Talking The Truth

852 Words
"I don't just work at the club. I am doing the same as you, watching Ethan. After a few years of going to the main club, I got pulled over and asked if I wanted to help solve the case. I agreed. I am slowly getting closer to Ethan, Jax, closer to getting him to try something with me while they listen just to get his arse locked up. You're not the only team out there trying to get him." Jax stands staring at her, shocked, his head shaking. "You are f*****g crazy, Melodie. Let me guess, you're trying to get him on stupid small drug charges, right?" She looks at him nodding. "Now think about it, what do me and your Dad do, Melodie?" She looks at him in confusion. "Drugs are child's play right now. Women are going missing, Melodie. We have no idea if they are dying, being locked up and forced into prostitution, or being sold. Drugs are just the beginning, so you're not just risking him spiking your f*****g drink, but possibly waking up in a crate somewhere with no name and no f*****g clothes." He steps back looking at her. What the hell has she got herself into? "What is your role, Melodie?" He sits on the stairs, watching her. "To get closer to him, wait and see if he tries to push drugs onto me without me agreeing." He laughs looking at her. "You're the f*****g bait. What happens if he slips it in your drink without you knowing and you get dragged out the back of the building?" She looks at him. Dale wouldn't let that happen. "Dale is listening to everything. He would stop me." "You mean like tonight as you screamed, clinging onto that f*****g pole while a guy was dragging you and trying to rip your underwear off?" She nods. Of course, he couldn't walk in then or it would have blown the whole thing. "You're out, Melodie. You tell them it is over and they need to find a new person. You're going to end up dead." The knock at the door makes him look up, a smile coming to his face. "Don't, Jax. Dale is nice, honestly, please don't hit him." He pushes her out of the way and opens the door. Seeing Ethan, his jaw clenches. “I should beat the living crap out of you." Ethan nods, smiling. "Jax, nothing bad, I swear. Work, that was all. She was working there before I knew who she was. Honestly. I was told she was dragged out. I had no idea who by. I just came to check she was okay." He glances around at Melodie. "I'm fine, Ethan. I will be back at work tomorrow night." Jax turns and looks at her. "Like f*****g hell will you be." Is she crazy? He turns back and looks at Ethan. "She's an adult. Her choice, Jax. See you tomorrow." Jax clenches his jaw, his hands balling into fists as he kicks the door shut with his foot. "I should just f*****g kill him." Melodie laughs, sitting down and looking at him. "When you're finished acting all big and hard, Jax, I am going back tomorrow. I can't leave now. How will that look? I am so close. One or two more nights with him here and we will have him." Jax looks at her like she is crazy. Her body tries to move back away from his gaze. "He will have you." His hand rubs his head as it shakes. "How the hell will you survive in one of those rooms with him? Have you ever done anything like that, baby, or are you walking in there blind?" Standing up, she feels her determination and courage coming back. "I have slept with people before, Jax. Maybe not for information but I ain't a damn baby anymore." He looks at her, laughing. "Sleeping with a guy is one thing, Melodie. Kneeling at his feet for hours while he speaks to other Masters is another thing. How are you going to react if he tries touching you in front of others? Because he will, then what? Will you be so into it you won't care that others are watching?" She looks at him. "Downstairs in Seductive Vibrations is f*****g amazing. Only certain people are allowed in. It's a place where the Masters and Mistresses sit and talk with their pets at their feet, and there is no way you can avoid either seeing someone get touched or yourself being touched. It isn't like upstairs, Melodie, where it is all in private." She looks at him. She knew it would be different, sure, but she didn't realise how different it would be. "I need to get down there, Jax. We know the owners are not involved, but Ethan is somehow using downstairs to his advantage. I need to find out how." He looks at her. She is going to leave this alone. The knock at the door makes him turn, her eyes begging him as he walks towards it and opens the door.
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