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He steps back looking at her. "You realise this is just for getting info, Melodie, nothing else? There are no meanings behind it, and as soon as we have what we need, it ends." She nods, smiling. She accepts that. Hell, she accepts it because deep down, she knows this is the only way she will get him in this way. "Right, well I told you a bit about downstairs, but I can't tell you everything. You're meant to be a submissive so everything you expect would be agreeable by a submissive or brat. It would all be on the lists and contracts between us. I don't want you to submit one hundred per cent, Melodie; that would look wrong. I want you to agree but also fight back, say no and be your usual brat. Push me so Ethan can see I have had enough." Melodie nods. Be herself', that should be pretty easy to do, all things considered. "I also need you to be explicit in saying I only agreed to you being my submissive because your dad made me. That I wouldn't have chosen you had I had any other choice." Melodie looks at him confused. "We need Ethen to think you're nothing more than a thorn in my side. Hell, that is what you have been, nothing but a pain in my arse I can't detach. If he believes it, he will likely offer me a place sitting in that auction either to put you up or find a permanent non-identity slave." Melodie looks at him hurt. "A thorn in the side, Jax? If you hate me that much and I am that bad, just go and leave me to it. We both know the truth. I am more a pain because I make you hard and you won't agree." She turns and storms upstairs, slamming her door closed, her breathing erratic. Why tonight? Why did he have to tease her into wanting him and giving in, only to stop when he found the damn earpiece? Her mind flitters back to that brief moment, the pleasure, the fact she knew she was going to get him, as she slowly removes her costume from the club and climbs into the bed naked. He saw her, watched her dance, and still, he fights her. She hears her door opening. Sitting up, she pulls the blanket around her as Jax walks in and sits on the bed, his body falling backwards. He looks at her. Roxanne messed everything up. Finding out she only married him to please her father hurt. He can't trust Melodie. She glances at his face, seeing his pain. "I'm sorry I always laugh about your marriage and Roxanne. It is cruel. What you choose to do with your marriage is your choice, Jax. I am sorry for hurting you." Jax doesn't answer. He just stays quiet. "I meant it, Jax. I am sorry. I know I can be a brat sometimes." Jax laughs and looks at her. "Just a brat, Melodie? I could have sworn that was a b***h enjoying making me hurt over my wife wanting someone else." Melodie flinches at his words. He is right though. She does it purely to hurt him back. "Brat or b***h, Jax, I am sorry. Weird enough, you are like my brother. Of course, I would love it to be more, but it won't be. You love Roxanne and won't leave her, I get that. I just want to hurt you because every time you refuse, it hurts me." Jax moves and looks at her. "You sometimes remind me so much of my ex, baby. I call you my queen sometimes, and then sometimes, Melodie, you remind me why the hell I left her. She was too wild, too crazed and too free to be tied to one man." Jax lets his head fall back. Sasha was amazing. Hell, if there was one woman he could have loved without thinking about it, it was her. He was warned though. She was not the type to stick to one man, and not the kind to wait at home with a baby while he was on missions. So, he let her go, and Melodie is so like her. Wild, free, and crazy. It wouldn't take long for her eyes to stray while he was on a mission. "Not all crazy, wild women are the same, Jax. Just because she might have f****d every guy while you were gone, doesn't mean I would have." He nods. He knows that but she has already proved she likes to f**k random people. "So, what is the plan, Jax?" She looks at him waiting. "We are us, unless we are around Ethan, at the workplaces and such. You can dance like your life depends on it, Candy, but I will be sitting watching every night. If I can't, you don't go, or I find someone to watch your arse for me." She smiles at him as he winks towards her. "You like Candy a lot, Jax." He nods smiling. "What's not to love, Melodie? She is amazing, beautiful, gracious and fierce." His mind replays the small visions of Melodie dancing as Candy. She was amazing. Stopping that when she had found confidence in it is wrong. "I love you, Jax." He glances at her, his head shaking. And this was why he wanted to say no. "But I get it. We are a couple while around them, then back here we go back to hating each other and fighting, just how we both love it." She laughs as he nods. "You bet your arse, baby. Get some sleep. I will leave just before you in the morning. I have to catch up with a few of the team." He leans forward and kisses her briefly before walking out of the room. Jax walks into the spare room he usually sleeps in, his mind plaguing him. How is he meant to let her be his submissive and then walk away from her? His head shakes. He knows he has to. The alternative is her crying every time he leaves on a mission, him wanting to kill people just to get rid of the jealous feeling, and then getting home and accusing her of sleeping with randoms while he was away.
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