Chapter 13

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~Devin's POV~ December 4th, 2002 I'm in the living room with mommy watching cartoons on our small TV. The cat is chasing after the small mouse as I giggle. "Baby girl!" My Daddy calls from the kitchen. "Devin Daddy called you." I look over at my mom who is sitting on the couch and smile standing up walking into the kitchen. "There you are," my father smiles, walking over to me bending down so he's at my level. "Hi Daddy," I giggle as he pokes my nose. "I made you your cake do you want to see it." I nods my head quickly. He's smiles standing from his kneeling position. Walking over to the stove grabbing the blue glass pan. I slowly make my way over to him, as he kneels down once again. The cake is chocolate, covered in pink and white sprinkles, my name written in a light pink icing. "Go ahead baby girl, you can have a taste , we won't tell mommy." He whispers and I nod, swiping my little index finger across the top of the cake. I bring my finger to my mouth licking off the sweet homemade chocolate frosting. I reach for another swipe, but my father wiggles a finger at me standing back up. "Not till tonight," he covers up the top of the cake with foil. "I can't believe your six years old Dev, your growing up on me." Three rings, three rings of our home phone is all it took for this perfect birthday, to be not so perfect. The army truck came by around noon, and he left ten minutes after. I stood there holding on to my white stuffed bear waving goodbye, small warm tears running down my cheeks. Mommy was already in the kitchen with a shinny clear glass that's sparkles in the light filled with that sweet red liquid. *** Sounds of shattering glass wakes me, making me scramble to my feet out my room and down the stairs. My mother is in the kitchen, our white tile floors now colored a dark red, it's not blood it's wine. She searching the cabinets, for something stronger, something to numb the pain she's had all these years. The light peaking through the curtains over the small window above the sink tells me it's nearly morning. The clock on the stove read 5:30. "Where's my whiskey!" My mother screams throwing yet another small bottle of red wine on the floor, thankfully not breaking. "You drank it all..." I whisper. I walk close and her head snaps turning, eyes bloodshot and glossy. I step back quickly. "I did not you're lying, I'm never out where's my damn whiskey!" She screams. My eyes are burning with tears, keeping them in is no use at this point it's so hard to anymore. "M-mom I s-said you drank it all." I struggle to say, watching this troubled women, matted dark hair, glossy blue eyes, her night gown sliding from her right shoulder. "You're lying, you're lying, you're lying!" She repeats over and over again slamming each cabinet door. Through my tears and blurry vision I rush to my mothers side and pull her down to the ground sliding my back against the cabinets. She thrashes in my arms, groaning, screaming, scratching, tugging but I use the little strength I have this morning to keep her down. "Shhh," I whisper, trying my best to sooth her, combing my fingers through the front of her hair. My tears still evident, still pouring from my tears ducts. As they slowly come to a stop my mothers groans and thrashing are replaced with light, slow breathing. Her eyes are shut and her head is laying in my lap. The alcohol on the floor surrounds us like a body of water, a body of lost, broken, pain spilled out onto the tile floor. ... The sun is shinning brighter now, my mother is now back into bed and I'm stuck to clean up her mess like always. The tile my father had put in with his bare hands is now stained a light pink. I've scrubbed as hard as I could, but it won't come off. I clean up every last bit of glass, and place the unbroken bottle back into the cabinet. When I look over at the clock it's already 7:30. I don't have time to wash off the smell of the wine or work from last night. I quickly change into a t-shirt and black jeans. I through my hair up into a high ponytail, roll on deodorant, and spray a little perfume on to mask the smell. ... The hallways are packed and i suddenly regret not taking a shower and just being always. I push through the crowd of people not really caring that there all raising their eyes and noses at me. I'm not invisible, I just don't care for the douche bag, wanna be, blonde Barbie, beef head cliques. I'm my own. I'm Devin Renee Cavanaugh. And a lot of them don't like me for that. Once I enter the his class room everything from last night begins to play across my mind like a movie. The kisses going to his place, even his dumb smirk. He's wearing a black button up, no tie, only the top three buttons undone exposing his tattoos. Is that even aloud. My eyes scan further down his body, his shirt tucked neatly into his back dress pants. "Got the hots for the teach?" I jump turning to the voice that scared me and pulled me away from staring at Harry. She dark complected, her hair is short, and curly, dark. Her eyes as blue as the ocean. I slowly shake my head clearing my throat. "What makes you say that?" She laughs leaning in, " because you we're literally f*****g him with your eyes love," she whispers, fixing the strap on her bag walking to the back of the class taking a seat. Who is she? I take my seat, as soon as I do Harry turns around our eyes meet for only a second before I look down and bite down on my lip. "So apparently we have a new student today um," I look up and is eyes are on the piece of paper in his hand. "Reese Lemmings?" "Oh yeah that's me," I turn around and the same girl from earlier stands to her feet. "And before any of you, jerk offs try anything I bat for the other team." She speaks bluntly. The whole class is silent. "Well okay then, you may have a seat Ms. Lemmings. We're glad to have you." He glances at me giving me wide eyes and I have to cover my mouth to hide my giggle. I don't have the hots for Harry by the way, we've just kissed, that doesn't mean anything does it? And he also happens to be my teacher. This is getting so much harder and I know I'll never be able to find a way away from it...when I say it I mean Him. ... The table I normally sit at during lunch is being occupied by the band geeks. Some meeting or something. So I resort for going outside I normally hate eating outside but since I smell like a meat locker s***h booze cabinet fresh air will do me good. I sit underneath the large oak tree pulling out my headphones