Chapter 14

1830 Words
~ Harry's POV~ The bubbles in the bath surround my body, mommy scrubs at the burnt skin, and I bite my lip from screaming, but it doesn't help. "Mommy it hurts stop!" I cry pushing her hands away. "You let the bad man hurt me mommy!" Her eyes well with tears, sobs escape her lips as she bows her head. "I know sweetie, I won't let it happen again." She lies straight through her teeth. She pulls me out of the tub wrapping me in a dirty towel. "I promise Harry." She broke that promise that same night. One, two, three burns across my back, mommy was to high to even notice my screaming, mommy was passed out on the couch as this bad man hurt me over and over again. *** I wake up in a cold sweat, my heart is pounding, I hate that I have these dreams. I hate that I lived that life at one point. It scares me everyday, walking the streets of London is that man who hurt me. I don't remember his name, but only his face. If I saw it I would remember. Part of my hopes that sick bastard is long gone burning in the pits of hell, and his demons are ripping him to shreds using his bones as toothpicks. The clock on the bedside table reads 5:36. I'm wide awake and I'm glad its the weekend or I would be a complete ass to everyone at school. The screen on my phone lights up its a text. Devin:)~ goodnight Mr. Styles -D xx And another one popped up. D- you awake? Then another. D- who am I kidding...your probably still sleeping. And then another. D- can't stop think about what you told me... I know exactly what she's talking about. I told her something was telling me to keep her close and that I would do anything and everything to make that happen. I can't lose her I said. I meant every word. Call me crazy, call me whatever you want, Devin isn't like all the other female students at school. Yeah she may look at me like they do, drool over me, oogle over me or whatever. But something, I'm not sure what yet but something has me hooked on her. Her looks maybe, or her presence, or the comfortable silence we share, maybe how she understands. Me~ I'm awake... it's true you know, I don't care how wrong it is, but it's true. Send. D~ why tho Harry, why risk everything, am I really worth it? Me~ yes. Is all I send to her, putting my phone back on the night stand, laying my head back against the pillow. There is nothing more to say than yes. It's just that simple. Yet so complicated at the same time. ... "Damn it Harry!...yes Robert I'm I'm fine just tripped over his clothes he's such a messy boy." I hear Grace's voice from the living room. What is she even doing here. I glace over at the clock and it's almost noon. s**t. I jump out of bed grabbing any clothes from the floor throwing them on trying to make it look like I was on my way. "Harry..." I open the door to my room running my fingers through my hair. "Mom, what are you doing here I was just on my way." I play off, but by the way she Crosses her arms and sticks her foot out I know I've been caught. Mothers I swear they know everything. "Nice try Harold, you we're sleeping," she's kicks a shirt with her shinny black heel. "And pick up after yourself will you, I taught you better than that." She rolls hers eyes. "Aye aye captain." I salute her and she slaps my arm. "Ouch, that's not very nice." "There is no need for your smart ass Harry, now turn your shirt inside right and lets go your father is waiting at home." I look down and sure enough my shirt is inside out. Smart one Harry. My mother leaves the flat, leaving me to get ready. I quickly take another shower, remembering last nights actions trying my best to keep my self tame. Once I'm done I change into my black shirt and black jeans grabbing my phone and lets going down stairs. Grace is out front, her black BMW parked in the no parking zone. I shake my head saying goodbye and thank you to the doorman climbing into my mothers car. "You're in a no parking zone Grace, and get off your phone you know how I feel about that." she rolls her eyes putting her phone in her bag, putting the car in drive. "Why are you so protective over me?" She turns on to the main road. Why is she asking she already knows the answer. "Grace..." I warn her. "I know Harry I know...I'm just as careful as I was the first day Robert and I got you don't worry about me okay?" Her small hand pats at my knee. I nod. "I'm sorry I missed breakfast, I was up late and couldn't really sleep you know," I shrug looking out the window. "Are you having those dreams know about-" "Grace," my fists clench as a warning. "Don't bring it up." "Harry, I'm just worried, you know we never talked about that night at the diner with that guy?" As fast as it come the memories flood so fast into my mind, my vision blurs my head spins. The smell of the stale