Chapter 23

3033 Words
~ Harry's POV~ Fuck. f**k. f**k. Why the hell did I do that? f**k. No I know exactly why I did because that little prick deserved it! But fortunately I'll fight my own fights. Yeah, same to you ginger d**k. I'm not afraid to fight back if that means losing my job then so be it. All he is doing is antagonizing her and I'm sick of it. Once school let out, I looked over the whole school for Devin. She's pissed I'm sure. I hold her black and white journal in my hand with my pile of papers. I read the poem. I knew exactly what she was talking about. One black car, two men, none were him... I assumed her father right away. Two hats taken off in honor. All I could think was the army... After I gave Zaid a nice punch to the jaw, I didn't stick around to hear the whole class whisper in confusion. I headed straight for the restroom I saw her go into, to comfort her. Of course I was followed, by none other than her little hip buddy Reese. But I didn't care, comfort is what I gave her I held her. She tried to fight it, so I kissed her. Devin is where I knew she would be, under the willow tree. She always seems to be here, her knees are tucked under her chin and her head is resting on the caps of her knees. I look around so to make sure the cost is clear. "Mr. Styles," a voice in the back ground calls me. f**k. "I need to speak with you in my office now." I turn facing her and her grey hair is pulled up into a high tight bun, her clothing to tight for her figure. I shiver just looking at her, but walk the plank of death to her office as she follows behind me. "Ms. Graves what exactly is it that you needed I have to be at the restaurant soon." I sigh stepping into her office as she closes the door behind us. "I just wanted to ask you a few questions about a certain student of yours." s**t. "It seems that some of the students have noticed that's you've taken quite the liking to Ms. Cavanaugh do you care to explain what that is about." I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. "Listen she works at my mother’s restaurant whatever the hell you heard is wrong, I give her rides from time to time but that's about it. Do you honestly think I would be that dumb?" I look at her now, her arms crossed over her chest. God this woman repulses me and her office smells like f*****g mold. "Mr. Styles I never thought anything you are one of our best teachers, I was only just doing my job." Psst, f**k you sit in this damn office behind a desk all day probably writing some erotic novel and drink coffee. Don't f*****g tell me you're doing your job. "I really am on a time crunch Ms. Graves." I rush. "I'm only trying to get to the bottom of this; you know it is not tolerated in this school or any for that matter for a student and a teacher to be messing around per-say." She uses quotations fingers. "Like I said I take her to work and home nothing more, she doesn't have a car and I was there to help so I did." I shrug looking down at my feet. "That's not really aloud either but I'll let this one slide as long as there is no inhalant Intimacy involved it will be fine." Too late for that one. I smirk nodding in her direction. "Thank you for understanding, now I must go, you enjoy the rest of your evening Ms. Graves." I high tail it out the second she nods and sits behind her desk. Fuck. f**k. f**k again. I swear to god that Zaid kid is going to have it coming for him. Devin is still under the willow tree, but this time she is staring at me. I make my way over to her and smile. "You really must like it out here." I say sitting down in front of her. "It’s peaceful, quiet, and I find that this is where I can go to get away from stupid s**t because nobody ever comes out here really." "They're all vampires." I joke but her face is dry. "What did the devil want?" She asks. "Good question, for a second i thought she was going to feed me to her hell hounds," "Harry..." she cuts me off. "Okay, apparently some students are talking about us, but I made sure that she knew I was ony taking you to work and home because you having no car and everything." "Of course they were, God," she stands to her feet brushing the grass off her very tight jeans. "We really have to be careful if people are already talking." "We are being careful Devin...Aren't we?" I stand up. "Not if people are talking Harry." "People always assume things Devin, so let them." I grab her bag from the ground handing it to her. "Thanks...Their assumptions are right though Harry." "Will you stop...If it didn't want this I wouldn't have even pursued you Devin. But I did." "I know." she says shortly. "Then stop, we're going to be okay." I assure her. "Okay. Let’s go we have work. I'm going to kick your ass in pinball as well, so be ready Styles." She laughs, and my chest flutters. I love her laugh. It will kill me one of these days I swear it. "You know I normally just let you win right." We walk across the grass to the parking lot. "That's a lie and you know it." She bumps her shoulder into my arm. "Get in the car before I kiss you to shut your smart mouth up." I look at her, she of course biting her lip. "Maybe that's what I was aiming for," she