Chapter 15

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~Devin'sPOV~ Monday morning comes around slowly and I'm glad. After I left my house that day I didn't stay out long. I can't really trust my mother under the influese of Whiskey. I risk it even when I go to school or work. All I could think about while cleaning off the vomit of my moms nightgown was what she was talking about. Never once had I seen my parents fight when I was a child and we were an 'Oh so happy family' so I thought. My mind was twisting trying to pick out any memories anything to help me figure out what in the hell she was talking about. I lay my head down on the black granite desk of the science room. The teacher is talking about some acid and some chemical that I'm clearly not interested in what-so-ever. My weekend was long and I'm exhusted. "Falling asleep in class I see," The chair next to me slides back and is taken by Reese. "I'm tired leave me alone." "Oh don't be so rude, It's Devin right?" She lays her bag on the floor scooting the chair closer to the desk, one foot crossed over the top of her knee. "Whats it to you?" I keep my heaad on the desk not bothering to look up. "I'm just trying to be friendly, I'm new here cut a girl some slack Jesus." I finally sit up looking at her, her hair now has small blue streaks, and her hair is straight. "I like your hair, and yes it Devin, Nice to meet you I guess." I stick my hand out and she takes it. Damn, for a girl she sure does have a firm hand shake. "So what brings you to Birmingham?" I ask, the teacher has stopped talking by now and the class is now working on an assignment. So I might as well get to know her. "Well, my da and ma kinda split ya know? So I'm living with my gran here, she lives in a small town house down the way." I nod, picking at my nails. "You from around here?" she asks. "Yeah, born and raised." "Your parents still hitched?" "No." I answer shortly. "Ahh, touchy subject, we'll save that for when you more comfortable to talk about it." I smile, "Thanks." "So I didn't know how to bring this up, but," she leans closer and whispers, "are you and that teacher from first class, like seeing each other or am I just going crazy." "I mean the way you two look at each other its like watching two lions fight over their prey." What? "What?" I repeat my thought. "No, of course not, I mean yeah we're friendly with each other, but we havent done anything. " I lie. I'm sure she can see right though me by the way her lips curve into a smirk. "Mhm, I'm sure, if there is your secret is safe with me you know, I'm not quick to judge either," she shrugs picking at the loose flap on her worn down converse. "I promise you nothing is going on between Harry and I." Shit...I mentally slap myself. I'm just so use to saying it now. "Ohhh, first name bases now, yeah want to lie to me again, " and her smirk grows. "Will you just leave it you're really starting to annoy me." I groan. "Well get use to it sister because now your stuck with me till we graduate this s**t hole." I roll my eyes, and the bell rings. Finally. "I'll see you tomorrow Reese. " I grab my bag from the back of my chair and high tial it out of the room before I have to conversate anymore with her. ... I close my locker and the halls have soon became empty, I just want to get to the resturant work and go home and sleep. Mondays are not my day, really they arent anyones. A strong hand grabs the back of my elbow and turns me around, I'm met with his green eyes and a smirk. "You've been avoiding me, did I do something wrong," the large pad of his thumb runs over my bottom lip, then my cheek. "Yes and no Mr. S." I smirk back. What is he even doing. My eyes move around the halls to make sure they are empty. "Don't worry everyone is gone," He leans in, but I turn my head and his lips connect with the line of my jaw. "Harry, we can't keep doing this," the words fall from my mouth before I can stop them. His hand drops to his side and his head falls. "Listen, we've kissed, we've broken so many rules, Harry I'm not worth risking your life for. You could go to jail, prison even who the hell knows." hes quiet, nothing but silence fills the halls. "You may be right about all that Devin, except for the part about you not being worth it. I told you before that you were. You were thinking about it that same night I was thats why you texted me back. Don't say we can't keep doing this, because you know it will happen again and again and again.." I sigh in defeat, because I know he's right. Of course he's right don't fool yourself Devin you want this just as much as he does. But the real question is what it this? "What if we get caught Harry then what?" "If we do we'll figure it out then, but right now I'm going to kiss you and your not going to stop me," he's at my mouth as soon as he finishes talking, cupping his large hands over my cheeks, his tongue invades my mouth fighting mine for dominice. I sink into him, my hands make sure to stay below his chest grabbing onto his belt loops pulling him closer. This feeling is unreal. Its like I'm living in a dream when I kiss him. God, and how he takes contorl of the kiss turns me on even more. If it couldn't get any hotter in this damn school because of our heated tension, he picks me up wrapping my legs around his long torso, my thighs against his sides. Mind you we are in the hallways of the school, but as of now we both could care less. "Harry.." I manage to say. "Shit...I have work." I breath into the kiss, he teeth takes my bottom lip between them pulling. God! My arms wrap around his neck, my fingers lacing through his hair. My mouth fills with his groan. He likes that, so I pull. Teasing him. He pulls back his eyes now dark, and his lips so red. I'm slapping myself mentally to wake me from this glorious dream, but its not a dream its real. So f*****g real! ... "That was thrilling wasn't it?" My heart is pounding against the cavity of my chest. My head is spinning as I walk out to his car. "You're insane, its like you want to