Chapter 12

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~Harry's POV~ The car ride to my place was quite, like it normally is when i would take her home from the restaurant. Just the faint voices of the radio could be heard. I took this time to think about what I was going to say or do. I know once I open my mouth it will all disappear and then I'll look like an i***t. For a week and a half I've thought about this really, thought about kissing her, being with her, wanting her. Is it aloud as a teacher to think about your student like this. No, probably not, but I can't help it. Am I going to stop what's happening, no, probably not. As I struggle with my keys, trying to find the one that unlocks my door she's standing there with her head down, cheeks tinted a light pink. I'm sure she's nervous, hell I am too. I have so much to say, so much to tell, but I don't want to scare her off with this little bit of information. I push the door open, and my eyes scan over the mess in my bachelor pad, I drop my bag and keys on the table quickly cleaning up anything I can see before she notices. But the giggle falling from her mouth has me turn and look at her, she noticed. "So you're a messy guy?" she raises her eyebrow and takes her bottom lip between her teeth. Every time she does that I wish it would be my teeth taking her lip between them. "Hey I'm single, no one lives here but me I'm aloud to be messy." I protest, laughing, carrying the small amount of trash into the kitchen throwing it in the bin. "Okay whatever you say Mr. S." I hear the sound of her bag hit the floor and her converse pad across the hard wood floor in the living room. When I come around the corner from the kitchen she's looking over the pictures placed on my white shelved TV stand. "If only I had time to hide my embarrassing high school pictures." I walk over standing right beside her as she grabs my graduation picture. "Your hair was so short," She looks over the picture my black and yellow gown covering my skinny body. "And you were so, well skinny." "Yeah once I got into college I started taking better care of my body, work out twice a day for five hours." I nod. "You kinda looked nerdy." she laughs setting the picture back on the shelf moving to the next one. "Hey, that's not very nice, I happened to be a pretty popular kid in school." "You mean the kid that did everyone's homework?" She c****d a brow at me smirking. "Don't worry I charged them ten bucks paper." We both laugh. Her eyes look over the next picture of me Grace and Robert. When we visited America a few years ago and went to Chicago for a week. "You look exactly like him you know?" She's turns looking up at me then back down at the picture. If she only knew. "I get that a lot, but he's not my real dad..." I trail off, she moves setting the picture back on the shelf. "Oh..." It's ask she says. I need to just get this over and out with, but I need more time to give it thought on what to say. I rub the back of my neck looking around the room, my eyes scanning for a distraction. "How about I uh, make some food?" I quickly change the subject, pointing over to the kitchen and start making my way to it. I know its late, but if this gives me more time to come up with what to say then why not. "Harry it's nearly three in the morning, I don't want you to go through all that trouble." I hear her feet follow behind me. "Devin I brought you to my house in the middle of the night the least I could do is feed you." "You're stalling," she calls me out. I sigh turning on my feet to face her, "its a delicate subject okay?" I snap. Her eyes fall to her feet and she nods. I turn back to the fridge and I feel her presence leave the kitchen. Small shuffles are heard from her shoes and the couch scrapping against the floor tells me she's back in the living room. "Grilled cheese sound okay to you?" I yell from the kitchen. "Sure," she answers shortly. ... I have a plate in one and and a glass of water in the other. When I walk out into the living room Devin is sitting on the couch with get legs crossed looking down at get phone. Since this is a bachelor pad I don't really have the need for a dinning room table so I went for a coffee table and couch. I clear my throat laying the food and water down on the table as she looks up from her phone. "Thanks." She doesn't move for the food but simply looks back down at her phone. She's upset and I can just tell by the way she's being so short with me. So I give her space. I leave her, going down the hall and into the bathroom. You need to just tell her Harry. Oh great you're back. I roll my eyes leaning my hands on either side of the mirror looking at my reflection. I stand there looking back at myself trying to unscramble these words to form sentences on what I'll say to her, to give her this explanation she wants. Why is it so hard? Why can't it be simple to share this secret, this piece of my past with her. My hands curl into fists against the mirror, my knuckles turning white, I sigh turning the sink on bending down splashing the cold water against my face to wake me from this trance. You're making it so much harder than it seems Harry. Will you shut the f**k up already! I grab the towel from the rack wiping my face dry. I give one last look at myself before leaving the bathroom. She's now picking at the edges of the sandwich when I enter the living room, putting the small pieces between her lips, chewing. For some reason I find myself pacing, back and forth, her eyes glaring up at me with confusion, my stomach is twisting. I feel sick. The clicking of my boots against the floor get louder, my hands rubbing nervously over my legs. "Harry," she's says softly, I stop making eye contact for only a second then