raises her eyebrow opening the passenger door climbing in. "Oh really Ms. Cavanaugh," I step closer grabbing onto the door. "Mhm, and I still owe you for hitting that asshole today, even though it pissed me off." She looks up at me, her lip between her teeth and the brown of her eyes peeking through her lashes. I lost it almost, but I regain composure. "I would but the Devil might be watching so we wait till later, even though you f*****g killing me stop biting your lip please." I groan and she laughs. "Okay, okay let’s go big boy before we're late." *** Harry table two needs drinks, table 6 needs this and that. I'm exhausted by the end of the night. Devin won pin ball again during our ten minute brake but that's only because I let her win. "Cheer up son tomorrow is Friday guess what that means?" Grace pats my shoulder. "Um more work..?" "No, your fathers birthday dinner did you seriously forget again." She rubs her temples sighing in frustration. " I just...all right I forgot can you blame me I've been so wrapped up in grading papers-" "And you know who," she looks over in Devin's direction who is cleaning off the tables. "No..." I roll my eyes. "Yes...but that's okay. Why don't you invite her over tomorrow?" I can't say that's a good or bad idea. "That's too risky." "Don't you think you've risked a lot lately with her...what is this going to hurt?" "Good point." I nod. "Mothers know best." Smiling she walks over behind the bar grabbing the deposit from tonight. "So ask her." "Ask me what," Devin climbs up on the bar stool looking between both Grace and I. "Oh well won't you look at the time," Grace looks at the clock on the wall. Don't even..."I have to go lock up for me Harry." She grabs her bag, when she does the smallest snicker leaves her mouth. Thanks mom, really. "Goodbye Grace see you Monday," Devin waves and we both watch Grace leave the restaurant. "So what were you going to ask me?" She turns the stool so she's looking at me. I sigh leaning against the bar. I take a moment to take her in. This whole night I've hardly seen other than our ten minute pinball break. Her hair is loosely tied on the top of her head; small locks of curls hang at the sides. She looks tired, but yet so beautiful and even in this dim light you can see the specks of green in her brown eyes. I hadn't noticed I got closer until I feel her feet wrap around the back of my knees pulling me closer. "About that kiss you were talking about earlier...can I have it now Mr. Styles?" She giggles biting her lip. I have to resist the urge, the shock wave of want running through my veins to pick her up and f**k her on this bar. "I know what you're thinking, I can see right through your green eyes." Her finger tips graze over my waist band of my work pants. "Can you now," I lean my body down catching her back with my left hand and my right hand under her thigh lifting her from the chair. I can feel the thumping of her racing heart against my chest, now that she’s closer. Holding her close I carry her to the game room. I can feel her eyes on my face. She breaking through that thick layer every day I'm with her, every time she looks at me it gets thinner and thinner. "Are you feeling like a sore loser?" I look at her shaking my head. "More like a winner, I've won the best prize I could ever have." Her eyes are soft and her lip is between her teeth. "That is?" I look around shutting the game room door. "You're the greatest prize." She attacks me, she doesn't wait, her sweet, soft cheery lips on mine, her hands tangle into my hair. I walk forward holding her until my shoe hits the leg of the pinball machine. I sit her down on the top, (it’s pretty sturdy don't freak out), her legs dangles off the edge of it. Her gaze is locked on mine, her tongue swipes across her bottom lip and her eyes move to the now growing bulge pressing against my pants. ~Devin's POV~ Somehow Harry and I went from the bar to the game room of the restaurant. I'm now sitting on a Spider-man pinball machine staring, at him, but not his face, just the massive outline of his c**k in his pants. My mouth is watering and I keep licking my lips to keep me from drooling everywhere and ruining this moment. "So do I get a prize for winning then?" I look up and his defined jaw is flexed and his eyes are now a darker shade of green. "I'd like a lolly-pop," I pop the 'P'. "Preferably flavored like you." My feet wrap around the back of his legs pulling him closer, my fingers mess with the gold clasp of his belt, the only thing keeping me from the grand prize. "God Devin," he groans gripping my face kissing me hard. His wet lips make mine tingle wanting him in my mouth even more. My hands struggle with his belt but it finally loosens. No I'm not new to this; I had a controlling boyfriend before Harry who demanded to f**k my mouth. This, with Harry I want too. I also want to repay the favor from when he made me come all over his mouth and made me feel oh-so-f*****g-good. Harry breaks away for a second and our eyes are locked, he looks as if he will say something but he doesn't, he just kisses me again and my fingers are trying their hardest to undo the button of his pants, but