get caught," I open the door stepping up into his car. "I'm very insane Mrs. Cavanaugh, I guess I just love the idea of being caught." The car starts, roaring to life as he pulls out of the school and on to the road. "Can I ask you something?" He glances at me and nods. "What is this Harry," I wave my hand between us. "What this, thats a console you hold cds in it." Really? I slap his arm, "Not that you dumb ass," I roll my eyes laughing. "I meant us, I guess thats what I'm trying to ask." "Not very nice to hit people Devin, but I'm not sure really, will just see where it takes us I guess," he shrugs turning into the parking lot of Mama G's. "I guess so," I sigh, grabbing the hair tie off my wrist throwing my hair into a bun. I can feel him watching me, studying me. He does that a lot. I don't mind it at all. But I just want to know what all this is the kissing the rides home, the secrets, everything what is it? ~ Harry's POV~ I leave the resturant telling Devin I'll pick her up once her shift ends. I dont really know what I'm going to do in the time being...Think maybe? The kiss in the hallway, blew me away, I needed it, she needed it. Why I chose to do it in the middle of the school, where anyone could catch us beats me. I honestly couldn't tell you what even came over me. God, but the way she tasted, the way her thighs squeezed around my waist when I picked her up. I wanted more, but it wasn't the time nor place for that. The car behind me is honking his horn telling me to f*****g move, I hadn't even realized I had been holding up at a stop light. I turn the corner, not bothering to use my signal just to piss the guy off even more heading back to my apartment. ... "Have you ever heard of passing the damn ball, he was f*****g open," I yell at the tv, England against Brazil, I swear you'd think they were little kids out there. It's 4 -3 the game is so close and only 50 seconds on the clock. "God dammit Rozoti your f*****g right there kick the damn ball!" I jump up from the couch as he kicks the ball with his left foot. The clock is at 10 seconds now. I'm sweating, and my heart is racing. The ball zooms right past the goalie right at the last second and I scream, my fists in the air, I'm doing some weird chant with the crowd on the t.v. "I knew you had it in you, damn!" now we're tied. ... I glance up at the clock and its passed midnight. s**t, Devin. I got lost in, the words of Hemingway and I hadn't noticed the time. I lay my book down grabbing my jacket and keys quickly leaving. When I drive up to the resturant Devin is outside, sitting on the small steps under the entrance of the restaurant. I pull up rolling the window down, before I say anything I see my phone light up saying I have 6 missed calls. Damn it, I left my phone outside. She climbs into the car not saying a word. Her black chipped polished nails mess with the strap of her bag. I know she isnt happy. I don't know what to say... Sorry would be a pretty good start. I pull away from the resturant heading down the main road. The tension in the air has run thin. I know for a fact shes going to blow up on me for being two hours late. I was reading and watching football, sorry I lost track of time I should say, but I don't. I just reach over and take her hand bring it to my lips kissing the back of it. I feel her relax just from my touch and I'm glad. My fingers manage to find their way between hers holding her small hand in my large one. I could say this a million time that its wrong, but to me and I'm sure to her it feels just alright. When I drop her off she doesn't say good bye she simply kisses my cheek and leaves. Damn it Harry. Don't even start with me. ... The next few days have been slow Devin didn't come to school Tuesday and didn't show up at work. I tried to text her but I got nothing in response. I'm stressing. I finally finish reading the last crinkled up piece of paper from one of my students. His overview on romace is dark and scary, but every word is true. No matter where you find it somewhere in between are the depths of hell, there are dark pasts, there are secrets and lies, no romance is perfect, there will always be fights, but thats what makes romance so real. It could rip you apart or possibly bring you even closer. I read a book, actually a series...Where a troubled boy met a young women, he was never into dating always an ass didn't care about anything but himself , as she was into hearts and flowers, cared so much about everything, and anyone even him. In the end everything they had been through brought them back together. One of my all time favorite quotes from it was "Romance is overrated, Realism is in." Its true. Let that sink in a little. I set the paper down on the desk and mark it with an A. "Yo, Mr. S." I'm interrupted from my thoughts, I look up from my paper and there stands Zaid. Red hair sticking out through his sock hat, red hoodie, and baggy jeans, hes holding them up like some gangster wannabe. "Yes, can I help you," I pull my glasses from my face setting them down on the desk. "Yeah you can actually." he walks towards me and his fist collides with my jaw. My chair flies back against the white board. I rub my jaw standing from the chair. I can taste the blood forming in my mouth. "What the hell was that for!" I scream and he does again sending me back against the board. Don't hit back don't hit him back Harry. I tell my self. "Keep your f*****g, pervert hands off my girlfriend, or else I'll have you turned into the police you f*****g got that!" I look up at him wiping the blood off my mouth with my sleeve trying to hold back my anger and not to punch his f*****g brains out with my fists. "I dont know what the f**k your talking about!" I lie, but I do. He doesn't f*****g scare me. Trust me if I wasn't his teacher I would have his face splattered against the damn floor. "Get the hell out of my classroom now!" I point to the door, anger clear in my voice. "This isn't over," he spits leaving my class.
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