Chapter 17

1943 Words
~Harry's POV~ "Now no one will love you," he said as he pushed the cigarette into my arm. "You'll be imperfect," he spits. I cry out to my mother, but she never comes running to my side. She never tries to push this bad man away. No one will love you... *** "Oh my lord....I'm uh I'll just go back inside. give you two some privacy." Grace gasps, Devin pulls away from my mouth and I groan. "Harry...we should..oh there is no use getting around this," Devin runs her fingers through her hair. "No, dont stop on the count of me..." I look at Grace and she grinning like a damn Cheshire cat. I'd smack it off her if I could. "Its not like you can knock on thin air mom..." I roll my eyes. Devins face is red and shes biting her damn lip. Its taunting me. Even in this situation. "I'll be at home Harry, you two continue your little talk," she pops an eyebrow at me walking past both Devin and I getting in her car leaving. I'm never going to hear the end of this. "So," I clap my hands together turning to Devin who is no longer beside me, but she's standing at the car. I take two long strides, now in front of her. Her back is again the passenger door, her lip between her teeth, and her chest is rising and falling fast. I place my hands on either side of her stepping closer closing the gap between our heated bodies. The tingle of her fingers still linger on my chest and I want them there again and again. She's looking up at me her brown eyes meet mine. I want to kiss her, god I want to kiss her and take her up against my car. I can't say its been so long since I've done anything with a women, because just two weeks ago...Lets not even go there. "Harry..." she whispers her voice so gentle so sweet. "I need to get home..." I nod pulling us back away from the car so I cam open her door when I do she wuickly stand on her toes kissing me softly before taking her seat. I dont think I'll ever get enough of that. I walk over toyside of the car getting in, starting the engine. ... "You sure you don't want me to get you in the morning I'll drip you off a block before the school." I ask for the sixth time. "Harry I'm positive okay..." "Okay...but I have a question...why werent you at school tuesday?" the look on her face immidietly tighens. She grabs for the door handle opening the door climbing out. "Devin, is everything okay here. I mean at home." concern strug through my words. I unbuckle my seatbelt, climbing out of the car walking over to her. $She shuts her door and stands there looking down at her feet. Its so quiet. "Harry," she speaks softly. "There is so much you don't know...see you look at the outside of my house and think wow she's living a half way decent life. But the problem is there is nothing decent about my life. Harry I trust you to know my life story just like you trust me with yours, but I am beyond scared." Her head is gacing her house. Shes just staring. Its small and white, with black trimmings around the Windows. All the curtains are shut, no lights can be seen turned on. The fromt door is painted red, but the paint is chipping in the corner. The grass is freshly cut, but one thing that catches my eye is the pile of newspapers and mail exploding from the mail box. "Harry, my life is more messed up than you think," she is now looking back at me, her body close to mine her small arms wrap around my waist and her head rest on my chest. My eyes close shut, and my hands rest on the small of her back. "Trust me Devin, mine isn't what it seems either. I'm not going to judge you. For f***s sake Devin I've been to hell and back. Literally." I feel her sniffle against my chest, one of her hands reaching up to wipe her nose. "I was taking care of my mother. She wasn't feeling well." she kisses my chest, my breath hitches slightly as she pulls out of my arms. "Thank you for bringing me home." With out another word she walks up her steps disappearing into her house. ~Devin's POV~ As soon as I step inside my house I press my back against the door closing it. There is no doubt in my mind Harry and I have something. Fuck, we've had something the first day we both looked at each other. One thing I cant believe, his mother caught us. I for sure thought she wouldnt approve, I thought she would smack Harry grab him by the ear and drag him back inside the restaurant and b***h at him for kissing minor. Instead she did the opposite. Which I'm perfectly fine with...I think. I look around the house, all the lights are off and not a single sound can be heard. I immediately run down the hall to my moms room where I find her on the floor on her back, vomit is spilling from her mouth. I fall to her side to check if there is even a hint of a pulse, her skin is cold and clamy, but thankfully there is still a pulse. Moments like this terrify me, yes I hate the decisions she makes, but shes my mother and honestly the only family I have left. I turn my mother on her side as she coughs and more bile spills from her mouth onto her carpeted floor. My