Two Teams

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"Dale, I presume?" Jax looks at the man standing on the step. He nods, looking past him to Melodie, her tears now falling from her eyes. Her dad is going to shout. Hell, he is going to lock her away now, and Dale, he will no doubt remove her for being a liability. "You may want to come in then." Jax moves out of his way, catching a glimpse of Melodie, his heart breaking seeing her tears. "Don't you f*****g dare cry, Melodie, I swear." She stays quiet, looking between Dale and Jax. "What is your plan? As of right now, you have her in the middle of a f*****g war, one me and her dad are trying to bring down." Dale looks at him confused. "You don't know, do you?" Jax rubs his head sitting down. "I shouldn't be telling anyone, but seeing as you want to take him down, I guess I should and hopefully after I tell you everything, you will kick her arse out." Melodie jumps up, standing in front of Jax. "No, you can't, Dale. Jax is just a jealous pig." She turns and glares at Jax. "I will listen. I can't promise anything after that." Melodie sits down, her head falling forward. "Two years ago women went missing from one of Seductive Vibrations' locations. The owners contacted us regarding women who were well known there and who have never been seen since—two years of working from location to location we finally hit home, literally, here. Ethan, as you lot know him, is in fact, Carlos. Ethan here was Jasper at the last location. Each new location comes with a new name. In each location he was at, women disappeared, and drugs were found more easily." Melodie listens quietly. She needs to know all this to be able to take him down. "Anyway, we found a container full of women. They weren't getting shipped out of this country, just stored. We know that one of his businesses is used to sell women to the highest bidder. I have a feeling that it is Starlight Lounge. Men go and watch the dancers with their stage names, and then the bidding begins. Once a woman is sold, she is lost." Jax glances at Melodie, hoping this is enough to get Dale to agree to push Melodie out. "We need her, Jax. We need to get downstairs." Jax nods. He knows why. "Only a woman will do because Ethan is a player and while downstairs, he likes to try to make moves on other submissives. I get it. Find another woman." He can't have Melodie in the middle of this. "Or, you do it." Jax looks at Dale and laughs. "What? You know her, you want to protect her so then you do it. You make her your submissive. You have access to downstairs, Jax, and for some reason, Ethan really likes her. It takes just a bit of time alone to catch the fucker. If you're there, she isn't at risk." Jax laughs, turning to look at Melodie. "She's an utter brat. No chance in hell will anyone believe she submitted to me. I have had to drag her arse out screaming too many times, Dale. No one is going to believe I agreed after denying her for years." He will do it though. "I will agree. Hell, it might be the way into the underground I need, but I want a different woman, a real submissive with training," Melodie screams. Jax feels something hit his back. He turns, seeing the shoe on the floor. "You honestly just threw a shoe at me?" She stands up, looking at him. "Yes, because this is my work, Jax. I have been doing it for months. Don't just push me out and let some random in." She won't let him, no chance in hell. "As I said, a total f*****g brat." He turns back to Dale. "Let me think. Let me speak to everyone. I guess if this is part of your mission, Jax, you should speak to your team." Jax smiles, glancing back at Melodie. "Oh, I will. Her daddy will be well proud when I tell him." Dale looks at Melodie, shocked. "You were asked, Melodie. You said you knew people as friends in different forces but no one related. Why the hell would you lie?" She looks at Jax. He is why. If she had agreed and said her dad was part of a force, that Jax was as well, and that they were close to her, they would have refused. Too much crossfire, and more chance of this happening as well. One team bumps into another fine, and they sort it, but two teams hitting each other and it being relatives ends in disaster. "Does it matter? Dale, please don't kick me out. I will do anything. Hell, even kneel at this bastard's feet for an hour just to prove it." Jax turns and smiles, his brow raising. "That I would like to see." He laughs as Dale walks towards the door. "I will let you know. If you really think you can do it, Melodie, I may agree, but it's a trial." He walks out. Jax slams the door after him, turning to see Melodie. "Please, Jax, I swear I will submit. I will let you f**k me while they watch. Please don't push me out of this." Jax stares at her, shocked. "Please, Jax, don't. You and Dad are off all the time and you just expect me to sit typing away at a computer. Life is f*****g boring." She looks at him, forcing tears into her eyes as she looks up through her lashes. "Don't, baby. God, why do you do this? You know if you cry, I can't stand it." He moves and wraps his arms around her body. "Don't, Melodie. I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt or went missing. Please, don't cry." His arms tighten around her as her tears continue to fall. She is fed up with being a toy, someone he and her dad get out when they get bored. She wants more from life. "I will try. I promise I will, Jax. Please don't push me out." He steps back and looks at her. "Ethan will wonder why the change, Melodie. He won't believe it. He has seen enough of you to know you don't take orders or submit." Not a chance in hell would he believe she now submits to Jax of all people. "Then I don't. Look, Ethan has no idea you're on his case. You need into that auction so use me, Jax. Don't shout, I mean it. I will try to submit, but I will fight back against it. You make it known you're only agreeing to me being your submissive to watch my arse and you have had enough and want your life back. He will push it, Ethan, he will suggest it." Jax steps back, his hands on her shoulders as he looks at her like she is crazy. "You are honestly not suggesting I agree to him auctioning you off. Damn, Melodie, you are dead in the f*****g head." She nods, smiling. "As dead as you are in the heart. Get all the details before you agree to it, Jax. Make sure there is minimal risk. Please, just consider it." He can't debate on this for too long. Tomorrow is the night of the meet and greets downstairs. He usually takes his submissives. Ethan hasn't so much as looked at him. He glances at Melodie, seeing the tears still in her eyes. "Your dad is going to beat my arse for this, Melodie, and I swear if you f**k this up, I will auction your ass off myself." She smiles, hugging him. "Thank you, Jax. I swear I won't. Thank you." He shakes his head. He is a dead man either way. He is dead if she gets hurt and dead if he lets her in and then walks away. Which he will. He will walk away. He doesn't want that look on her face when he leaves for missions and hell, he doesn't want the jealousy to follow him on missions at the thought of what she is doing while he is away.
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