this kiss is making me weak and dizzy and not wanting to stop. I finally get the dress pants loose at his hips unbuttoned and unzipped, pulling back i watch them pool to the floor down but his feet and the legs of the pinball machine. My eyes make their way to his tight black Calvin Kline boxers and my mouth nearly drowns in my saliva. I reach my hand out and grab him though his boxers, the noise that leaves his mouth has my abdomen tighten. He is large, so much bigger than douche d**k Zaid. With both my hands I grab the waistband and pull, slowly; watching his erection, God large erection hit his stomach. My eyes widen at the beautiful sight of him. Yet I'm all of the sudden nervous and the fact we are in the game room makes it worse. I swallow hard, I can feel his gaze, but I can't look up I'm too scared to. I feel like I've forgot what to do. "Baby, are you going to stare or take your prize?" I nod swallowing hard again. I shake my head ridding of my nerves. Suck it up...literally Devin. Take him and show him you can make him feel just as good or even better. "Mr. Styles you're so big," I play games. My eye lashes flutter and the confidence is now back when he groans gripping on to my hair. "Don't tease," he warns. I giggle taking him in my hand catching him off guard. His hands tighten in my hair as my hand warms up his c**k, moving up and down creating friction. He hardens even more, his green eye almost black burn into mine. When i think he's had enough of my so called teasing, I lean my head forward and collect the small bead of come with my tongue. He is a mixture of sweet and salty and I want more. My stomach flips and my insides tighten. I want him to touch me but the angle we are in he can't. I finally give him what he wants and take him in my mouth filling me up. My head moves slowly, my tongue flicks his tip. My other hand grips his shirt on his hip as my other milks him. The groans leaving his mouth tell me he loves this just as much as I do. He tastes so good; he's my own personal grand prize lolly-pop. The hand gripping his c**k squeezes lightly; it causes him to tilt his hips so he hits the back of my throat. Groaning, I move my mouth faster, my cheeks hollowing out as I suck him. My eyes glance up at him and stay there, watching him is the most glorious thing ever, it better than anything I've ever seen. His head is rolled back and eyes are screwed shut. Small moans are leaving his pink lips. So I suck harder, increasing my speed, moving him in and out of my mouth. Watching him like this is just enough for me to come undone myself. The feeling between my legs is almost a burning sensation and its killing me. Harry's hand moves from my hair, both his hands run through his hair now and his hips move with the flow of my mouth around his length. Looking at his stomach I can see his muscles start to flex, he's close. Sucking, tasting him is and now will be on of my favorite thing to do because the reaction I get from him priceless. ''f**k Devin,” he hits the back of my throat again, my eyes begin to water but I continued milking him, harder, then slow, then hard again until, my mouth fills with his warm, sweet, salty come. I swallow, letting his juices slide down my throat. I slowly pull him from my mouth kissing his tip as he pulls back. His breathing is much harder now, but it slowly begins to slow down. "You have no f*****g Idea how long I've waited for this moment Ms. Cavanaugh." He whispers and his voice is much deeper now. "Picturing you was nothing compared to the real thing." "You’ve pictured this?" I ask slightly shocked yet giddy that I've been in his night time thoughts. "Oh most certainly," He bends down pulling his pants back up around his sculpted v-lined hips. I want to stop him and make him come again. But I resist the urge. "Only I pictured coming all over your t**s," he smirks and I slap him he laughs, but my insides twist more. "You're something you know?" "I know I've heard, but that mouth of yours is beyond something else." He leans down, while buttoning his pants and zipping them, kissing me quickly. "So are you going to tell me what your mother was talking about earlier?" I remind him. He sighs lifting me off the pinball machine bringing me to my feet. "It's my dad’s Birthday dinner tomorrow, Every year we go downtown to Anderson's Bar ‘n’ Grill, he rents out the whole place and invites all his work buddies and his parents..." he clears his throat. "So, Grace wants me to invite you." "Well, would that be safe, what if someone we know sees us..." "Stop worrying about that baby," his hand rubs my cheek. "You don't have to go, but I would like if you did." He leans down kissing me again and my eyes close gripping onto his shirt. The feels I have fore this man are getting stronger and I'm scared if I were to tell him he would run away. You're serious right now? Yes and no...There is so much I still don't know about him yet here i am falling deeper and deeper for him. "So will you go?" he whispers against my lips and I simply nod. After our intense make-out Harry and I lock up the restaurant and he takes me home.
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