hand rubs her back trying to sooth her. "You have to stop drinking mom..." I wishper to myself. If I were to tell her that out loud to her face she'd slap me, or worse hit me until she leaves a mark. I move out from under her hooking my arms around her tiny waist carrying her to the bathroom sitting her on the chair I set in there for these times. I run warm bath water, while it fills up I remove my mother from her gown exposing her tiny frame, she use to be so beautiful I use to look up to her now I'm looking down on her, taking care of her because she'd rather drown her pain in whiskey. Its sad, it hurts so much, so damn much I'm almost to the breaking point of giving up myself. But I can't for the sake of my father, I can't he always told me I would grow up to be a strong women, and I'm not going to let him down. I lift my mothers limp body into the bath, washing off every trace of puke from her face and chest. I wahr everything until she's clean and smells better than she did. "Your father cheated Devin..he was never who you thought he was," fell from her mouth, causing me to stop and look at her. "You're just drunk mom..." I continue dressing her, combing her hair from her face. I look at us both in the mirror, pale, wrinkles, dark circles, skin and bones, my mother. She use to look like me, she was everything a guy wanted in a women. But no, she fell in love with alcohol instead. ... "Devin, your father is on the phone." My mother yells for from the kitchen. I lay my Barbie doll down scurrying to the kitchen, skidding a little as my sock covered feet hit the wood flooring. "Yes, she's right here Matthew. yes she's wearing the Toy Story night gown you bought her. Okay I love you too. Please be safe." She always said that to him when he was far away driving his tanks. The phone is handed to me and I press it to my ear, the wind in the background is so loud I can hardly hear my father say anything. "Daddy its so loud." "I know baby girl, I know I just wanted to say Happy Birthday. I cant belive I'm missing your 6th birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you when I vime back in January." "Can we go sledding and get double chocolate ice cream two scoops for me." I giggle pointing at myself. He laughs, "Of course baby girl, and I'll make my hot chocolate. How does that sound?" "Yay!" I jump up and down and mommy smiles at me while pouring another glass of wine. "Okay Dev daddy has to go, boss is yelling at me. I love you!" "I love you too daddy be careful." The line goes dead. I spent the rest of thebday with mommy eating cake and watching tv. I played with my barbie doll daddy sent me and that day was okay. ... Friday rolls around fast and I'm glad, my mother is at home her skin is starting to glow and shes actually walking around without stumbling. The whiskey is in the same place, but part of me hopes she doesn't get into it. Most likely she will. "Hey Ms. HotsForTheTeacher." Great. "Hi Reese, its Devin if you dont remember." "Oh I remember I just know you f*****g have a thing for Mr. Styles." She sits down beside me under the tree. Her hair is in curls now and the blue is gone, but instead blonde. "Is it that obvious." I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. "I'm suprised no one else has noticed, you guys drool over each pther in class its quite disturbing, but I don't blame Mr. S," her smirk grows and I know where shes going with this. "Ew, stop okay yes I like Mr. Styles is it such a crime?" I roll my eyes. "Kinda, but its safe with me. On one condition?" she leans forward messing with a strand of my hair. "Um," I stammer pulling back. "I'm not kissing you if thats what you want." "You had a fuzzy in your hair don't get to full of yourself I have a girlfriend." My body relaxes, nodding standing up. "Then what is this condition..." I look down at my feet. "Well, first off if he ends up asking you on a date I'm taking you shopping...My girlfriend is a stylist so I've picked up a few tricks from her. And babe let me say that shirt and those jeans will not make his little friend pop the button off his jeans if you know what I mean." "What's wrong with my clothes," I pull at my Rolling Stones shirt. "Nothing, just they aren't date appropriate, you need something...well sexier." "Who says he'll aske on a date...who says we're even doing anything you can't just assume Reese..." I roll my eyes again walking past her. "You've been eye f*****g each other for over weeks, he takes you home, and to work. Don't tell me you haven't tasted his man-sickle yet." My hand flies over my mouth with a loud gasp. She did not just...what? I'm more than positive my face is redder than a damn tomato. "You really have your way with words," I shake my head. The walk back into the school was short since we were only outside. "Oh you don't even know that half of it." she chuckles. "Sooo..." I groan. "Ugh, fine yes...but only if he asks me." I swear I'm going to regret this.
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