Chapter 22 Harry

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February 1st, 1990 "I'm pregnant..." She panicked. She didn't want a baby. I thought I was safe. She thought to herself. Three tests later and they still show the pink plus sign. Weeks she went without telling him, she was to scared he'd hurt her. But he loved her right he wouldn't do that. Right? Again she repeated the words..."I'm pregnant." Out the door he went. He didn't even give her a second look. That's the last time she ever saw him, that's when she started to break. 9 months she struggled, but she got by. At age 4 she put Harry in to pre-school, she learned that having him was something worth living for. At age five she met Rex...That's when things faltered. Late nights Harry would hear her stumble into the house, giggling. He would hear the voice of a strange man every so often. Harry soon met Rex. Rex soon started coming over unannounced, staying the night eating their food. Clothes and bags started to accumulate by the front door. They were his. Harry didn't like this man one bit. One day when Harry said no to his mother Rex stepped in an smacked Harry across the face. His mother just stood there in shock, but she was scared too. For two years this went on. But it got worse each day, his mother got higher each night and started to fade away and forget Harry was even there. Some days she would remember to go to the store, but other days it was scrounging through the cabinets. Harry would cry more, harry stopped going to school because he had no way there his mother was always gone how could he. He found books up in the attic he hid in a lot, he would read those to pass the time. Being alone most of the time harry taught himself many things how to read and write. He was a smart kid. Rex treated him like his own personal ash tray. Until.... August 15th, 1998 ( A worried pedestrian had been walking by the house with her dog at the time and heard screams and soon a big man came plowing out of the house with a bag, He was about 6'4 at least 250 pounds she said. He ran the opposite direction and got into a car at the end of the street and sped off. Going into the house with caution that's where she found him. So she called help. ) The storm was just starting, the lightning was cracking against the broken pavement. When they found him he was cuddled up to his mothers cold, rotting body. The bicep of her arm tied tightly with a red ribbon of somesort. The fire fire men, Harry called them because he couldn't pronounce his t's at the time took him away from her. He kicked and screamed when they did, they told him that they were going to take her to a special place so she could rest in peace. Harry was only 8 at the time but he was old enough to comprehend what that meant. They patched up all his burns, but not with out a fight. Some of the nurses were mortified and sad for him. But they had to keep their composure. For days the boy didn't eat, sleep, or even bathe. He would shut everyone out who tried to help him or talk to him. He was a mess, he kept himself secluded from the world. For days he would sit in the cinder-block wall beige colored room next to the window watching, watching as if his mother would come to get him and tell him it was time to come home. But she never did. Days passed an eventually he started eating his food, he wouldn't talk though, a nod here or there, but that's pretty much it. They gave him a new room, with wallpaper and a bigger bed. He started interacting more with the other kids. He still wasn't talking, that's where things got worse. Some how the older kids found out about his mother and began picking on young Harry. Blaming him for his mothers death, and calling him "the mute deaf kid". Harry knew he didn't do that to his mother, Harry knew he wasn't deaf he just tried so hard to block them out, but when he stepped through the threshold of his room, the door would slam and screams could be heard through the halls of the foster home. Four months...Harry hardly left the room, he would play with his toys alone, eat alone and every so often when Georgia; the women who ran the foster home; would walk by and catch Harry talking to himself. She was worried Harry would have social issues if he was ever chosen for adoption. She was afraid he'd act up and he would end up right back here. "Harry," she quietly stepped into his room. Harry was sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands folded into his lap. His brown curly waves hung over his forehead, tan shorts and a nice button up polo, orange, black and white. "You know what today is sweetie," Georgia kneels down beside Harry. He nods. "Well you look handsome if they pass you up they are crazy you're a wonderful boy sweetie," she touches his shoulder and he filches away because she almost touched his chest. Georgia clears her throat flipping her long black hair over her right shoulder. "Sorry...shall we go then," standing up, she puts her hand out for Harry to take. "Come on, we don't want to keep them waiting." Harry slowly stands from the bed and walks past her opening the door heading straight for the visiting room. Every month Harry dealt with the same thing, the soon to be parents would ask him questions but he would answer with only a nod or head shake. They always had fake smiles plastered on their faces, and would always say "let us think about it." But they never would, they left him sitting in the chair with out an answer each time and when they never came back Harry just knew. But today was different, the sun was shining through the blue silk curtains hanging on the windows, the grass was green and kids were laughing and playing outside. The women stood a mere 5'2 her hair was long and so red, her skin was like porcelain. The man stood beside her at least a foot taller than her, his hair short at the sides but curly and long on top. "Mr. And Mrs. Styles I'm so glad you were able to make it today with both of your very tight schedules." Georgia says sticking a firm hand out for them to shake. "Robert here never gets any time off, it took a little convincing. We're here now so where is he..." The woman looks around and spots Harry sitting on the couch his light up shoes swinging since his feet can touch the floor just yet. "Oh Roberts he's handsome," she's gushes. "He has curly hair just like you." Robert laughs, and that gets Harry's attention looking up from his hands. He studies the strangers watching him. He wants to smile, he wants to talk but he's afraid he'll break. "You remember what we talked about on the phone correct Mrs. Styles," Georgia whispers. " me Grace... And yes I do. I think we can handle it." Harry is still watching the women with natural almost crimson hair. For the first time in almost 4 months Harry smiled, nothing to out there but just enough for Grace to melt. She grabbed Roberts arm as he led her to the couch. Normally the other parents would sit across from Harry with their fake smiles. But Grace and Roberts, theirs was everything but fake, genuine, real. Harry liked that. "Is this seat taken," she cautiously asked. Georgia stood in the corner watching, nearly dying when Harry shook is head no. "I'm Grace Harry, and here" she points to Robert with her french tipped manicured nails. "Is Robert my husband, we're here to take you home with us." Her smile grows, Robert grabs her hand kissing it. "And when we get home we have a surprise for you bud." Robert chimes in. The light in Harry's eyes flicker, but there will always be that glitch, that piece that will shut of that light. Harry nods. The next hour Grace, Robert and Harry bond, Grace now knows Harry loves hot wheels cars, and Mac and cheese with ketchup. He's experimental can you blame him he's eight. Finally Grace and Robert sign the form to adopt their new son. Harry is by the door with his tiny blue book bag hanging from his shoulder. "Georgia we can't thank you enough," Grace kisses each of her cheeks. "It may take us a little to get him to talk but we can do this. We'll call you in a month." With a final last good bye to Harry's temporary home, Harry is finally off and better, into a new world, full of love, comfort and a family... The night Harry suffers nightmares, three to be exact. Grace and Robert were both there next to his bed as was his puppy Gus. Licking his face to cheer him up, but Harry would only push him away. He pushed Grace and Robert away too. They gave him his space. Deep down though Harry was glad to be in a better home, none with cigarettes, screams, needles, and the bad man. Just now the smell of vanilla, and cleaning supplies, a dog, a mom and dad. Being so young and pulled from a home of disaster and abuse does a lot to you. Drags you under with the demons. You need to find that one thing that will drag you out of the depths of this "hell" and Harry found it.
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