Chapter 26

2000 Words
~Harry's POV~ It's three in the morning; I've been laying here with Devin since she asked me to come over. Of course I obliged. I would do anything to be with her. Even leaving my meeting early saying I had a family emergency. I didn't wait for Ms. Graves to even give me the okay. I just grabbed my things and left. This meeting was important, but I've been through it a million and one times. Learning education this learning education that. Devin's body is wrapped around mine, her breathing is steady, I study her. Her hair is up in a bun, if that really. I push a small strand of lose hair behind her ear. How did I manage to catch the most beautiful woman? Her tanned skin is so smooth under my fingertips, her cherry red lips so plump. She's a goddess, an angel from heaven. We laid in silence after I shut her out from my past. I know she knew some of the facts, but I wasn't ready to share it more with her. Shutting her out only pushes her away. We've been over this... Give me time. It's hard enough that that b***h Alexa knew, only because she's a snoopy b***h. Considering you didn't love her and she knows and the woman lying with you who you love but won't admit doesn't that seem a bit messed up? Go away! I don't have time for you. I just don't know if I'm ready, let alone if she is. She did just get out a relationship with f**k face. And what do you call this then? A casual friendly cuddle who kiss and give each other oral s*x? Fuck off!!! "Harry..." I look down at Devin and her eyes are wide. s**t I said I that out loud. Damn it. "That wasn't to you...go back to sleep okay." I scoot her closer and her head lies on my chest. "Goodnight Harry..." She says before kissing my chest sending my heart into over drive and falling asleep. *** "Grades, grades and more grades, got to love being a teacher yeah mate?" Liam laughs patting my shoulder, causing me to spill coffee on the counter. "Yes it's such a joy..." I roll my eyes. "Don't sound so enthused it might kill you." Does he ever shut up? I am here to teach not make friends. "Can't you tell I love my job?" I turn putting on a fake smile. "Yeah it seems like it, lighten up a bit will you?" He laughs grabbing a newspaper from the bin. "That's trash for a reason." I tell him as he folds it and puts it in his suitcase. "I haven't read it yet, plus it was in the recycling bin. I like to read the today in history section." He shrugs. "I'm guessing you're a history Teacher." I sip on my coffee. The door to the lounge opens and two more teachers walk in greeting us both. "Uh yeah, I'm replacing Mr. Jonson since his wife..." He trails off. "That's honestly so tragic and so sudden." Please do not cry... "Everyone has their time dude," I glance at the clock. "I have to go..." I grab my bag and my coffee. "Oh yeah I guess we do...see you around." He waves. I leave. The day files by, but the rain hitting the window of the class room seems to suck me into my own little world. "I love the rain," I look up and see Devin sitting at her desk. "It's peaceful, it makes me want to wrap up in a blanket and watch movies all day." "Why would you want to do that, when you can watch me all day?" I c**k my head to the side watching her as she stares out the window. "Don't be to full of yourself Styles." She laughs. "Me, full of myself...nooo" I shake my head grabbing my chest pretending to be hurt. I can be full of myself sometimes but what man can't. It's how we are. "Bite me." She smirks in my direction. "With pleasure love." *** "Where are we going?" Devin's asks for the third time. "Be patient we're almost there, how is your headache?" I ask her. "It's better since you brought me that Advil after lunch, thank you by the way." She leans over across the arm rest kissing the corner of my mouth. The rain is still falling, my windshield wipers on full speed. "Can't we just go to your place and cuddle, this weather also makes me sleepy." "What's the fun in sleeping the rest of our day away? Plus I want to actually do something that we'll finish, unlike that chocolate cake." I remind her, placing my hand on her exposed thigh. I feel her shift under my touch. She's been dressing differently lately, not like she dressed bad before she's just more open to wearing skirts, and open top blouses. And it's raining, yet she could pull off wearing nothing at all even in winter. "Please, whatever you had planned can wait for a not so rainy day." She grabs my hand with hers. "You're lucky my flat is right up the street." I hear her laugh. Finally at my place, she's in the living room, I'm in the kitchen. I'm making popcorn, with lots of butter her orders. This wasn't my original plan, but I guess she's right today is kind of good cuddle movie weather. In the small living room she's picking out a movie and my luck it will be a sappy chick flick, but as long as I'm with her in the same room and get to watch the girl unfold into a sobbing mess when the fictional character dies is fine by me. I'll be there to comfort her twenty minute crying fest. "I found the movie, hope you like horror movies." Or the total opposite. I'm okay with this too. In the midst of making