putting on music. But before I can enjoy my music the girl from this morning sits down in front of me with a smile. "This seat taken?" "I mean you're sitting there so now it is." "Ahh, so you're a smart mouth?" Her eyebrow raises. "No I'm Devin," I roll my eyes pushing play on my phone. Reese's mouth is moving but I hear nothing but the voice of Ed Sheeran singing Kiss Me. She notices I'm not going to listen and leaves picking up her bag walking back into the school. Thank you. ... It's the end of the day meaning it's the weekend. Nothing to be excited about really since I'll be babysitting my alcoholic mother most of the time. Thank God Grace have me this weekend off, I can catch up on my homework, go pay my phone bill, and get a little food for the house. Reese was in my last period as well which is Advance math. I'm smart judge me. She didn't talk to me this time and I was thankful. It's not that I'm against her or anything it's just I'm okay with not having friends. My life is f****d up and I don't want to bring them into it just so I can lose them because my mother is crazy and I'm right along the borderline. Okay I'm not that crazy I'm more sane than most. It wouldn't hurt to at least have one friend... What about Harry... What about Harry? I ask myself repeating my inner voices question. "Something is telling me to keep you close Devin, and I'm going to do everything possible to do so. I don't want to lose you." The words repeat in my head over and over again like a skipping record. Does he really mean that? Why is he risking his job, his rep I'm sure. His life? Why? If I let him in I'll have to tell him everything and I don't know if I can. Or even if I should trust him. Should I? Ugh, I'm thinking to much and my head hurts. Before I head home I run by the small phone shop and Pay my bill and have a little chat with Jim the owner, he asks how I'm doing and if I'm ever going to take up his offer of working for him. But again I decline I like my job at the restaurant. It's kinda my escape from home. The June at the grocery store is half way to Kansas and my feet hurt from walking so much I just want to get home cook food and do my home work. "30.45, is your total." Says the blonde at the register I hand her two twenties. She checks to make sure they real with that yellow marker. Yes, because I'm going to give you fake money. I roll my eyes taking my change and grab the plastic bags of the counter, walking out of the store. This is when I wish I knew how to work on cars or had one at least. When I get home the bags on my wrists have left a red marks around them from carrying them so long. But I managed. I put everything away including a new bottle of whiskey for my mom, why I feed her fire I'll never know, but if I don't want a repeat of this morning I'll do it. ~ Harry's POV ~ "Are you going to just sit there Harold or help your mother carry these boxes into the kitchen?" Grace stands at the back of the can holding a box of shredded cheese. I tuck my phone in my pocket, why I was looking for her number in my phone I have no idea I don't have it. I could be that person and just get it from her application but that would be creepy. I grab two boxes carrying them through the back door of the restaurant laying them on the floor of the freezer. I do this till the van is empty. "Thank you Harry," Grace leans up kissing my cheek before going back up front to serve people at the bar. ... The night ends with me staring at the ten digit number that belongs to her. Half the night I thought I kept hearing her. It's just my mind play tricks on me. The only time I saw her today was at school in the morning and during lunch she was out side against the tree. No I want spying on her... Okay maybe I was. That's beside the point. Last night was something I couldn't get off my mind, an hour of sleep I'm running on. I was thinking about the spark that surged through our lips every time they touched, sucked, nipped at each others. Three times, was that to much in one night, probably. I always find myself questioning, wondering if any of this is okay. It's not. It's just the feeling, the tension, between us that I know is evident that keeps me coming back. Keeps her coming back. Is it to early, maybe, maybe not. "Harry, what are you doing," I quickly crinkle up the paper, like student caught reading a note in class hiding it in my hand. "Oh nothing," Grace knows me to well, but she doesn't push it any further. "Okay...Are you coming over Gus misses you and your father of course." She pulls her red hair up into a pony tail, taking her apron off. "Yeah first thing in the morning, you cooking breakfast?" I stand from the bar stool stuffing the paper in my pocket. I'm shaking my head at you Styles. Yeah, yeah. "Of course, do I ever disappoint?" "Never mom." I smile and her eyes light up. As she does every time she leans up and kisses me good bye. I end up closing the restaurant making sure both the back and front door are locked along with the alarm on. Getting home took less time since no one was really on the road. Once I get into my flat I head straight for the shower washing of the smell of the kitchen on me. The hot water hits my skin sliding down each part. My hair covers my face, it's so damn long, but I don't plan on cutting it anytime soon. I push it from my back, running my hands down my face, for some reason the memory of Devin sitting in my lap comes to mind, her ass against my d**k. I look down and sure enough I'm hard. My hand soon slides down my stomach, my head leans back, my eyes closing as my my hand squeezes around my erection. I picture her hands, her small hand stroking, squeezing, pulling. And her mouth, those full lips, sucking. I nearly come at imagine of it. I run my thumb over my tip, spreading the pre-come. The image of her pulling back and her lips swollen, her tongue gliding slowly over them to clean them sends me diving, soaring, coming all over the wall of the shower, my eyes screwing shut. f**k! ... It's now three I'm the morning and I'm sitting on the edge of my bed staring at the crumpled up application, debating on if I should text her. I know she's probably sleeping, but I just want to say goodnight. Okay one quick text that's it. I grab my phone and enter her number into the send to box. Me~ hey it's Harry....just wanted to say goodnight... My finger hovers over the send button, instead of sending it I delete it. Me- Goodnight Devin -H xx. Send. No turning back now.
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