continue my pacing. The sound of her plate being set on the table has me glace up at her again, her legs now out from under her on the floor. "Are you okay?" She's asks. I'm so f*****g nervous, I'm so scared. I walk over to the balcony door looking over the city lights out side, leaning my hand against it sighing deeply. Here goes nothing. "I have these all happened when I was a little boy..." The lights outside a near by club flash by every so often showing off her reflection in the sliding door as well as mine. My head leans against the door, I sigh again. "There are these marks, I've been stuck with since I was ten. The only way to get rid of them was to cover them up with tattoos." I hear her move, the couch scratching against the floor. At the bottom of the door I can see the reflection of her black converse shoes next to me, her feet curved inward as she stands there waiting for me to continue. "He scarred me, because he said I was bad...and never listened." I close my eyes. I feel her small hand grab my wrist and turn me. "Who was he?" Her curiosity gets the best of her. "Was it someone close to you?" I shake my head. Yes and no. "Was it a friend?" I shake my head again and this time she paused causing me to open my eyes and look at her, her eyes slightly glossy. "Harry, was it a parent?" I go to open my mouth to speak, but she stops me holding her hand up shaking her head. "You don't have to tell me...I'm sorry I pushed you, but just so you know I understand." She lifts the sleeve to her work shirt exposing the scar on her forearm. "I think it's time I should go,thanks for the grilled cheese." She makes her way over by the door picking up her bag throwing it over her shoulder. I don't know what to say. Should I stop her from leaving? "I'll take you home." I finally speak, but she shakes her head. "No it's fine, I'll see you tomorrow Harry." The door to my flat opens, her brown hair disappearing as she slowly closes it behind her leaving me here alone caught in my own confused thoughts. ~Devin's POV~ I leave his apartment, tears falling down my cheeks. My eyes burn once they hit the cold night August air. The streets are empty, but only a few cars pass by. I have no idea where I am or if I'll even find my way home. But no way was I going to let him see me this way. Not now at least. His scars...that's why he pushed me away, but I still can't help but wonder why. I need a better explanation. Did he think I was going to hurt him? If the cold air wasn't enough, it's now raining. Weather in London sucks. My tears mix with the rain as I hug my jacket closer to my body to keep warm. "If you don't get in this damn car right now Devin I'll come out there and get you myself." I jump turning seeing Harry's black BMW pulled you beside me, with his window rolled down. "I said I was fine." I lie,wiping at my eyes with my sleeve. "You don't look fine to me." "I'm fine." I lie again, shivering. "I'll stick with my statement, now get in the car. Don't want to catch a cold you have school tomorrow." I groan rolling my eyes. "Why do you always push me." I walk to his now stopped car opening the door and climbing in. "Because I'm your teacher, I just love pushing your buttons," he pokes at my arm. "Just drive." I pull my knees into my chest. I want to ask him again who did this to him but then I'd be pushing him. So I just leave it, as he drives me back to my place. ... For the third time tonight I get lost in his mouth savoring every last moment. My lips mold into his, his hands cup my face as the kiss deepens, his teeth tugging at my bottom lip. My hands want to rest on his chest, but they don't. All that has just happened has disappeared, melted into thin air. It's like he does this because he knows what it does to me. Helps me forget. "Harry..." I whisper against his lips. "What," he pulls back and I pout. Why am I pouting. Stop. "It's 4 in the morning," I look at the digital clock on his dash board. "Oops looks like I've kept you out late again," he smirks. I roll my eyes, moving out of my seat belt opening the door and climbing out. "Goodnight Mr. Styles." I simply say. "Devin, wait." I bend down looking into the car meeting his eyes. "Thank you for understanding, but when you got up and left I feel like I scared you away...please don't be scared." Is that what this is about. He's afraid because he thinks I'll be scared of his scars? "Harry I'm not scared I just didn't want to push you any further than I already have so I left." He nods putting the car into drive keeping his foot on the brake. "I understand, but you weren't pushing me, I was just scared you'd leave and you digs and it scared me. I was going to just let you go but I couldn't," he paused turning looking down at the steering wheel. "something is telling me to keep you close Devin, and I'm going to do everything possible to do so. I don't want to lose you." He whispers the last part, my heart leaps at his please, and I want to throw myself at him and tell him he won't, but I don't I just stand there in disbelief. "Goodnight Ms. Cavanaugh." He says before I can grab the words to speak. He sends me a small smile, as I shut the door and he drives off down my road. I watch until he turns the corner. My eyes begin to water again for the third time tonight. I wipe the tears away with the back of my sleeve. This little but of information is finally coming clear. If Grace and Robert aren't his real parents then it clearly means he was adopted. I want to know more. Something tells me if I stick around, and stop fighting what I want I will get the explanation I need to understand Harry more, but is he willing to give me that without me pushing him over the edge?
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