers.” “Are you judging me because I like chicken strips?” I turn c*****g a brow at him. “No, well, maybe.” He smirks. “That’s a kid’s meal” “Excuse me for liking chicken Mr. Styles. I will eat what I want.” I raise my nose at him. “Okay okay, then I guess if they are so good I’ll get them too.” He says laying his menu down. I hide my face in mine shaking my head. I gasp lightly when I feel the warmth of his hand on my thigh. I immediately perk up. He’s so damn touchy. “So Devin, how did you and our grandson meet?” Etna asks. I nearly choke on my own spit. My face heats up and Harry’s grip on my thigh tightens. “Work.” Harry answers shortly. “So you’re a teacher as well.” Etna sips on her wine. “Not exactly, I’m uhh, Interning with the photography teacher.” Good save. But I know I’m digging myself a grave. “So your still in-“ “Oh look here is our waitress lets order shall we.” Grace interrupts. I sigh, sliding my hands under the table and grab Harry’s. “So you’re a photography student now.” Harry whispers into my ear so only I can hear. I nod biting my lip. “Good save.” He kisses my cheek quickly. Soon the waitress comes around to us and we order our food. The rest of the night Robert tells crazy stories about being on the police force when he was younger. From the time he arrested a couple for public fornication on the sidewalk to how he busted plenty of underage parties. Now he’s putting away the big criminals. We sang happy birthday, ate cake and ice cream. Harry claimed he didn’t like the chicken fingers, but I watched him enjoy every single piece, with an ungodly amount of ketchup. “Thank you so much for coming again Devin, we really appreciated it.” Robert says pulling me into a warm hug. God even he smells good. “You’re welcome s- I mean Robert.” I correct myself. “Robert, son it was great seeing you tonight.” Tommy says patting his son’s shoulder. “Isn’t it always?” He smiles hugging onto Grace. “And Devin,” he turns to both Harry and I. “I want to see some of your work soon. I'm really thinking we could use some for the auction.” “Of course.” I smile. “Well the wife and I have an early flight to Dublin we’ll see you all soon.” Both him and Etna say their good byes hugging each of us and leave. Once they do both Harry and I let out a sigh in relief. "Thank you for that earlier Grace.." Harry's says to his mother. "No problem. But eventually you'll have to tell him. He is your grandfather you know." "I know." He looks down at me and I smile. Again he looks as if he'll say something but he doesn't. "Well, you two are welcome to go we'll see you tomorrow Harry," Grace hugs me first then Harry. Robert thanks us again before both Harry and I leave. Tonight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Harry's grandparents were sweet and friendly, much like Grace and Robert. Although Harry and I have been together a short time it feels much longer than that. Everyday I spend with this man not matter what my feelings grow. For him and his family. I love them. Him the most I will admit it. I Devin Renee Cavanaugh am madly, head over heels in love with my teacher. But how long till we have to face whats coming for us...
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