Chapter 11

1236 Words
~ Harry's POV~ My mouth on hers is what I've wanted since the moment she spoke my name walking late into my class. Her soft lips sink into mine so perfectly. She tastes just as I have imagined, sweet. My large hands cup her cheeks holding her, keeping her mouth against mine. God I've wanted this, she's wanted this. As soon as her hands come in contract with my scar filled chest I freak and pull away, yanking her small shaking hands, pushing them to her lap. Her eyes widen, mouth trembling, I've scared her. That wasn't the reaction I wanted. She's not Alexa Harry... "Devin, wait I'm-" "Don't, I get it, it shouldn't have happened...I'm sorry." She quickly grabs her bag opening the door I try to grab for her, but it's to late she's already up the steps, struggling to open her front door, and when it does it shuts with a slam. Now you've done it. "Shut up!" I slam my fist against the steering wheel, starting the car putting my foot down on the gas, speeding down the road. I'm stupid, I ruined something prefect because I'm terrified. I'm scared. I turn down the street pulling my car to the side of the road, laying my head against the wheel. Should I go back and apologize and tell her everything? Yes. Should I just go home and wait till class tomorrow? No Harry. She probably won't even answer the door, or even show up tomorrow. Because your scared she won't accept you because you have imperfect skin...think how stupid you sound. Nobody is prefect, everyone is imperfect, man or women, but they all deserve someone Harry. I groan listening to the voice inside my head, pulling back out on to the road making a quick U turn back to her house. What will I say, what will she do? ... Three times I've walked up the steps to her house and then back to my car because I have no f*****g idea what I'll say to her. I lean my hands against my car with my head down groaning. "Come on Harry just walk up there and knock, apologize and leave." I take a deep breath running my fingers through my hair making a fourth trip up her stairs and to her door. ~ Devin'sPOV~ "Come on mom we need to move you to your room." I try lifting her from the couch once more, small groans escaping her alcohol scented mouth. I finally get her arm around my shoulder my other arm holding her back to support her from not falling. I make my way down the hall and half way there the door bell rings and nearly causes me to drop her. Who the hell is here this late at night. I swear if it's Zaid trying to get me back I wild chase him out with a damn knife. I take my time carrying my incoherent mother to her bed tucking her as I do every night. Even if she burns with a hot frying pan. I look down at my arm and the scar from the burn is starting to show. Tuesday night at the restaurant Grace noticed it she didn't ask how it happened she just gave me some really good burn cream, I thanked her and that was it. The knock on the door is heard once more, I groan quietly leaving my moms room heading down the hall to the front door. I unlock it and swing it open and my mouth nearly hits the floor...Mr. Styles is standing there, hands tucked in his pocket his eyes pouring into mine. I want to speak but I don't. I find myself about to slam the door in his face, but his foot stops it. He doesn't say anything just simply looks at me with sympathy filled eyes, I open the door a little to get a better view at him. He's still wearing his tight black t -shirt and his tight black jeans, his hair pushed back from his face. I'm simply melting. He must have waited outside. I go to speak, instead before I can get a word out hire grabs my arm and pulls my out onto the porch with him, my other hands closing the door. He gazes down out me, his eyes move all over my face before the finally land on my lips. I look down quickly at my feet. A student just kissed her teacher, a teacher just kissed his student...and here his is on her front porch. But what for? His thumb brushes up my arm, my shoulder, my neck then my chin lifting it so our eyes meet, his thumb rubbing over my bottom lip. We haven't spoke this whole time and I can feel just by the way he softly touches me he's sorry for pushing me away, but why did he? I feel his other hand come around my waist pulling me closer against him, now that I can smell the light scent of his Cologne. "I'm sorry..." He speaks, not waiting for me to respond as his lips connect with mine for the second time tonight. My heart is doing back flips, my stomach is right along with it. I should pull away and push him away, but I don't I can't I'm stuck against his soft lingering lips, my hands grips his sides, pulling at his black shirt. My head is spinning, my mouth and lips are tingling. His teeth soon take my bottom lip between them and pull softly, disconnecting our lips. Both our chest heaving for air. "Why did you push me away earlier Harry?" I finally say, keeping my hands rested on his hips. "I only wanted to be you not want that?" "It's complicated Devin," he sighs, lifting his hand from my back pushing my hair behind my ear. "Life is complicated Harry, but when we both do something we know we want you don't normally push people away..." I lean into his hand meeting his green eyes. "I do, I always have...that's why I came back, I can't push you away like that without an explanation." My heart is racing, my mind is spinning wanting to know this explanation. "Go on," I nod. "Not here, can we go inside?" "No!" I slap my hands over my mouth. "I mean, no we can't." He sighs looking around still holding my against him. "Okay then my place?" He raises his eyebrow shaking his head back and forth. "It may be wrong but we've already broke so many rules and boundaries..."he's right. I move from his arms holding my finger up telling him to give me a minute going back into the house. I know this isn't the time to be a giddy and girly but I am. I'm at a lose for words. Before I grab my bag and keys I take one last look in my mothers room and she still out cold and probably will be for a while. I make way back to the door opening finding Harry where I left him. "I just needed my keys," I hold them up turning around locking the door. I know I shouldn't be doing any of this I should just turn around now and forget any of this happened but I can't and I don't think he can either.
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