cigarettes on his breath, reminds me of him. His voice even. "Harry," Grace shakes me. The car is now pulled over to the side of the road, blinkers on engine cut off. I grit my teeth, "just drive Grace..." "But Harry." "Just f*****g drive!" I slam my fist against the dash board causing her to jump, moving away from me. The engine roars to life and she drives, the silence between us is tensed and negative. Why she always f*****g brings that up f*****g beats me but every time she does this f*****g happens! Why doesn't she learn. ... Once we get to the small house on the small privately owned beach, I get out of the car slamming to door, walking up the curvy sidewalk. Grace's heels hit the cement behind me and she grasps my wrist with her small hand. "Harry listen, I'm sorry I know you hate when I bring up your past, but that guy at the restaurant sparked something, I just want to know of your okay?" "I'm fine." I answer shortly, pulling her hand from my wrist turning on my heel going inside the house. "Gracey, dear is that you?" Robert comes from the kitchen, he's wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a ketchup stain. "Oh Harry how great-" "Don't okay..." I cut him off walking past him to the kitchen having a bottle of water from the fridge. "What happened Grace," I hear him ask her. I hear the sniffles of her nose and I know she's crying. Great. "I'm going to lie down for a bit, you boys go ahead and eat without me." She says and the clicking of her heals can be heard going up the stairs, soon the bedroom door being slammed shut. "Why are you so hard on your mother Harry?" I roll my eyes grabbing my bottle from the counter going to leave out the back, but Robert pulls me back by the back of my shirt. "Harry you're 24 years old, Grace and I have worked our asses off to give you a great life and then you go off and treat her like this because she accidentally brought up your past?" My hand grips the bottle any tighter it'll busy open. "Grow up Harry and realize what you have before it's to late, so when you come down from your little tantrum, you go upstairs and apologize to your mother!" He lets go of my shirt, leaving me stumped. My face falls and soon feel bad, guilty even. He's everything and right. I instantly fell my heart in the put of my stomach like I've been hit with a reality check. ~ Devin's POV~ Am I really worth risking, a job, a life am I? According to Harry I am. I've been staring at the three letters that spell yes for quite some time now. Why me though. Harry can have someone much old someone who doesn't have a drunk mom, or a dead father. Someone who perfect. But out of all those so called perfect women he chooses me. 17 year old Devin Renee Cavanaugh, the girl with a twisted, messed up past, but maybe just maybe that's why fate or whatever you wanna call it brought us together? Because we share similar, yet so different pasts. My mothers loud stumbles echo in the hallways of our small house. This means she's up, this means yet another fun filled day at the Cavanaugh house. Sometimes I wish my father were here, things would be much different, much more peaceful, less screaming, glass breaking, no smell of booze, but flowers or vanilla. I miss him. ... " I told you I had more whiskey," I watch my mother from the kitchen table as she pours another glass, spilling a little of the brown poison on the counter. I watch her do this 5 times, I cringe each time, fighting the urge to get up grab the bottle from her hand and dump it down the drain. I don't, it will just cause a scene, a mess that I'm not in the mood to clean up. "Where have you been these last few days Dev...mommy misses her baby girl." "Don't call me that..." I say through gritted teeth. "You loved when I called you that," she's stumbles grabbing onto the counter for balance. "Wait or did you love it when your father called you that." "Stop.." "Devin he's dead when will you get that, he's never coming back!" She's drunk Devin, she's drunk. She won't even remember this in the morning. "Your father wasn't everything you thought he was Devin, he lied to mommy all the time." "Shut up!" My finger nails dig into my thighs. "You never knew but mommy and Daddy fought all the time, just never," she pauses to drunk the last swig of her whiskey. "ahh, mmm, what was I saying again." "I don't care, food is in the fridge try not to burn the house down, I'm leaving." I stand up pushing the chair in, walking past her smelling the alcohol spill from her pores. I'm sure she hasn't showered in days normally I'm the one doing it, but I'm leaving I can't stand this, not today. I grab my bag from the small brown chair, my phone and keys leaving, and I'm not sure when I'll be back.
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