Chapter 10

1497 Words
Harry's POV~ I finish cleaning the last table of the night. I glance up at the clock behind the bar and its ten past midnight. Grace is counting tonight's earnings and Devin is sitting at the bar, her long dark hair over her shoulders now, her converse shoes tucked around the bottom bar of the stool. I throw the towel from cleaning the tables over my shoulder walking over to the bar taking a seat next to Devin, but slowly since my ass is a bit sore from her tripping me earlier. Devin turns the bar stool, so she's now facing me . "Hows your ass?" she smirks. "Wouldn't you like to know.' I groan, leaning back against the back of the chair. "No not necessarily, but if it's any conciliation mine kills." She throws her head back closing her eyes. Images of her doing that with her underneath me spread across the cavity of my mind out of no where and I have to turn my head for a second to clear them. I don't know what is wrong with me lately, but every second I'm around her I find myself either thinking very negative thoughts, or my heart moves in a way faster pace than it should. And honestly it shouldn't, I shouldn't be affected this much by this girl...this women. She's my student... What is your point here Harry? My point is, if anything was to ever happen, there would be major consequences. What happened to "you can't help what a man wants' Harry? "Hello, Harry?" My mind comes back to reality, Devin's waving her hand in front of me, she's now standing on her feet.. "I lost you for a second, now what were thinking about?" She slings her grey bag across her body pulling her hair from underneath the strap. "Nothing, I'm just tired." I mock her from when I asked her on Monday. Yes, I remember these things. "Harry, sweetie, I'm going to head out Robert is stuck at work again, some kids broke into the old Miles factory again, I'm going to take him dinner." She walks around the bar giving Devin a quick hug. "Be safe Mrs. S" Devin says. "Always am," She turns to me kissing me on my cheek. "Oops," she laughs wiping her red lipstick from my cheek . "Mom..." I groan, shaking my head. "Oh shush, go home and shower it will come right off." I roll my eyes standing from the stool pushing it back under the bar. "Go, before his food gets cold Grace." "Okay I'm going, I'm going, please lock the doors on your way out. Be safe you two." "Always am," I look over at Devin and she smiles waving as Grace leaves. "You ready sore loser," she walks past me lifting her leg slightly kicking me right in the ass. "Ouch, Jesus..." Her laugh fills my ears and I glare in her direction. "Oops, it slipped." "Get out in the car before I leave you here." I roll my eyes at her, rubbing over the back of my pants to sooth the pain. I would have done it back, but that would be considered inappropriate. Well lets see, you take her home, you think dirty about her, you let her sit in your lap, shall i keep going? No thanks, I get it. Everything I've done is not appropriate whatsoever, but it needs to stop as of now. Good luck with that. Do you have a f*****g mute button? I quickly find my keys in my pocket, turning all the lights off before making my way to the front doors walking out and locking them. Walking to my car I see Devin on her phone with a scowl spread across her features. I climb in to the car starting it looking over at her, "Is everything okay?" I ask backing out of the parking space pulling on to the road. "Yeah." Okay? "Are you going to tell me whats wrong or..." "It's nothing, just Zaid blowing up my phone." she sighs stuffing her phone back into her bag. "Would it be okay if I ask you what happened if it's not to personal." I keep my eyes focused on the road, but hope for an answer. "You really wanna know," I see her look up at me from the corner of my eye and I glace her at her nodding. "I want to know...If that's okay?" I look back at the road then her for her answer. Her lips curve slightly, but she looks away, "yeah it's okay...where do I start," she messes with the strap on her bag. "How about why you two broke up..." "Right...Well that day I was late to class I was in the bathroom crying my eyes out, but what girl wouldn't after finding her boyfriend," she uses her finger to put quotations around the word. "Practically f*****g this girl, after two years, two years of I love you's , after the dates, after...." she chokes shaking her head. "I gave him my everything, i thought he was the one," she then laughs. "Well I f*****g thought wrong, apparently he has seen her quite a few times before this last time...I don't know why I even trusted him with my heart....why I trusted him at all.." She brings her knees up under her chin looking out the window, I look over and as a light hits the window it shows of her reflection and shes for sure crying. " guy like that deserves you..." I turn down her road bringing my car to a stop in front of her house turning the car off. "At this point no one deserves me, not even my own f*****g mother." she wipes her cheek, bringing her feet back to the floor of the car grabbing her bag. "When I think everything is going smoothly, it just gets thrown back in my face some how, whether its Zaid and that blonde b***h, or my mother nothing has seemed to go right after my father passed..." Her hands grabs on to the door handle, but I find my self stopping her, my hand grabbing on to her other. I feel her tense up a little from my touch but she soon relaxes, looking down at our hands. "I wouldn't say no one deserves you Devin, there is someone out there in this f****d up world looking for you, someone that you deserve and someone that deserves you, whether you find him today, tomorrow, next week even a year from now, you'll find him, you never know the person you looking for could be a lot closer than you think." Way way closer, but you don't know that yet. I lift her hand to my mouth placing a small kiss on top of it. So much for keeping it appropriate Harry. Now is not the time. What I find myself doing next surprises both me and my conscience. ~Devin's POV~ The skin on my hand tingles from his lips, I look up to meet his eyes and they are pouring deep into mine. I watch his other hand move the arm rest between us, up as he leans in closer. I feel his warm breath against my cheek, now making that skin tingle as well. My heart is leaping out of my chest as his warm lips make contact with my ear. "You're by far the most beautiful girl to have stepped into my class room Ms. Cavanugh," his voice is deeper now, my breath catches in my throat at they way my name falls from is mouth. I have this voice in he back of my mind telling me to push him away, but I don't. I'm not going to say I hate to admit it but I want this. Instead I'm going to come straight out and say it I want this and by the tone of his voice and the action he is making he does too and I am not going to stop it from happening. His lips move down the side of my jaw, lingering leaving me wanting his lips on mine. "I'm going to kiss you," he whispers, I slowly nod. His lips move to the corner of my mouth and just that small warm contact sends my stomach flipping, his lips finally take mine, as his large hands cup the side of my head. My eyes flutter close along with my mouth on his taking in each delicious breath he lets out while kissing me. God, his lips are soft against mine , his teeth pulling, his lips sucking at mine. My hands have a mind of their own and start moving up his stomach, feeling every muscle flex as he breaths. Until they reach his chest, his breath hitches into the kiss and he pulls back, his eyes dark, burning with anger, his hands wrap around my shaking wrists pushing them down roughly.
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