this popcorn I managed to get butter all down my white t-shirt. Good one Harry. I'll just go change. "What's taking so long?" Never mind, plan B it is then. ~Devin's POV ~ This is the second time I've been in Harry's flat, like I said we needed to switch it up. I'm sure whatever Harry had planned can wait for a better day. I picked out some random movie that's showing on the SyFy channel, since it's near October they are showing Halloween movies. Which are the best movies ever thought of might I add? Harry soon walks out of the kitchen, with a bowl in one hand and two cans of pop in the other. Oh and he's shirtless. I nearly swallow my damn tongue. This is the first time seeing Harry half naked and I'm not sure if I can contain my girlish squeal busting inside me. "I hope coke is okay?" He sits down beside me, the smell off popcorn it's not enough to pull me from my ungodly thoughts. You see for being a school teacher Harry is fit as f**k. I've felt the way his muscles contract under my palms when I kiss him. The way they flex when he breaths in to my mouth. But this, God this is a whole new experience, if I wasn't still on day three of my womanly cycle I'd rip the pop and popcorn bowl from his hand and pounce. I'm so tuned on right now, my mind is in a world full of dirty, crazy thought about what I want to do to my teacher when I should be answering his question about the pop being the right kind. I dare to look at him, his inked sculpted body will drowned me in my own drool off I look once more. A peek won't hurt. Out of my peripherals Harry eyes are glued to me, maybe he's notices my sudden...discomfort...I wouldn't necessarily call it that. I turn my head more for my eyes to meet his, it's so quiet and the tension I feel in the pit of my stomach is breaking string by string. The pop and popcorn bowl are on the coffee table, out of my pouncing range. I cross my legs to fight the ache between them, but that doesn't f*****g help. Harry notices, his dark eyes move to my skirted legs. His large warm hands move to them, uncrossing them. Fuck it. I'm now in Harry's lap, our mouths are at each other's. His teeth are pulling on my bottom lip as my fingers trace the butterfly Tattoo on his stomach. The friction between my legs becomes welcomed by his growing bulge. And I can't help but rock my hips back and forth to create even more friction. He moans into my mouth, while his fingers climb up the vertebrae's of my spine. My skirt is bunched up at my hips and my panties are wet from our body's touching. I feel the bulge of his c**k press against the thin fabric of my panties; my clit is hard and wanting to be touched. "Are you still on your," I bite on his lip nodding and he groans. This results in him grabbing my hips pushing me down on him so his hard on is pressing against my clit. The feeling is unreal; my hips rock back and forth as my mouth attacks his. The movie is playing in the background, but the sound of Harry's hitched breathing diminishes the screams from the horror flick. My hands make way to his tangled curls, pulling at the ends. I've never once experienced this. Zaid wasn't really into foreplay, other than me giving him a blow job. My body is starting to feel weak, I'm so close to my high, I rock harder, I wish there wasn't any type of clothing between us, but because Mother Nature's ass had to come early, that isn't an option. "Baby," Harry breaths into my mouth. "Fuck." I feel him twitch under me. Finally there, my moans escape in to his mouth as my fingers and toes curl. "That's it baby let it go," his hands travel down to my ass, I feel his hips lift and his bulge pressed against me again. I screw my eyes shut from this glorious feeling finishing myself out resting my head on his shoulder. "We're crazy..." I whisper. *** Two movies later Harry is asleep while I'm wide awake. After our little make-out session I excused myself to the bathroom. Harry brought me some sweats to change into and one of his shirts. They smell of him and honestly I think that's what is keeping me awake. Harry's head is rested on the arm of his couch, his arm is around my waist and I'm cuddled to his side. I want to wake him up and tell him I need to go home, but he looks so peaceful. When are you going to tell him? When the time is right...I'm not in the mood to listen to you so please leave and let me sleep. I close my eyes laying my head on Harry's side falling into a deep sleep. Pounding on the door sends me jumping off the couch onto the floor. I glance at the flashing time on the TV and it reads 4 am. How Harry managed to not wake up from that, I have no clue. I quickly stand to my feet. I might as well answer it. Opening the door I am met with blonde hair and tears. "Who the f**k are you and why are you in my man's house." Suddenly my whole world falls...I... "Uhhh...I was just...I'm leaving anyways you can have him." I should have f*****g known. This was all too good to be f*****g true. I'm just some damn side chick to him. I grab my things with tears burning in my eyes, rushing past the girl who stood before me minutes ago, running home.

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