Chapter 9

1321 Words
~Devin'sPOV~ The ride home was quiet, but this time with the radio on low playing what sounds like Cold Play. Harry would occasionally look over in my direction and smile, but quickly look back at the road. Tonight at the restaurant was crazy and I'm glad I made it out of there in one piece. it's now noted that Fridays are the busiest at Mama G's. it was nice to end the night with mine and Harry's little banter. Of course I don't hate him, yes he's annoying, but there's something I find about him intimidating. Maybe his looks, maybe the way he looks at me. Whatever it is, I'm not sure if I'll ever find out. He's my teacher I'm his student it should stay that way. "You going to enlighten me on what your thinking about up there." "I'm just thinking..." I bite my bottom lip looking out the window watching the world outside pass by. "About?" He pushes, his car coming to a stop at the red light. "It's nothing Harry, I'm just tired." The light turn green, but the car doesn't move. I look over my right side to see if anyone's behind us, but there isn't a car in sight, for now. "Harry the light is green what are you doing," I turn my head in his direction to find him leaning over to move a loose strand of hair that's fallen from my bun, behind my ear. "Um, you had a flower pedal in your hair." and sure enough when he moves his hand back theres a small white pedal between his fingers. "Thanks?" The slightest brush of his skin against my cheek sent my heart leaping from my chest. He nods rolling his window down slightly letting the pedal fall from his fingers. "You're welcome, it must have been from the cheery blossom tree outside the restaurant." His car moves smoothly, continuing down the road finally turning down my street. "Well, this is you." the car stops in front of my house I sigh, "yep," I grab my bag throwing it over my shoulder. "Thank you again Harry." I open the door and climb out the car closing the door and he rolls the window down. "See you Monday Ms. Cavanugh." he smiles pulling rom the curb driving off. ... Monday "Why can't you just leave me alone Zaid!" I yell pushing him back. Where is Harry when I need him. "Because I want a second chance Dev," I nearly puke. "Don't f*****g call me that, It's Devin, and I'm not giving you a second chance! You do not deserve it," he fists his hair groaning. "Damn it Devin what will it take, please baby." My stomach turns, knots, causing me to burst out into tears. "Z-zaid I c-an't...We're done." I slam my locker shut walking the opposite direction, leaving him alone as walk to the restaurant for work. Where was he... Wednesday Zaid has been none stop texting and calling since Monday and I have contemplated changing my number or simply throwing my phone away. For work and school purposes I can't do either. So I resort to shutting my phone off. I don't know why I expected Mr. Styles to jump out and save the day yesterday, but alomst all of me wanted him to. ... "Hi I'm Devin and I'll be serving you tonight," I tell the cute old couple in the back booth. "Oh Jonny look at her, she's so gorgeous," the lady says looking over at me then her husband her American accent surprising me a little. "Oh but Besty my love you still look the same from the day I first laid eyes on you." It was like a cheesy love story playing out in front of my eyes, but I couldn't help but melt when he leans over and kisses her cheek causing her to blush. "How long have you two been married?" I ask. "50 years tomorrow," she turn to me smiling. "We met when I was a freshman in high school and Jonny here, well he was much older actually, we were friends for the longest time until one day he kissed me and sparks flew instantly." "The day she turned 18, I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me," she looks up at him, her eyes slightly glazed from the tears forming. "When she said yes, I felt like I had won the lottery, her parents weren't the happiest, but eventually they grew to like me. With me being five years older is wasn't necessarily something people did back then, it was most of the time frowned apron, but love is love." I smile and reach up wiping the small tear from under my eye. Damn it, I'm a sucker for love. "Wow, that's amazing, I'll have the chef cook you something special, on me." I close my note pad sticking it in my apron. "No, dear its-" I shake my head, "No, I insist." I send them both a warm smile and make my way to the kitchen. Thursday Grace ended up letting them eat for free since unfortunately I didn't make enough tips to pay for what Jim, the chef made them. I told Grace i would pay it off, but she insisted that it was okay and a very sweet thing of me to do. I couldn't get them out of my head that whole night, for being in there seventies, I could image them young and in love just like they were yesterday. That's what I was looking for when Zaid and I got together I thought maybe we would, but two years went down the drain just like that because of his dumb mistake. I may be seventeen, young, wild, and free, but I want to find that one person I can share my thoughts and dreams with, my secrets, and my love with. When or will I ever find this person? "There you go again, thinking right?" I jump turning around in the kitchen at the restaurant to find Harry leaning against the sink biting into an apple. "I wasn't," I lie. "Then why is there pop over flowing out of the cup," I turn my head back to the pop machine. "Oh my god," I quickly grab the red cup from under the dispenser, tripping over my feet in the process plummeting to my embarrassment, falling straight on my ass. Deep laughter fills my ears and my face turns as red as a tomato. "Harry! Its not funny!" I scream groaning, sitting in the pop puddle of shame. "I know, I know, but you should have seen your face," He bends down to help me up, but the person I am, kicks my foot out sending him down on his ass as well. Now its my turn to laugh and I do. "Now that's was funny, karma sucks doesn't it." I stick my tongue out at him. "Yeah, it sure f*****g does, " he groans rubbing his back. "God that hurt like hell." "Now you know how I feel meanie," I stand to my feet removing my apron and he follows after. "Uh you need a ride home tonight, I'm sure riding with my mom is a blast, but I'm here so I can take you." he scratches the back of his neck. I grab a rag from the shelf cleaning up the mess I made. "Uhh, yeah sure if your offering I'm not going to say no." I shrug throwing the rag in the baket nest to the shelf. "Harry! Table two needs fries! Get on it boy!" Grace yells from the front. Harry groans, running his fingers through his mess of curls. "Duty calls," he grab the basket of fries, running into the the corner of the wall, on his way out trying to play it off like it didn't happen.
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